ACC: A Critical Regional Resource Economic Development Summit July 31, 2009 Kirk White, RN, MSN Interim Executive Dean ACC Continuing Education
2 Role and Mission of Texas Community Colleges Provide freshman and sophomore general education courses for students choosing to transfer to a four-year college or university. Provide vocational, technical, and academic courses, including short-term certificate programs, for students wishing to enter the workforce after one or two years. Provide remedial and compensatory education for students who are not college-ready.
3 Facts About Texas Community Colleges 50 community college districts in Texas. 95% of state’s population resides within a community college service area. All Texas community colleges are open admissions institutions. A locally-elected board of trustees governs each community college district. Community colleges provide a gateway to higher education. In fall 2008, 617,507 college credit students were enrolled in two-year Texas colleges.
4 Texas Community Colleges Are Unique Open Door Admissions Philosophy Commitment to Accessibility Commitment to Affordability Commitment to Diversity Assistance to those not yet “College-Ready” Foundation Skills/Access Programs (GED, ESL, Adult Basic Education) Developmental Education
5 ACC Overview: Texas Higher Education Community CollegesUniversities Locally-elected board Governor appoints regents Local tax funding No local revenue Board sets tuition/fees State sets tuition/fees Independent agency State agency Single or multiple colleges University systems Geographical service area set by law Serve all of state; state approves locations Regulated by Texas Higher Ed. Coordinating Board Accreditation: SACS
6 ACC District Service Area Black = In-district Green = Out-of-District
7 ACC Facts Opened in 1973, celebrating 35 years Seven comprehensive college campuses Eighth ACC campus opening fall 2010 in Round Rock Nine regional centers, and two administrative support centers Enrolls over 35,000 credit students each semester Enrolls over 13,000 continuing education students annually College credit transfer students perform as well or better than those who begin at a four-year college or university
8 Student Demographics Fall 2008 – credit students Male15,9486 (43.3%) Female20,312 (56.7%) Average age25.4 Full-time students9,328 (26.1%) Part-time students26,470 (73.9%) Average SCH Hours attempted13 f/t, 6 p/t Average class size22
9 Student Intent Spring 2008 – credit students Earn Credits for Transfer14, % Earn Associate Degree7, % New or better job3, % Personal enrichment 1,4364.7% Earn Certificate (< 2 years)1,4314.6% Did Not Respond2,7729% Total30,798100%
10 Top Ten Transfer Institutions In order of number of transfers: 1. Texas State University 2. UT Austin 3. Texas A&M 4. UT San Antonio 5. University of North Texas 6. University of Houston 7. Angelo State 8. UT Arlington 9. Stephen F. Austin/Sam Houston State
11 ACC Programs at a Glance Academic Transfer University Transfer College Connection Associate Degrees Workforce Training Continuing Education Access Programs Adult Education for Basic Education, GED, and ESL Developmental Education in Reading, Writing, Math, and Study Skills Comprehensive Student Support Services
12 Types of Programs college credit certificates and degrees Associate of Arts (AA) and Associate of Science (AS) Awarded as transfer degrees (2 year) Correspond to first two years of a baccalaureate program at four-year institutions Associate of Arts in Teaching (AAT) First 2 years of baccalaureate program leading to initial Texas teacher certification Associate of Applied Science (AAS) Leads to employment Certificate options available (1 year)
13 Types of Programs continuing education Workforce Certificate Programs Awarded as Continuing Education certificate Can be up to one year in duration Typically lead to entry-level workforce position Workforce Short Term Certification Courses Can be as short as 1 to 2 months Typically lead to industry certification Professional Development Courses Typically single course, or a brief series of courses Provide focused skills development Personal Enrichment Courses
14 Continuing Education at a Glance Community Programs Workforce Development Center Health Professions Institute High Technology Institute Business and Industry Institute Teacher Education Customized Training Business Assessment Center
15 Workforce Education College Credit o Applied Technology, Multimedia & Public Service o Business Studies o Computer Studies & Advanced Technology o Health Sciences Continuing Education o Workforce Development Center Health Professions Institute High Technology Institute Business and Industry Institute o Teacher Education o Customized Training o Business Assessment Center
16 Workforce Education Core Goals Expand access Maintain affordability Respond to the needs of business and industry Expand instructional capacity (Closing the Gaps) Expand faculty & staff Enhance student success
17 Business & Industry Partnerships ACC strives to: Maintain strong relationships with local workforce boards and other area agencies that support student success and employment Include business and industry in program needs assessments and advisory committees Draw faculty/instructors directly from industry Involve business and industry in curriculum development
18 Business & Industry Partnerships ACC strives to: Share space, equipment and resources to develop new programs Partner with professional/business associations, and accreditation and regulatory agencies Respond quickly to emerging industries and technologies Collaborate on grant-funded projects Provide customized training to meet business and industry needs
19 ACC: THE MOST IMPORTANT RESOURCE IN CENTRAL TEXAS ACC is a gateway to higher education and training for the majority of people who enter higher education: Half of all public higher education students are in community colleges Over 70% of all college freshmen are enrolled in community colleges ACC is the largest provider of transfer students to area four-year institutions ACC students do as well or better than those who begin at a four-year institution ACC is the best resource for developing a qualified workforce. ACC is the institution with the greatest potential to enhance social equity and promote economic development. ACC gives people the knowledge and skills to obtain good jobs, earn more income, and increase their quality of life.
ACC: A Critical Regional Resource Kirk White, RN, MSN Interim Executive Dean ACC Continuing Education