Improving Education for English Learners: Research-Based Approaches English Learner and Support Services Professional Learning Series February 17, 2011
Chapter 5 (pp ) Programs and Practices for Effective Sheltered Content Instruction by Jana Echevarría, CSU Long Beach Deborah Short, Center for Applied Linguistics
Based on a presentation by Magdalena Ruz Gonzalez, LACOE and Lizette Diaz, SBCSS
Today’s format Pair discussions – graphic organizer with focus questions Explore sections 1-5 Briefly touch on sections 6-8
What’s on your mind? Timed-Pair-Share One and a half minutes each
Chapter 5 Overview Eight Sections 6 1.Rationale for focus on Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP), pp Rationale and Components of SDAIE in providing ELs access to content subjects, pp Pedagogical Models of Sheltered Content Instruction with a focus on SIOP (Sheltered Instruction Observational Protocol), pp Components and features of the SIOP model, pp
Chapter 5 Overview Eight Sections (cont’d) 7 5. Application of the SIOP model, pp SIOP Research Syntheses, pp Program Models, pp SIOP Professional Development, pp
Section 1 Rationale for focus on SIOP pp. 251 & 252 Partners A & B work together. Why is SIOP the focus of this chapter?
Section 2 Rationale and Components of SDAIE… pp Partners A & B work together again! The authors offer a number of reasons for the difficulty ELs experience in school. Which reason/s have you addressed at your site/district? Which ones are priorities for you in the future?
Section 2 History of Sheltered Instruction p. 256 Figure 5.1 Language-Learning Emphasis s (Historical approaches) Grammar Translation Direct Method (1980s) Audiolingual Method Communicative approach Content-Learning Emphasis SDAIE (1980s-today) A set of techniques (some with individual research bases) for gaining access to content Content and Language Development Emphasis SIOP (2000) A comprehensive model of instruction; incorporates SDAIE strategies; content and language development
Section 2 The California Context p “Unfortunately, the programs that offered bilingual and sheltered instruction for English learners tended to be generally inconsistent in design, quality, and effectiveness.” 1987 – law for bilingual education “sunseted”
Section 2 The California Context p “The term SDAIE exists in the California Education Code as a legal construct, but the practices that are typically incorporated into SDAIE content classes have been based on theoretical models (Diaz-Rico and Weed 2006; Walqui, 2006). …no empirical research has shown that any particular model of SDAIE has a positive effect on student academic achievement.”
Section 2 The California Context p – Proposition 227 passes, instituting structured English immersion (SEI) as the new term for a program type that was intended to give students access to the core curriculum. SEI is not operationally defined. Wide variety of program types
Section 2 The California Context p Primary Language Instruction 1990s: 29% After 1998, <10%
Section 2 Goals of Content-Based ELD and Sheltered Content Instruction p. 259, Figure 5.1 Partner As work together. Partner Bs work together What are the differences between the two types of instruction?
Section 2 Academic Language Proficiency pp …the development of academic English is a complicated endeavor that involves more than simply additional vocabulary development and grammar practice. p. 260
EL in class E merging understanding of English Content knowledge Complete a task Learn how to do the task Interaction of Language-Content-Task p. 261 Figure 5.2
Section 3 Pedagogical Models of Sheltered Content Instruction with a focus on SIOP pp CALLA (Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach) was created in the mid 1980s, (Chamot and O’Malley 1987,1994) – Focused on explicit instruction in metacognitive, cognitive and social/affective strategies – No empirical evidence to determine its effect on student achievement.
Section 3 Pedagogical Models of Sheltered Content Instruction with a focus on SIOP pp SDAIE “…while valuable these (SDAIE techniques & strategies) are not sufficient to ensure success with grade-level content for English Learners.” p. 264
Sections 4 & 5 The SIOP Model pp Review p Table Talk What makes SIOP an effective model of sheltered instruction?
Sections 4 & 5 The SIOP Model pp : SIOP in Action – two lessons: third grade & High School ESL Biology pp : sample lesson plans, elementary, biology
Section 6 Research Syntheses pp All of the highlights listed on these pages have been mentioned in previous chapters.
Section 6 SIOP Model Research pp Student Writing Assessment Study Evaluation Research-Isaac School District in Phoenix, AZ Quasi-Experimental Research-New Jersey Experimental Research-funded by US Dept of Education for the National Center for Research an the Educational Achievement and Teaching of English Language Learners (CREATE)
Section 6 Future Research on Sheltered Instruction pp Placement of ELs in sheltered courses Instructional grouping configuration Empirical research on other models of sheltered instruction Most effective instructional features Instruction for beginning speakers and underschooled students
Section 7 Program Models pp Empirical evidence is not available to support whether EL students should be grouped homogeneously in sheltered courses or mixed with former ELs and EOs.
Section 7 Program implementation should consider: Scheduling for students – Access to and completion of courses necessary to graduate from HS – Flexible pathways into regular curriculum Explicit timeline and set of coursework that leads to graduation Extend students’ time for learning – Extension of the school day, before, after, or summer. Considerations for beginners – Additional time, primary language support, two years to cover a one year course pp
Section 7 Sheltered Instruction Programs pp CASE STUDIES Lela Alston Elementary School, Phoenix, AZ Hoover High School, San Diego, CA Newcomer Programs: The International Academy-LEAP, St. Paul, Minnesota General Education classes: Hill Classical Middle School, Long Beach, CA
Section 8 Professional Development pp Effective SIOP Professional Development includes: PLC Reflection on practices Discussing the implementation Coaching with knowledgeable trainers Modeling of lessons Refining lesson plans based on student assessment Agreed upon strategies implemented school-wide
Conclusion A to Z Review