Key Points Attracting Regional Students. Partnerships with regional Universities. Scholarship to good students Attract Professors from other Universities Good learning environment Develop marketing strategies International office to handle international students Sensitization through Website Three major challenges (Security, accommodation and language barrier) Revenue Generation Problem solving collaboration model with the Industries (PPP model) Grants from Industries/Donor Agencies Postgraduate Training/Tuition fees / Bench fees Conferences/workshops/seminars Short-term training courses
Key Points ACE Project Third Supervision meeting and Workshop, Banjul, the Gambia May 2015 Partnerships ( Regional Students, Revenue generation, Internship/Outreach/exchange programmes) Academic Partnership Build the capacity of academic partners Visiting Professors from partnering institutions Faculty outreach/exchange programmes Faculty/Students exchange to use Labs facilities Joint research and publications in solving developmental problems Industry Partnership Industry Guest Lecturers input to capacity building and training Enroll Staff of partners in M.Sc./Ph.D programmes Industry outreach/Internships Joint research in solving developmental problems Suggestion: Invite VCs/Heads of Institutions to attend the next ACE workshop
Can ACEs SURVIVE without being INNOVATIVE ?
ACE Project Third Supervision meeting and Workshop, Banjul, the Gambia May 2015