ICT for Socioeconomic Development (ICT4SD) IT 625 / MW 5:00 to 6:30 pm Course Coordinators: U. B. Desai and Krithi Ramamritham
Objectives Provide and exposure to the already existing benefits of ICT in rural and small town India Provide and exposure to the already existing benefits of ICT in rural and small town India ICT for social development is indeed an exciting area of research ICT for social development is indeed an exciting area of research A forum for generating ideas in this new and important domain --- we believe that no one has really cracked this domain A forum for generating ideas in this new and important domain --- we believe that no one has really cracked this domain Motivate the younger lot to do R and D in ICT4D Motivate the younger lot to do R and D in ICT4D Acknowledge CTARA --- they have been looking at technology alternatives for rural development for more than 20 years. Acknowledge CTARA --- they have been looking at technology alternatives for rural development for more than 20 years.
Course Structure Open to IT, CSE, EE, SOM and IDC post graduate and dual degree students Open to IT, CSE, EE, SOM and IDC post graduate and dual degree students Two 1.5 hrs lectures per week Two 1.5 hrs lectures per week 7 to 8 weeks lectures by 7 to 8 faculty from IITB 7 to 8 weeks lectures by 7 to 8 faculty from IITB 5 to 6 weeks (10 to 12) invited lectures from people working in the area of ICT for development 5 to 6 weeks (10 to 12) invited lectures from people working in the area of ICT for development 3 weeks (9 to 10 hrs) of student presentation 3 weeks (9 to 10 hrs) of student presentation At least one site visit (possibly Pabal in Maharashtra) At least one site visit (possibly Pabal in Maharashtra) Grading: Grading: Class participation 10% Class participation 10% Weekly Critique, HWs, Term Paper 30 % Weekly Critique, HWs, Term Paper 30 % Presentation 30 % Presentation 30 % Final exam 30 % Final exam 30 %
Faculty Associated with the Course and Tentative sequence of lectures U B Desai– Introdcution to the course and motivation U B Desai– Introdcution to the course and motivation Krithi R. – ongoing projects in KReSIT and elsewhere in IIT on ICT4D Krithi R. – ongoing projects in KReSIT and elsewhere in IIT on ICT4D Anirudha Joshi --- Interactive and contextual design, language interfaces Anirudha Joshi --- Interactive and contextual design, language interfaces Anand Patwardhan – Policy and business models, profits at the bottom of the pyramid Anand Patwardhan – Policy and business models, profits at the bottom of the pyramid Krithi R. --- Data Bases, Content Creation Krithi R. --- Data Bases, Content Creation U. B. Desai --- Access Technologies, rural kiosk, sustainable ICT in rural areas U. B. Desai --- Access Technologies, rural kiosk, sustainable ICT in rural areas Pushpak B. --- Languages technologies Pushpak B. --- Languages technologies Karandikar --- Networking Karandikar --- Networking Dinesh Sharma / Rakesh Lal --- Affordable Devices; Affordable Computing Dinesh Sharma / Rakesh Lal --- Affordable Devices; Affordable Computing A Q Contractor --- Bio-X A Q Contractor --- Bio-X D. B. Phatak: whenever he is available --- Open Source D. B. Phatak: whenever he is available --- Open Source Invite A. W. Date (Mech.) to share experience in rural technology Invite A. W. Date (Mech.) to share experience in rural technology Sivakumar --- Sivakumar --- Each faculty will lecture for at least one week (2 1.5 hr lectures). The sequence will be interspersed with invited lectures.
Tentative list of People to Invite People from ICICI bank (Nachiket) on Microfinance People from ICICI bank (Nachiket) on Microfinance Arun Mehta on Telecom Policy in India Arun Mehta on Telecom Policy in India Ashok Jhunjhunwala Ashok Jhunjhunwala SEWA – Ahemdabad SEWA – Ahemdabad ITC – e-Choupal ITC – e-Choupal M. S. Swaminathan foundation (Pondichery) M. S. Swaminathan foundation (Pondichery) Hindustan Lever on how they have approached the rural market Hindustan Lever on how they have approached the rural market Anil Gupta from IIM-Ahemdabad Anil Gupta from IIM-Ahemdabad Anant Krishnan (TCS – e-literacy) Anant Krishnan (TCS – e-literacy) Anupam Basu Anupam Basu Rekha Jain from IIM-Ahm. (heads the center on telecom policy studies) Rekha Jain from IIM-Ahm. (heads the center on telecom policy studies) Bhoomi project in Karnataka (Maybe Mr. Rajeev Chawala) Bhoomi project in Karnataka (Maybe Mr. Rajeev Chawala) Secretary IT – Mr. K. K. Jaswal Secretary IT – Mr. K. K. Jaswal Group in Hyderabad – Project COW – Computers on Wheel Group in Hyderabad – Project COW – Computers on Wheel Some grass root workers – people who have been working in the field on ICT Some grass root workers – people who have been working in the field on ICT Rajesh Jain (Net-core Tech.) Rajesh Jain (Net-core Tech.) Zero Tech (Hiranandani –Sudershan SOM) Zero Tech (Hiranandani –Sudershan SOM) One Village One Computer (Navi Mumbai) One Village One Computer (Navi Mumbai) Yogesh Kulkarni (Vigyan Ashram) Yogesh Kulkarni (Vigyan Ashram) …