Academics Forum June 15, 2010 American Society of Safety Engineers Assessment of Student Learning Experiences in Two Different Modes of Course Delivery By: Hamid Fonooni, Michael Behm, & David Batts MS, Occupational Safety Program Department of Technology Systems East Carolina University Greenville, North Carolina
East Carolina University Some Demographics ECU is a part of UNC System with approximately 27,000 students and accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) ECU consists of ten (10) Colleges, plus School of Medicine and a brand new School of Dental Medicine ECU is the lead school in online course delivery among all UNC System campuses MS, Occupational Safety (MSOS) program is a graduate program and is housed in the Department of Technology Systems with an average of 35 students (~80% online and 20% on-campus). MSOS has been predominantly an on-line program since early ‘90s. Two full time faculty and three part-time or adjunct faculty
MSOS Program Curriculum and Course Delivery Methods credit hours with two tracks: Thesis Track (39 cr. hrs) and Practicum Track (36 cr. hrs.). Learning objectives for online and on-campus students are identical. Experiential learning through projects is the prevalent teaching technique. The two course delivery methods are through Centra (online conference) and Global Classroom (streaming video) MS, Occupational Safety (MSOS) program needs to reach both online and on-campus students in the most effective way. Two full time faculty and three part-time or adjunct faculty teach the curriculum. Since 2006, the on-line track exclusively is available to working professionals in the SHE profession or closely related fields. MSOS is preparing to seek ABET Accreditation in
Purpose of This Study This presentation will discuss two modes of delivery of courses in the MS Occupational Safety (MSOS) Program. Students are surveyed to assess their learning experiences using two methods of delivery: “Global Classroom”, streaming video; “Centra”, online conference
Global Classroom The Global Classroom is a state-of-the-art teaching and learning center which supports internet-based video conferencing and other collaboration tools for groups up to 100 persons. The Global Classroom is designed to host asynchronous and synchronous online activities. Purpose
Global Classroom Global classroom will capture both the video and voice of the instructor, as well as the computer screen of the computer. The instructor can choose to display both the video of the instructor and the computer screen, or switch among them. Distance education students also need to be aware that they can ask questions during a live streaming class as well as e- mail the instructors with questions after the web cast is archive Students can login to the Mediasite server for the courses they are registered and use Mediasite player to view the archived video. Lectures of the entire semester will be made assessable to students during the semester. Purpose
Centra A web conferencing program which enables a group of people to interact with one another in a virtual online meeting environment. Centra can be accessed "live" anytime from anywhere attendees have access to a computer and an Internet connection. All meetings using Centra are automatically recorded, so those unable to make the live meeting are able to playback the meeting at a later time. Purpose
Centra Screen
Assessment of Student Learning Experiences in Two Different Modes of Course Delivery: “Global Classroom”, streaming video; “Centra”, online conference Purpose of This Study
Methodology An anonymous survey in two parts was conducted. Part A: the over all expectations of students from an on-line delivery course was assessed. Part B: students’ direct experience with each method of delivery was assessed. IRB approval was obtained. The survey was delivered to the MSOS program students, including current students and graduates within past three years. 35 completed responses were received (61%).
For this study, four attributes for an on-line course delivery method were defined as: 1.Technology 2.Environment 3.Communication 4.Quality of Learned/Acquired Knowledge In Part A, students were asked to rank 7 features in each category, based on their importance, personal expectations and preference. In Part B, using the same features in each category, students were asked to rate (1-5) their experience using Centra and Global Classroom. Methodology (Continued)
Incomplete or erroneous responses were excluded. 35 completed response were analyzed (61% Response rate). Results
Results for Part 1
Technology 1 Compatibility (e.g., system compatibility, Mac or any types of MS Windows) 22% 2 Archiving system (e.g., easy access to archived materials, always available, up-to date) 16% 3 Accessibility (e.g., internet connection requirements, low bandwidth) 16% 4 Easy to use technology (e.g., friendly technology, surf around easily and quickly) 13% 5 Suitable for communication (e.g., clear real time two way communication, video capability) 11% 6 Availability (e.g., archived materials, archived lectures, structured scheduling) 11% 7 Participation (e.g., communicate with class live, instant response, interactive dialogue) 10% Environment 1 Ambient (e.g., classroom like with human touch, inviting) 21% 2 Relaxed (e.g., anywhere anytime, can do multi tasking while listening to the lecture) 17% 3 Available video, audio and text chat 16% 4 Audibility (e.g., easy to hear with clear sound) 13% 5 Visual contact (e.g., being able to see class, presentation materials, share Web information) 12% 6 Inviting and conducive for communication/learning (e.g., presentation and exchange of ideas) 11% 7 Feeling as being in class without being in the classroom (e.g., participate instantly, follow the pace easily, communicate effectively) 10%
Communication 1Video contact and interaction (individual pictures) 18% 2Instant interaction and/or time delay 18% 3Streaming video (live) 16% 4Audio and text chat (real time) 15% 5New concepts, theories, and applications can be presented effectively 13% 6Interaction (easy to converse to make your point, easy to text chat) 10% 7Clear (e.g., superb quality of audio and video, effective reception) 9% Quality of Learned/Acquired knowledge 1 Guest speakers 18% 2 Archiving materials and sessions 18% 3 Availability (any time any where) 17% 4 Presentation of materials (e.g., PowerPoint, video clip, whiteboard) 14% 5 Exchanging ideas with class-mates 13% 6 Interaction with teammates 12% 7 Interaction with instructor 8%
Results for Part 2
Easy to use technology (e.g., friendly technology, surf around easily and quickly) Accessibility (e.g., internet connection requirements, low bandwidth) Compatibility (e.g., system compatibility, Mac or any types of MS Windows) Availability (e.g., archived materials, archived lectures, structured scheduling) Archiving system (e.g., easy access to archived materials, always available, up-to date) Participation (e.g., communicate with class live, instant response, interactive dialogue) Suitable for communication (e.g., clear real time two way communication, video capability)
Audibility (e.g., easy to hear with clear sound) Visual contact (e.g., being able to see class, presentation materials, share Web information Feeling as being in class without being in the classroom (e.g., participate instantly, follow the pace easily, communicate effectively) Relaxed (e.g., anywhere anytime, can do multi tasking while listening to the lecture) Inviting and conducive for communication/learning (e.g., presentation and exchange of ideas) Available video, audio and text chat
New concepts, theories, and applications can be presented effectively Clear (e.g., superb quality of audio and video, effective reception) Interaction (easy to converse to make your point, easy to text chat)
Interaction with class Presentation of materials (e.g., PowerPoint, video clip, whiteboard) Exchanging ideas with class-mates Guest speakers
Somewhat Effective Not Effective Very Effective Moderately Effective Average Effective
Conclusion Annual survey of students is an essential part of a continuous improvement process With the fast pace and growth of IT, it is important to stay on the top of the new tools New Student Orientation sessions are helpful to set the tone and assure the system compatibility