Welcome to CSC 341/CSC 630 Introduction to Computer Graphics Instructor Susanna Wei Office: BL 214 Phone: (610) Office hours: Tuesday 2:00 - 4:00 Thursday 2:00 - 4:00 Or, by appointment
About the course Logistics Room: B/L 225 Meeting time: Tuesday, Thursday 4:00 – 5:15pm Course Web page: Use your SJU username/password Announcements will be made through the web page, make sure you check it often. Required Text (Strongly recommended that you buy it) Interactive Computer Graphics: A Top-Down Approach Using OpenGL Edward Angel, Addison Wesley Which edition: 5 th Recommended Text OpenGL: A Primer, Edward Angel Beginners guide to OpenGL
About the course Reference Texts (good source of advanced information) OpenGL Programming Guide: The official Guide to Learning OpenGL (Fourth Edition) aka “The Redbook” Available online at OpenGL Reference Manual aka “The Bluebook” Available online at PLUS Take notes in class!!! Material outside of the book
Course Goals Introduce you to an exciting field in CS Teach you Fundamentals of computer graphics How various elements that underlie computer graphics (algebra, geometry, algorithms, data structures, optics) interact in the design of graphics software systems OpenGL API and GLUT …so that you can design and implement your own graphics applications Gain good insight into how complex computer graphics applications, such as games and movies, are produced. “How did they do that??” And, hopefully have some fun.
What do you need to know ? Programming! We will use C/C++ (OpenGL is not OO) You also need to be comfortable with some math Linear algebra (We will review it) Basic trigonometry (cosines, etc.)
Course Work Programming projects due midnight on the due date, electronic submission. Zip everything into a single directory. (Detailed instructions will be provided.) late penalty 10% up to 24 hours late, 20% for every additional day I will ask for a demo if need be.
Programming C/C++ and OpenGL OpenGL: most widely used graphics library standard. GL (basic OpenGL) GLU (OpenGL Utilities): higher level operations, such as drawing curved surfaces We also need GLUT (OpenGL Utility Toolkit) (for C/C++ only) To handle windows and user interaction Microsoft Visual C++ installed in BL 225 and the labs Check the course web page for instructions of setting up OpenGL on your own PC’s And other links related to OpenGL Your programs must compile on department lab machines. But you are free to develop on any platform if you prefer to do so.
Exams Two exams midterm comprehensive final Tentative weights Homeworks and projects: 35 % Midterm: 30 % Final : 35 %
Academic Honesty Okay to “discuss” general solution strategies BUT, you should work independently when it comes to Formulating/writing/programming solutions You cannot share code or any written material ALSO, you have to acknowledge any assistance you have received (book, internet, person)
About you Name Programming language: C/C++/Java/other? Windows/Unix/Linux/Mac? Programming experience 2, >2, >5? Calc III (undergrads)? Any course in Linear algebra (grads)? What do you expect from this course?
What is Computer Graphics? Computer graphics: concerned with all aspects of generating images and animations using a computer. Hardware and software systems Main tasks: modeling: creating and representing the geometry of objects in the 3D world rendering: generating 2D images of the 3D scenes animation: describing how objects change in time
Computer Graphics Producing photorealistic images is a complex task A field that is in great demand Grown enormously over the past 20 years. Dates back to 1960’s with Ivan Sutherland Development of very simple software to produce line drawings of 2- and 3-dimensional scenes Today, possible to produce images that are indistinguishable from photographs
Rendering Realism
Graphics Applications Used in diverse areas Science Engineering Medicine Industry Art Entertainment Advertising Education and Training Four major groups
Graphics Applications 1.Display of Information a medium to convey information gain insight into data Maps Statistical plots Data analysis in medicine: 3D visualization of CT (computed tomography)/ MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) data Scientific visualization Conversion of data to geometric entities Gives researchers means to interpret vast amounts of data (fluid flow, molecular biology, math)
Graphics Applications 2.Computer Aided Design (CAD) Engineering, architecture Mechanical parts (e.g. car industry), buildings Iterative process
Graphics Applications 3. Simulation and Animation Flight simulators ( virtual worlds for training pilots) Games and educational software Movies Virtual Reality Person can act as a part of a computer generated scene using special devices e.g. training a surgical intern
Graphics Applications Movies
Graphics Applications Games
Graphics Applications 4.User interfaces They are everywhere! Windows, icons, menus Graphical network browsers (IE, Netscape, Firefox)
For next class Read Chapter 1 of Angel.