Welcome to the Champ Software Topical Webinar Series! Training New Staff Please remember to place your phone on mute and do NOT place your phone on hold.
Agenda: eLeaP Homework Assignments Pre-Recorded Sessions Training Database Pathways Topical Webinars / Knowledgebase Chart Audits Policy Procedure/Documentation Manual Refreshing “Seasoned” Staff Training New Staff
New Staff Like most agencies you have likely experienced staff turn over since you were trained and went live with Nightingale Notes. What do we do now?
Training New Staff eLeaP: You can purchase 90 day blocks of time for one user account for $99 Pre-recorded Sessions We have recorded webinar sessions to cover public health, home health and billing topics.
Training New Staff Homework Assignments: Homework assignments that were housed in eLeaP are great tools to train new staff with. Assignment #1: Adding a Client Assignment #2: Adding a Service Assignments that walks you through using the Omaha System (adding a Problem, Intervention and Problem Rating Scales for Outcomes) Assignment that walks you through adding an initial visit and a subsequent visit.
Training New Staff Training Database: Have your new staff practice their assignments in your training database. If it has been more than 6 months since you used your training database, Champ Software is now deleting those databases. If you would like a new database, please and they will create a new training database by copying the set up in your current production database. Pathways: Pathways are great tools to train new staff on standards of care for your specific populations. Print out a To Go Form to familiarize yourself with what your agency protocols are.
Training New Staff Topical Webinars / Knowledgebase: Previously recorded Topical Webinars are housed in our Knowledgebase. Let’s take a look. Chart Audits: Run reports on missing required information on new staff as they start to document in Nightingale Notes. Provide written feedback on information missed.
Training New Staff Policy & Procedure / Documentation Manual: Not only do regular staff turn over so do Directors, Managers and Supervisors. If you left tomorrow, do you have another Super-User or do you have a manual for your EHR that can carry on use of the software? When you have an auditor come in where do you have a document that directs the auditor to the information they need? How do you start a manual? Create Cheat Sheets that walk you through the steps of a given process.
Refreshing “Seasoned” Staff Use of the Omaha System: Continue to complete case studies where you walk through use of the Omaha System and discuss your answers. Refresher Training with Karen Martin Periodic review of Pathways and Set Up Values Attend Topical Webinars Attend User Group Meetings and suggest topics to cover Attend Release Meetings and review Release Notes.
Discussion / Questions / Comments?
Thank You for Participating & Attending Today! Stay tuned for our next webinar! Tuesday, October 28 from 10-12CT Topic: Home Health Aide and Aide Supervision If you have any suggestions for other Topical Webinar subjects please feel free to me at: