Stakeholder Engagement: View from SLAP- University of Gloucestershire.


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Presentation transcript:

Stakeholder Engagement: View from SLAP- University of Gloucestershire

The SLAP Project: Simplifying Learner Administration Processes The aim of the SLAP project is to improve enquiry, application and (re-)enrolment processes to the benefit of customer service and University efficiency. The deliverables include the mapping, review and redesign the key business processes associated with: Student enquiries (from the point of receipt) Application This includes implementation of re-designed online processes.

Stakeholder Engagement Introduction: Getting stakeholder consultation and engagement right is crucial for the success of the SLAP project It can help to ease the path of what is a challenging project Failure to recognise and engage stakeholders can scupper the chances of effecting any change Crucial to ensure that it is done effectively and that relevant expertise is applied Simple stakeholder analysis was carried out at the bid stage to identify and elicit support for project objectives.

Stakeholder Engagement Stakeholder Analysis: Identify stakeholders Prioritise stakeholders Understanding stakeholders - how they will feel about and react to the SLAP Project Develop communication plan for stakeholders

Stakeholder Engagement SLAP Approach to Stakeholder Analysis: Lots of people can be affected by the SLAP Project To ensure a positive contribution seek to:  Understand who they are  What influence/source of power they bring to bear  What they have at stake  Establish a process to actively manage stakeholders through communication Our analysis is based on:  Impact, orientation, need and/or power

Stakeholder Engagement Stakeholder Analysis – why it’s important: Expectations can be assessed and influenced. This knowledge can be used to determine the amount of leverage available to change expectations without compromising the project aim or setting a stakeholder on the warpath Requirements have to stay in line with what people are expecting. If stakeholders find out the requirements don’t fit their expectations, SLAP will have a major problem Knowledge about the stakeholders and their expectations and interests helps shape the project organisation: building the Project Stakeholder Team Forms part of the risk analysis strategy to identify where the potential problems may lie

Stakeholder Matrix: Power & Interest Low:Power Low / Interest High: Enquirers: students/parents/schools Student Records Student Helpzones Student cohort admin teams Admissions Tutors Power High / Interest Low: Faculty Deans Power & Interest High: University Executive Student Recruitment Academic Registry Finance & Planning Marketing ICT JISC

Stakeholder Communication: Power & Interest Low: Inform Project Website Staff News Power Low / Interest High: Consult Project Stakeholder Team Project Updates Project Reports Consultation events Demonstrate Quick-wins Power High / Interest Low: Involve Team / one-to-one meetings Project Stakeholder Team Project Updates Project Reports Demonstrate change Power & Interest High: Partner Management / one-to-one meetings Project Stakeholder Team Project Updates Project Reports Project Board

Stakeholder Engagement Sell the Benefits: Reduction in duplication of effort, especially regarding data entry Reduction in response times to enquiry and application A system of enquiry and application processes that make it possible to track conversion rates eg: enquiry to qualification Streamline enquiry and application processes so that they are not unnecessarily bureaucratic Reduction in the number of local databases containing data duplicated elsewhere Increased ability to access and input the right data at the right time. Release staff time for more productive activities: following up enquiries with marketing activities

Stakeholder Engagement Manage Stakeholder Expectations: Complex project with many stakeholders Communicate clearly to stakeholders:  Project scope - what is included and what is not  Specific project objectives and their benefits  Project timescales Managing stakeholders and expectations through the project lifecycle. New stakeholders as the SLAP project progresses

Stakeholder Engagement Relationship building: Stakeholder management plan:

Stakeholder Engagement Relationship building: Be proactive and communicate:  Seek out and manage individual key stakeholders  Seek out and manage individuals who may be critics or blockers  Don’t let personalities get in the way  Don’t ignore key players  Don’t underestimate the time involved in building relationships  Market the Project Team – get faces and names known

Stakeholder Engagement Positive Communication: Demonstrate: Progress Change Benefits …counters institutional cynicism Regular feedback from stakeholders

Stakeholder Engagement Questions: ?