Welcome to Train the Trainer Live Online! Module 1: Kick Off & Orientation Perform an audio check Press Talk or Hold CTRL Check Options > Filters> click Audio Gain Control Off Check your headset Click the raised hand button so we know you’re ready! 1st 2nd When we call your name follow the instructions below: Click the check button when audio has been tested 3rd
Train the Trainer Live Online Outline Facilitator, Producer, Participant Introductions WIIFFY: What’s in it for you LHTLO Review TTTLO According to You Uses for Web Conference Software 10:50AM-11:00AM
Scenario Energizer Making It All Happen Roles Slides and content Booking a Wimba room Archiving events Hangman Energizer Wrap Up and Lead into Module 2 Train the Trainer Live Online Outline
Let Us Introduce Ourselves Julie Zamostny (Wimba username here) Western Maryland Regional Library Nini Beegan (Wimba username here) Division of Development & Library Services
Introduce Yourselves Click on the “raised hand” icon to introduce yourself to the group when we call your name
Learning Objectives (aka WIIFY) Describe 3 different uses for web conferencing software Describe the process of creating online training events Summarize the overall course goals and expectations What we don’t want:What we do want:
Remember when…LHTLO Collaborative software to learn & meet online Uses voice-over IP (internet audio) Similar software: WebEx NetMeeting Adobe Breeze Remembering Horizon Wimba
Remember when…LHTLO Fill in the blanks: Wimba Polling Tools
Remember when…LHTLO Fill in the blanks: Wimba Whiteboard Tools & &
Remember when…LHTLO Fill in the blanks: Wimba Chat Tools
TTTLO According to You Use the arrow to claim your box, then use the text tool to type you hope to learn from TTTLO
What’s the Use? Web Conferencing Software Maybe do an intro and overview here
What’s the Use? Webinars Maybe focus on webinars here
What’s the Use? eLearning Maybe focus on eLearning here
What’s the Use? Online Meetings Maybe focus on online meetings here
Take 5! … or 10. Let’s take a break. Please 11AM reading to proceed with part two!
Sink or Swim How much has sunk in regarding uses for web conference software? Let’s find out! and 1.We are going to pair you up 2.Topic assignments: webinar, elearning, or online meeting (you’ll receive this assignment privately in chat from Nini or Julie) 3.Use the private chat feature to work with your partner to craft a 1 sentence scenario that describes your assigned topic. 4.Give us a green checkmark to let us know you’re done. The next part is to have your colleagues guess which web conferencing use you were assigned. This will be on the next screen.
Sink or Swim Time to show, guess, and tell! and
Make It Happen Maybe an intro and overview of the steps required to set up web conferencing
Make It Happen: Defining Roles Maybe more info about the roles here What we don’t want:What we do want: Facilitators Producers
Make It Happen: Content Maybe info about creating the content and slides here
Make It Happen: Reserving Rooms Maybe info about how to reserve Wimba training and meeting rooms here 4 Wimba Meeting Rooms 4 Wimba Training Rooms Central, ESRL, SMRLA, & WMRL Can be used by anyone Availability is advertised on MERLIN Reserve by contacting room admins Central: Kate Tavakolian ESRL: Sam Eddington SMRLA: Jennifer Falkowski WMRL: Julie Zamostny
Make It Happen: Archiving Events Maybe info about why you should archive and how to archive here
Make It Happen: Hangman Clue: Used letters:
Best Practices Remind participants to complete Wimba set-up wizard Send out reminders the week before & day before meeting Have conference call phone number available Always fill out request form Have a producer, if possible Start off with an audio check! Start and end your meeting on time Hold meetings for one - two hours at most Meetings longer than one hour must include a break
Reality Check Use the pointer tool to claim your space; use the text tool to share your ideas AdvantagesDisadvantages
Mirror, Mirror: Let’s Reflect In chat, list 1 thing you learned, 1 A-Ha moment, & 1 question you still have
Wrap Up & Next Steps