Regina Howard, MBA IT133 - Software Applications
IT133 – AUDIO Seminar Requirements You must have audio capability on your computer including a soundcard and speakers (external or internal) or headphones. You must be able to hear audio coming from your computer. If you do not have a soundcard or speakers/headphones on your computer, you will not be able to hear the audio in the seminar. IT133 - Software Applications
Class Introduction Review Syllabus Tour Classroom Questions Agenda IT133 - Software Applications
Introduction: IT133 Software Applications OK … so what are we going to do in IT133 Computer Software applications? Why is this course important?... or what if I have never used Microsoft Office before? Don’t panic … it’s fun! We’re going to learn how to use Microsoft Office 2007 software applications such as Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. We will create documents using various functions of word processing software, computer generated, on-screen PowerPoint presentations, and spreadsheets & graphs using basic spreadsheet functions. The course is designed for seasoned users of Microsoft Office and for those who have never used the program. So let the learning begin! IT133 - Software Applications
Welcome to Software Applications IT133 - Software Applications
ICE BREAKER Type: Your Full Name & Where you live IT133 - Software Applications
Contact Information Address: AIM ID: Rhowar1987 AIM office hours: Tues & Thurs 8:00 - 9:00pm (EST) IT133 - Software Applications
All Unit Assignments will be due by midnight on Tuesdays Final Projects will be due by midnight Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Late Policy If you have extenuating circumstances that prevent you from completing projects, quizzes, seminars or participating in the class, please contact instructor to make alternative arrangements. Without Extenuating Circumstances: Up to one week (1-7 calendar days) late 20% deduction in points After one week (8-14 calendar days) late 30% deduction in points No work will be accepted more than two (2) weeks after the due date. Computer-related issues and internet connectivity issues are not considered extenuating circumstances. Note: In order for you to make up a quiz, exam or discussion thread, you must contact your instructor by at least one day prior to the day you want to make up the work so that access can be provided. Additionally, you must notify your instructor by when you have submitted late work. IT133 - Software Applications
KHE Seminar Be prepared Ask questions ( // ) Seminar/FLA –Missed the seminar Participation Requirements – ( See Syllabus) IT133 - Software Applications
Post responses to discussion questions Share your experiences Read and respond to classmates replies Post Questions ? ? ? Posting Requirements - (See Syllabus & Online Communication Guidelines) Note: (Please do not post to Discussion Board after Unit ends). Discussion Board
Discussion Board (continue) In order to capitalize on this online educational environment advantage, the School of Information Systems and Technology has some expectations related to student posts on the Discussion Board: A minimum of three posts per unit. Your initial post will be your answer to the Discussion Board question. The remaining two posts will be comments engaged with your classmates in meaningful discussion. Posting on a minimum of three different days, for example: Wednesday, Friday, and Monday. Posting Requirements - (See Syllabus & Online Communication Guidelines). Reminder: Please do not post to Discussion Board after Unit ends.
If you find that you need help with a specific concept presented in your IT133 class and would like some live help, you can visit the Live Help Desk for that help. This is a service offered by Kaplan Universities Association for Computing Machinery Chapter (KUACM) which is a group of students that are in their last year of study who are here to help when you need it. KUACM Help Desk: Time: * Mon, Wed & Fri 6PM - 10PM ET *Thurs. 6PM - 8PM ET * Sunday 6PM - 10PM KUACM Live Help Desk
Assignment Walk-Through
MyITLab What is MyITLab? A realistic, open simulation of Microsoft Office 2007 that allows you to explore the Office applications without being penalized. Exam and training questions that match your textbook, so you can review the skills learned in class online, on your own time. (Note: Training grades will not affect your course grade) Training that adapts to your skill level so you won’t waste time re-learning skills you already know.
Communication is the KEY to your success in the course! IT133 - Software Applications
Unit 1 Project (cont…)
A few things to help you get started: Unit 1 Discussion Board: Go to Unit 1 discussion board activity and click on respond to introduce yourself to the class. Unit 1 Readings: Complete Unit 1 reading on Getting started with Windows Vista. Unit 1 Project: Due by midnight December 14, Self Check Quiz: Take the Self-Assessment Quiz to verify that you have the pre-requisites necessary to successfully complete this course. MyITLab: Create login
Questions ? ?