PRESENTATION BEFORE PARLIAMENTARY STANDING COMMITTEE DEMANDS FOR GRANTS ( ) Ministry of Human Resource Development Department of Higher Education
22 The Department is grateful to the Parliamentary Standing Committee for this opportunity of making a presentation on the Demands for Grants of the Department for the year
33 In the words of our Hon’ble Prime Minister: ‘For too long, we have viewed the size of our population as an economic and social liability. However, an educated skilled, healthy empowered people are an asset. The challenge before us is to ensure that each and every citizen of India is an asset’ 3
55 Mission To provide access to relevant and good quality higher education in an equitable manner. Objective To increase GER in Higher Education by 5 percentage points by the end of the XI Five Year Plan along with removal of regional, social and gender disparities 5
77 GROSS ENROLMENT RATIO (GER) FOR YEARS AGE GROUP AND GENDER PARITY INDEX (GPI) FOR HIGHER EDUCATION (Provisional) S.No.CategoryGER for YearsGPI for Higher Education MaleFemaleTotal 1.Over-all13.6% 9.4%11.6% SC9.4%6.1%7.8%0.63 3ST8.0%4.5%6.2%0.55 Source: Selected Educational Statistics (The above figures do not take into account the enrolment in distance education system)
88 NUMBER OF UNIVERSITY LEVEL INSTITUTIONS AND COLLEGES At the end of X Plan As on Date Central Universities 1925 State Universities Deemed to be Universities Private Universities11 23 Institutions of National Importance (including NITs) Institutions Established under State Legislations 5 5 Total University Level Institutions Colleges18,
99 NUMBER OF AICTE APPROVED TECHNICAL INSTITUTIONS WITH INTAKE CAPACITY (as on ) PROGRAMMEDegreeDiploma No.IntakeNo.Intake Engineering16686,53, ,54,466 Pharmacy85452, ,591 Hotel Management815,272924,890 Architecture1164, App. Arts & Crafts965081,010 Management11491,21,867-- MCA101770,513-- Total48499,08, ,95,077 GRAND TOTAL (Degree+Diploma) No.6996 Intake13,03,546 9 Source: AICTE
11 To ensure that nobody is denied professional education because he or she is poor. To ensure reservations for OBCs in admission to Central Educational Institutions without adversely affecting the number of general category seats subject to clearance by the Hon’ble Supreme Court. To ensure that minorities are not left out. Efforts to increase women’s participation in Education. Rapid Expansion with Inclusiveness along with removal of regional, social and gender disparities in Education with a view to have fully educated, modern and progressive nation
12 CENTRAL HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTES AT THE END OF X PLAN AND PROPOSED IN XI PLAN S.No.Kind of Institution Numbers Existing at the end of the X Plan Additionally proposed to be established during XI Plan Central Universities IITs NITs IIITs IISERs IIMs SPAs (16 in uncovered states & 14 aiming at world- class Standards)
13 GENERAL HIGHER & TECHNICAL EDUCATION Central Assistance to the States for establishment of 370 New Colleges in districts with GER less than National Average. A new scheme for incentivising State Governments for Expansion, Inclusion and Excellence. Central Assistance for strengthening of 6000 colleges and 150 Universities, hitherto not receiving UGC grant. Establishment of 50 centres for training and research in frontier areas Bio-Technology, Bio-Informatics, Nano-Tecnologies, Nano- Materials, High Performance Computing
14 POLYTECHNICS Central assistance for establishment of 1000 Polytechnics 300 in Government Sector 300 in PPP mode 400 in Private Sector Assistance for setting up of Polytechnics in Government Sector is proposed to be extended for such districts not having one at present. Central assistance for strengthening of existing Government Polytechnics and for providing of women’s hostels in polytechnics.
15 NATIONAL EDUCATION MISSION THROUGH ICT Network each Department of about 400 university level institutions & colleges through broadband connectivity and make available suitable e-learning material. 15
16 LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT Setting up of a National Translation Mission. Central Institute of Classical Tamil. 16
17 INCLUSIVE EDUCATION – Interventions proposed Increased UGC support to institutions located in border, hilly, remote, small towns & educationally backward areas. Increased support to institutions with large percentage of students population of SCs, STs, OBCs, Girls and Minorities – through Diversity Index. Provision of assistance for creation of hostel facilities as well as remedial coaching to SCs, STs and Minorities, coaching for admission to professional courses and for preparation for NET/SLET examination and for competitive examinations for Central Services. 17
18 MINORITY EDUCATION 88 minority concentration districts will be covered under scheme for providing central assistance for opening 370 new degree colleges in districts with GER less than National Average. With the new Polytechnics proposed to be opened with central assistance, all the minority concentration districts will have a polytechnic. UGC/AICTE have advised all the institutions under their control, to include a member in the recruitment /selection committees. Increased funding for higher diversity index institutions would ensure increased grants for institutions having higher % age of minorities. 18
19 MINORITY EDUCATION( CONTD.) NCMEI Act was modified to give powers to the Commission to adjudicate issues relating to non- grant of Minority Status to any educational institutes. Scheme of appointment of language teachers including Urdu teachers is being continued through Department of School Education and Literacy Special Academies started in MAANU, AMU, Jamia Milia for the training of Urdu medium teachers of modern subjects. Aligarh Muslim University, Maulana Azad National Urdu University will be given suitable assistance for their expansion. 19
20 WOMEN’S PARTICIPATION IN EDUCATION A. UGC: Development of Women Study centers in Universities/ Colleges. Basic Facilities for Women in Universities. Scholarships for Women in Professional Programmes. Post Doctoral Fellowship to Women Candidates. Scheme for Construction of Women's Hostel. Part-time Research Associateship for Women. Indira Gandhi scholarships for single girl child for pursuing higher and technical education
21 WOMEN’S PARTICIPATION IN EDUCATION (Contd.) B. AICTE has relaxed the conditions for establishment of technical institutions exclusively for women: Land requirements relaxed by 50% in rural category, 20% in Metro & State Capital and 10% in Mega cities. 20% relaxation in joint FDR amount requirement and processing fee. For the new institutions 5 courses have been allowed with total intake of 300, with each course intake not exceeding 90. Single window system for processing above proposals.
22 REFORMS IN EDUCATION Review of role and functions of apex institutions. Reforms in teaching methods and improving quality of teachers. Centralised entrance tests, shifting to semester system and continuous internal assessment. Introduction of credit system to allow for flexibility – both spatial and temporal. 22
23 REFORMS IN EDUCATION ( CONTD.) Introduction of mandatory accreditation for (a) institutions seeking public financial assistance. (b) seeking deemed University status Teaching profession to be made attractive to attract best talent. Review of policies to encourage Public – Private (not for profit) - Partnership (PPP). 23
24 BOUQUET OF MEASURES FOR FACULTY DEVELOPMENT Academic staff colleges are being revamped. Summer schools to train about 20,000 teachers. INDEST/INFLIBINET schemes for supply of copyrighted e-Journals and other important research material to Universities/colleges. NPTEL e-courses as developed by IITs /IISc, being made available to all colleges. Superannuation age of teachers raised from 62 years to 65 years.
25 BOUQUET OF MEASURES FOR FACULTY DEVELOPMENT ( CONTD.) Rates of Junior and Senior Research Fellowships increased by about 50 %. Contract appointments allowed for Faculty. Adjunct/Guest Faculty being employed to meet the shortfall in faculty. Consultancy charges allowed to be shared by faculty. Ramanujan Fellowship to attract distinguished Indian faculty working in foreign Universities.
26 BOUQUET OF MEASURES FOR FACULTY DEVELOPMENT ( CONT.) Bose Fellowship to encourage distinguished faculty serving in India having strong Research background Grants being given for presentation of Research Papers in international forums/conferences. Research grants of Universities to be increased to encourage research. Strengthening of science based education and research in Universities. (M.M.Sharma Committee recommendations)
27 BOUQUET OF MEASURES FOR FACULTY DEVELOPMENT ( CONT.) For taking care of immediate shortage of faculty, PhDs and M. Phils are being allowed to teach at Post Graduate and Under Graduate levels respectively without NET qualifications. Pay Revision Committee of UGC constituted to go into faculty salary structure and give its recommendations. National Mission in Education through ICT to provide Broad Band connectivity which will further facilitate access to Knowledge and Information.
29 MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS Four New Central Universities have been created Rajiv Gandhi University, Arunachal Pradesh and Tripura University have been converted into Central Universities from State Universities. Sikkim University has been established under an Act of Parliament. All States in the North East now have atleast one Central University Central Institute of English and Foreign Languages has been converted into a Central University named English & Foreign Languages University.
30 MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS (Cont.) Indira Gandhi National Tribal University Bill has been passed in the Parliament, with provision for Regional Centers. The National Institutes of Technology (NITs) have been brought under a common statutory framework by enacting the National Institutes of Technology Act, which came into force on The seventh IIM, named Rajiv Gandhi Indian Institute of Management, has been established at Shillong. First Batch is proposed to be admitted in The Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design & Manufacturing, Kanchipuram became functional. Admitted students in 2007
31 MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS (Cont.) IISER Mohali has been setup. - Admitted students in 2007 A committee has been set up under the chairmanship of Prof. Yash Pal, former UGC Chairman, to review the role and functions of UGC and AICTE. A committee has been set up under the chairmanship of Sh. R.C.Bhargava, former MD, Maruti Udyog to review the functioning of IIMs. National Board of Accreditation became a provisional member of “Washington Accord” in June, 2007.
32 MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS (contd.) Establishment of Central Institute of Classical Tamil has been approved. The Institute will conduct research in Classical Tamil and work for it development. Rashtriya SanskritParishad has been constituted. Parishad is expected to function as an effective institutional mechanism for the presentation, promotion and development of the rich heritage of Sanskrit, Pali and Prakrit languages.
33 MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS (Contd.) Assistance provided to the highest number (about 6000) of Madarasas for modernisation. –Scheme has now been transferred to Department of School Education & Literacy. UGC has issued detailed guidelines to the Universities to initiate several systemic reforms A committee has been constituted by UGC to workout an action plan to give effect to academic reforms, covering Admission Policy Examination Reforms (internal assessment, introduction of credit based courses, semester systems, credit transfer system etc. Updating and revision of curriculum A separate committee has been constituted by UGC to prepare a curriculum framework.
34 MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS (cont.) UGC has taken suitable measures to fill up Faculty Positions ; All the State Universities have been requested to fill up the vacancies of teachers in Universities/Colleges on a regular basis. The retirement age of teachers in Centrally funded institutions in higher and technical education under the preview of the Ministry of Human Resource Development has been raised from 62 years to 65 years. Relaxation was given from NET qualification for recruiting PhDs and MPhils for teaching at PG and UG levels respectively. Recommendations of Task Force on Basic Science and Research (Prof. M.M. Sharma Task Force) are being implemented through UGC. An infrastructure grant of Rs.5.00 lakhs to each of the 700 Science Department of 97 colleges with Potential for Excellence is being released.
36 MAJOR PROPOSALS Central Universities, one in each uncovered States. 14 new Central Universities aiming at World-Class Standards are also proposed to be set up. Setting up of Indira Gandhi National Tribal University in Amarkantak (M.P.) with provision for having Regional Centres. Assistance to states for establishing degree colleges in 370 districts with GER lower than national average. Strengthening of 6000 colleges and 150 Universities not receiving UGC grant at present
37 MAJOR PROPOSALS (cont.) 3 IITs in Bihar, Andhra Pradesh & Rajasthan. 4 th IIT in Himachal Pradesh also announced. 2 Indian Institutes of Science Education & Research (IISER), one each in Bhopal & Tiruvananthpuram. 2 New Schools of Planning & Architecture (SPA) at Bhopal & Vijaywada. Establishments of centres for training and research in frontier areas.
38 MAJOR PROPOSALS (contd.) Upgradation of existing/ setting up of new Polytechnics Women’s Hostel in Polytechnics. Setting up of New National Institutes of Technology Setting up of New Indian Institutes of Management Setting up of new Indian Institutes of Information Technology mostly under PPP mode.
39 MAJOR PROPOSALS (cont.) Special grant of Rs. 100 crore each to University of Delhi and University of Mysore as institutions of excellence pursuant to the FM’s Budget announcements and a Special grant of Rs. 5 crore to Deccan College, Pune. All institutions of higher learning ( About 400 University level institutions & about degree colleges) to be interconnected through broadband connectivity. 2 nd phase of National Programme for Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) to be taken up to create suitable e content for Post Graduate and other courses. Setting up of National Translation Mission
40 MAJOR PROPOSALS (cont.) Launching of the scheme of Education Loan Interest subsidy “Operation Faculty Recharge” is being launched – 1000 faculty positions are proposed to be created at national level. Under a new scheme of “D.S. Kothari Post Doctoral Fellowship, 500 fellowships proposed annually. Increase industry – institution interface.
BE RE Actual Exp. ( As on ) % Exp. w.r.t. RE BE % increase over last year’s BE Plan * % % Non Plan #84.5% % Total % % Rs in Crore *RE is low w. r. t. BE since the amount for implementation of OSC recommendations could not be spent due to the stay by Hon’ble Supreme court. # Supplementary grant of Rs. 400 cr. for committed expenditure is awaited and will be spent on the committed expenditure. APPROVED BUDGET FOR AND PERCENTAGE INCREASE OVER
43 Out of the Rs cr for , an amount of Rs crore is earmarked for increasing the intake capacity in central educational institutions as per recommendations of OSC, for implementing reservations for OBCs subject to the clearance of Hon’ble Supreme Court. Rs crore constitutes roughly 33% of the Total Plan Allocation for and includes –Rs. 875 crore for Higher Education Institutions under UGC, –Rs crore for Technical Education Institutions PROVISION FOR OSC RECOMMENDATIONS IN ALLOCATIONS
44 XI PLAN ALLOCATIONS Total Allocation for Department of HE for XI Plan is Rs. 84,943 crore. Allocation during the first 2 years of XI Plan constitutes 12% of the total XI Plan allocation. Expansion programmes are expected to be taken up in big way in the remaining years of XI Plan
45 (Rs. in Crore) University and Higher Education3484 Technical Education3205 Distance Learning Scholarship and ICT672 Language Development205 Others (including Book Promotion, Copyright and Planning etc. 34 TOTAL7600 SUB SECTORWISE BREAK- UP OF PLAN ALLOCATION ( )
47 UNIVERSITY EDUCATION S.No. Programmes / Schemes Outlays ( ) (Rs. in Crore) 1.University Grants Commission (i)Central Univ including OSC (Rs.875 cr) (ii)Others (State Universities, Deemed Universities, 6 IUCs under UGC etc.) Research and other institutes Educational Loan Interest subsidy2.00 Total3484
48 S. No. Name of the Scheme Outlay ( ) ( crore) 1.IITs (including Rs. 771 cr for OSC National Institutes of Technology (including Rs. 608 cr for OSC) Indian Institutes of Information Technology (including Rs. 45 cr. for OSC) 98 4.NITTTRs (including Rs 10 cr. for OSC)30 5.NIFFT Ranchi (including Rs.6 cr. for OSC)13 6.NITIE Mumbai (including Rs. 12 cr. for OSC)37 7.Community Polytechnics and Polytechnic education for disabled 23.5 TECHNICAL EDUCATION (ON GOING SCHEMES)
49 TECHNICAL EDUCATION (ON GOING SCHEMES) (Continued) S. N. Name of the Scheme Outlay ( ) ( crore) 8.Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad (including Rs. 45 cr. for OSC) 85 9.North Eastern Regional Institutes of Science & Technology 7 10.Management Institutes IIMs (including Rs. 53 cr for OSC) Indian Institute Science, Bangalore (including 70 cr. for OSC) Indian Institutes of Science Education & Research (IISERs) 150
50 TECHNICAL EDUCATION (ON GOING SCHEMES) (Continued) S. No Name of the Scheme Outlay ( ) ( crore) 13 School for Planning and Architecture (including Rs. 10 Cr. for OSC) TEQIP (World Bank Project) AICTE (including provision for new initiatives like Support to Engineering Colleges for Diploma Courses, Increase in Fellowship amounts for M.Tech students etc.) Others (Programme for Quality Improvement in Technical Education, CIT, Kokrajhar; BOATs, International Technical cooperation; Sant Longowal IET etc. ( incl. Rs. 17 cr. for OSC) 96.5 Total ( On-going Schemes) 2974
51 S. No. Name of the Scheme Outlay ( ) ( crore) 1.New IITs50 2.New NITs (Token Provision)1 3.New IIITs30 4.New IIMs New SPAs15 6.Central assistance for new Polytechnics and Strengthening of existing Polytechnics Central assistance for setting up Women’s Hostels in Polytechnics 5 8.Training and Research in Frontier Areas10 Total (New Schemes)231 TECHNICAL EDUCATION (NEW INITIATIVES)
52 S. No. Name of the Scheme Outlay ( ) ( crore) 1. Grant-in-aid to the Sanskrit Institutions Central Institute of Indian languages National Council for Promotion of Urdu Language Kendriya Hindi Sansthan 5 5. Central Institute of Classical Tamil Area Intensive & Madarassa Modernisation (Now being dealt by D/o SE&L) Others (Appointment of Language Teachers, NCP of Sindhi lang, Education for Human Values, CHD, CSTT) 34 Total 205 LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT
53 S. No. Name of the Scheme Outlay ( ) ( crore) 1.IGNOU & State Open Universities120 2.National Mission in Education through ICT Scholarship for college and university Students 50 Total672 DISTANCE LEARNING, SCHOLARSHIP AND NATIONAL MISSION IN EDUCATION THROUGH ICT
54 S. No. Name of the Scheme Outlay ( ) ( crore) 1.UNESCO related activities IT applications NUEPA Grants-in-aid to Auroville Management5.70 Total21.00 PLANNING AND ADMINISTRATION