Accelerating Course Development Through Collaboration
Accelerating Course Development Through Collaboration Phil Moss Director of Educational Partnerships & Planning MERLOT Lisa Pirinelli-Dubuc Teaching, Learning, and Technology Program State University of New York Debra Runshe Assistant Director Center for Instruction, Research, and Technology Indiana State University
Engaging and Emerging Faculty Development Processes MERLOT- System Wide Partner Lisa Pirinelli-Dubuc SUNY Teaching, Learning, and Technology Program
64 Campuses ( serve over 427,000 students ) o University Centers ( Doctoral Degree Granting ) o University Colleges o Technology Colleges o Community Colleges
over 100 online degree and certificate programsonline degree 4,300 online college courses offered annuallyonline college courses 100,000 student enrollments from around the globe 2,000 world-class SUNY faculty
System Wide Faculty Development Initiatives and MERLOT SLN – New Faculty Development Training ProgramNew Faculty Development Training Program SUNY Teaching, Learning and Technology CooperativeTechnology Cooperative Teacher Preparation Learning Commons - Undergraduate teacher prep programs (NCCC Teacher Academy)(NCCC Teacher Academy) National Center for Academic Transformation/SUNY – Course Redesign Initiative Course Redesign Initiative
SLN Faculty Development
SLN Course Design Process
ANGEL LMS SUNY Preferred LMS Platform (30/64 campuses use ANGEL –supported by SLN)
TLT Cooperative MERLOT workshops for faculty and faculty developers o Online courses for faculty 4 weeks MERLOT for faculty developers Teaching with MERLOT – for beginners MERLOT for Searching, Sharing, and Scholarship o Webinar Series( 1 hour sessions) ■ What on earth is a learning object and introduction to MERLOT? Personal Collections Webinar:Stop Searching and Start Sharing Personalizing MERLOT ■ Getting Involved- MERLOT and the Scholarship of Teaching o Annual CIT conference –Workshop Is your glass ½ full? Enhance your teaching with MERLOT o MERLOT Online Support – SUNY TLT Website
SUNY TLT Resources
Teaching Commons Create a MERLOT institutional teaching commons for teacher prep programs NCCC Teacher Academy- pilot campusTeacher Academy-
SUNY Course Redesign Initiative Grants Awarded ($40,000/three-year) 1.Buffalo State, Economics 2.Canton, Basic Communication 3.Canton, Biology 4.Erie, Developmental English 5.Fredonia, Spanish Niagara, Statistics 7.Old Westbury, College Algebra 8.Oswego, College Algebra 9.Potsdam, History 10.Stony Brook, Physics The goal is to achieve improvements in learning outcomes as well as reductions in instructional costs by redesigning large-enrollment, multi-section courses using technology-supported active learning strategies.
Accelerating Course Development Through Collaboration
MERLOT- Institutional Partner Debra Dunlap Runshe, Assistant Director Center for Instruction, Research, & Technology
Accelerating Course Development Through Collaboration MERLOT and Indiana State University: Laptop Campus Course Redesign Online Learning Blackboard LMS New Faculty
Accelerating Course Development Through Collaboration
MERLOT Institutional Initiatives In consultation with MERLOT partners, affiliates, and interested institutions, MERLOT has identified the major academic technology initiatives that are strategic priorities for higher education.
Accelerating Course Development Through Collaboration MERLOT Institutional Initiatives Support institutions’ effective and efficient development of quality plans, implementations, and assessments through easy discovery of exemplary practices and reference resources
Accelerating Course Development Through Collaboration MERLOT Institutional Initiatives Showcase authentic institutional case studies for using MERLOT in advancing an initiative. Collect tools & processes that MERLOT partners can adopt or adapt. Provide evidence that the MERLOT services are helping deliver expected outcomes and value.
Academic Transformation ICT Literacy Accreditation Institutional Repositories Better use of LMS Institutional Research on Technology Use Developing Hybrid & Online Courses K-20 Initiatives Developing Online Degree Programs Laptop Initiatives Facilitating GraduationTextbook Affordability Accelerating Course Development Through Collaboration Institutional Initiatives
Accelerating Course Development Through Collaboration MERLOT Institutional Initiatives Academic Content & Textbook Affordability Accessibility Accreditation Adjunct Faculty - Support College Readiness Content Repositories Course Redesign Degree Completion/Accelerated Learning Faculty Development Hybrid & Online Course Development ICT Literacy Institutional Research on Technology Use
Accelerating Course Development Through Collaboration MERLOT Institutional Initiatives Interdisciplinary Projects K-20 Initiatives Learning Management Systems - Planning & Implementation Mobile Computing Online Degree Program Development Scholarship of Teaching & Learning Tenure, Promotion, and Technology Virtual Learning Environments Web 2.0 Implementations Workforce Development Other Innovations/Emerging Technologies
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