1 Building SaaS for SMEs on WSO2 PaaS Kathiravelu Pradeeban - Software Engineer Muhammed Shariq - Software Engineer Nov 2011
2 Agenda Why Cloud? Platform, CMP, and PaaS WSO2 SOA Enterprise Platform Stratos Services Case Studies Demo
3 Why Cloud? Cloud? Do you need it? Do you really need it? – Think again! – Are you ready?
4 *as-a-Service
5 Why WSO2? Open standards and open source – No vendor lock-in Complete Based on proven Carbon technologies Performance Easy migration – Platform → CMP → PaaS
6 WSO2 Carbon – Platform WSO2 Stratos – Cloud Middleware Platform WSO2 StratosLive – Platform-as-a-Service Platform, CMP, and PaaS
WSO2 Offerings WSO2 Carbon On premise product platform Consistent products sharing the same OSGi core WSO2 Stratos A “Cloud-Enabled Application Platform” (CEAP) Multi-tenant, Elastic, Metered/Billed deployment An extension of the Carbon platform Same SVN code base Download - WSO2 StratosLive – An Open Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) A publicly available instance of Stratos © WSO2 2011
Bob is back!
9 WSO2 SOA Enterprise Platform WSO2 Carbon In Production at Fortune 1000 companies Handling 1bn transactions/day The only modular open source middleware stack Everything you need to build Enterprise Applications WSO2 Stratos A single managed platform Elastic, Self-Service, Multi-tenant Accelerates your private cloud beyond virtual machines Use only what you need WSO2 StratosLive PaaS managed and maintained by WSO2. Complete Pay as you Use With appropriate SLAs and simple monthly billing Complete Enterprise Architecture as a Service.
11 WSO2 Carbon based Cloud Middleware Platform. A complete cloud-enabled SOA platform. As public, private, and hybrid cloud. StratosLive Open Platform as a Service – WSO2's Publicly hosted Stratos WSO2 Stratos
12 StratosLive PaaS for SaaS
13 High ROI for SME End-to-end solution by a single configuration. Easy migration. Proven open source technologies Expertise of Apache communities Support and maintenance from the experts. Public forums Stratos - StratosLive - Customized support packages
14 Bob's sister prefers it in the cloud!
15 Why worrying about performance?..when your PaaS takes care of that By the innovative design Local Transport Lazy loading and Ghost deployer High availability and scalability
16 WSO2 Load Balancer..let it scale your applications.. Live in StratosLive! Automatically scaling EC2 API Dynamic Load Balancing High availability Fail-over Service Awareness Configure locally..
17 A complete middleware platform
18 Carol meets Alice..
19 Case Studies.. with Stratos.. System Integrator Currently running Stratos for internal projects Examining the use of Stratos for customer projects and SaaS Home Loan Bank WSO2 runs a private deployment of Stratos Developer sandbox and test environment Applications are then deployed internally. Betting/Gaming PaaS Provide an environment (Mashups, WebApps, Gadgets) for sports teams to write their own betting applications In the context of betting legislation/regulation Mobile PaaS Building a PaaS environment for a mobile telco SaaS-enablement of legacy applications
21 Demo
22 Questions?
23 Selected Customers
24 WSO2 Engagement Model QuickStart Development Support Development Services Production Support Turnkey Solutions WSO2 Mobile Services Solution WSO2 FIX Gateway Solution WSO2 SAP Gateway Solution
25 Thank you..