Benefits - Storage / Large amounts of data can be held on compact storage devices. This allows organisations to cut down on office space, rent and/or building purchase costs..
Benefits - Efficiency / Increased processing speeds allow tasks to be completed more quickly by fewer people.
Benefits - Quality of Information / Data held in digital form can be interrogated quickly and flexibly.. This leads to better quality information which improves the standard of decision making by the organisation.
Benefits - Quality of Information (2) / Data combined with data in other databases will enhance the information provision still further.
Benefits - Presentation / Computers allow organisations to present information about itself economically and in a visually impressive manner. DTP can be used to produce a newsletter with facts and figures. Presentation software could be used to make slide shows for meetings.
Benefits - New Services / The processing power of computers may enable an organisation to provide services that it previously couldn’t..
Drawbacks - Capital Investment / Setting up a computer-based system costs money. There is the initial investment of money on hardware and software. Periodically, updates will be necessary. Maintenance of the system costs money.
Drawbacks - Over dependence / Organisations can become to dependent on computer based systems. Occasionally they will malfunction. If the break down is critical, business could be lost