EleUM Guide A Walkthrough for Incoming Exchange Students Joël Castermans - EEO
What is EleUM? Stands for Electronic Learning Environment University Maastricht Online-platform for students, professors, and all other UM employees Provides educational information about courses, timetables, and examinations
What is EleUM? (cont.) Announcement from tutors or course coordinators Study Material, e.g. literature, lecture slides, old exams etc. Save and share documents Course coordinator! Not block coordinator
Access EleUM Go to http://www.eleum.unimaas.nl Type in your credentials (login = i+studentnumer) Press Login
EleUM goes mobile
Successful Login! But we are not done yet …
More useful modules for you to customize EleUM You can drag and drop each element and customize your homepage as you like. This new module shows your next upcoming timetable activities
Not at the faculty (exceptions exist) Most important regulations during exams: Be on time (even when you are only 1 minute late you will be denied access) No mobile phones Only use of non-programmable calculators (when a calculator is allowed) Read the course manual for more information When to register for courses register for exams hand in relevant documents
Courses tab: shows all courses you are registered for
Course level: Announcements from course coordinators Course material Tasks and To do lists
For each course you are a member of an „Organization“ Online Platform of your Tutorial Group Discussion Board Community Email Looks very similar to course-level
Email Web Access Access it via EleUM or http://webmail.maastrichtuniversity.nl Contact students via E-Mail search engine Professors/Tutors use UM Mail to communicate with you personally Your E-Mail login is the same as your EleUM login My UM Portal Retrieve course results Register your courses Deadlines under MyFaculties > SBE Register for re-sits
E-Mail Webaccess (UM-Mail) Every Student Email adress looks like this: Initial.Lastname@student.maastrichtuniversity.nl Example: Peter Brink P.Brink@student.maastrichtuniversity.nl Your Student ID Your password
Library & ICT Service Desk Location This is the location of the Inner City Library The ICTS provides services in the area of information and communication technology. The ICT Service desk is also located here.
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