UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB 3 LUC Survey Vlasta Vizek Vidović Ivica Završki University of Zagreb Dubrovnik, May, 2007 SCM TEMPUS Lifelong learning in university context
SCM Tempus 3 LUC WHY LIFELONG LEARNING IN UNIVERSITY CONTEXT? External reasons: Globalisation of HED Democratization of education Demographic trends Sustainable development Meeting economic, social & cultural needs of individuals Technological changes Labour market demands Internal reasons: Need for new markets Links with former students Strengthening relations with business and community Technology transfer More resources for innovations Positive public image
SCM Tempus 3 LUC TIME&SPACE COORDINATES Pre-pre Bologna: adult education, continuous education, working & studying Bologna process: Bologna declaration signitory in Prague (2001) Law on Science and Higher education (2003) National QA Agency (2004) Inversity level Implementation of three cycles in HED (2005 ) Lisabon agenda: National strategy for adult education (2005) Law on adult education (2007) Agency for adult education (2007) National qualification framework (draft 2007) Integrated lifelong learning programs: Tempus
SCM Tempus 3 LUC UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB REFERENT MISSION Connecting people, knowledge and information within the academic community as well as with the other social subsystems in order to create a society of knowledge, learning and tolerance. BREAKTHROUGH LUC survey reactions: all respondents give strong support to the third mission! all respondents percieve LLL issue as important for university!
SCM Tempus 3 LUC UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE CENTRAL SERVICES IRO office QA office Financial department Centre for postgraduate studies Senate boards (19)
SCM Tempus 3 LUC Number of students BA/MA: 52,500 (F=54%) Postgraduate: 5,850 STUDENT FACTS AND FIGURES
SCM Tempus 3 LUC POSTGRADUATE ACCREDITED SPECIALIST PROGRAMS ( ECTS) Academic area/ N of faculties N of programs Social sciences 7 (5) 50 Biomedicine 4 (3) 43 Biotechnology 3 (3) 13 Engineering 12 (8) 11 Humanities 3 (1) 2 Sciences 1 (1) 2 Arts 3 (1) 2 Centre for postgraduate studies 4 TOTAL 33(21) 127
SCM Tempus 3 LUC 3 LUC SURVEY RESULTS respondents Academic areaConstituentsNumber of respondents Eng i neering 1210 Social sciences 73 Biomedicine 42 Humanities 31 Arts 31 Biotechnology 32 Sciences 1 - Total N % 3318 (60%)
SCM Tempus 3 LUC TYPES OF LLL PROGRAMS Programs N faculties N programs/ range Range of participants Postgraduate specialist programs (120 – 60 ECTS) (1-11) CPD post-graduate short programs 9193 (1-60) LLL programs for diverse beneficiaries 1083 (1-60) faculties use external accreditation of CPD programs through Ministeries or professional associations
SCM Tempus 3 LUC ICT and APPROACHES TO TEACHING/LEARNING TEACHING/LEARNING N faculties Traditional teaching 6 Modest use of IT 6 Blended teaching/learning 5 E-learning 1
SCM Tempus 3 LUC INFRASTRUCTURAL SUPPORT Organzational supportN (faculties) Specialized LLL/CPD unit at faculty level 2 Specialized LLL/CPD unit at department level 1 Central faculty administration 4 Department administration 1 Combined services: faculty & department 7
SCM Tempus 3 LUC COLLABORATION WITH OTHER LLL/CPD PROVIDERS Program organizersStaff as teachers Staff as learners Other constituents of UZ 63 Other HED institution 73 Other educational institution 51 Government bodies/institutions 54 Local communities 62 Other public institutions 42 Non-governmental organizations & professional associations 33 Business companies 43
SCM Tempus 3 LUC INTERNATIONAL CO-OPERATION International partnersNumber of faculties* o Foreign universities 7 o International professional associations 5 o International networks in HED 1 o EU projects (Cards, Tempus, Cost) 5 o International organizations 2 o Foreign business companies 1 o Other international projects 2 * 9 faculties declared international co-operation in CPD programs
SCM Tempus 3 LUC MANAGEMENT MODELS FOR CONTINUING EDUCATION in EU InternalExternal Centralised Decentralised Location CEE units © Osborne, Thomas (2003) // Brennan (2005) 15 % 55 %15% 4% 10%10% 3 LUC survey preferences: Decentralised model - 6 Mixed model LUC survey reality: CE units at faculties - 2 Planned CE unis - 4
SCM Tempus 3 LUC THE ROLE OF LLL/CPD UNIT Program accreditation 14 Marketing services 12 ICT support 12 Alumni networking 12 Awarding ceremonies and events 10 Student informations 11 Organizational & technical assistance 11 Enrolment and student evidence 11 Financial administration 9 Tasks requiring Number of 75%> engagement respondents
SCM Tempus 3 LUC LESSONS LEARNED 1. Lack of strategic approach to LLL both at university and faculty level Lack of professional management & adequate infrastructure (3 faculties with CPD units/staff) A very few CPD short postgraduate “refreshment” courses (eg.medicine, civil engeneering, agriculture, psychology) – diploma, certificate driven Few LLL programs for wider public (eg. foreign languages, Croaticum, IT) Lack of interdisciplinarity (4 out of 127) Low visibility of CPD programs (in media, web pages, printed materials) Modest use IT resources (eg. for e-learning or data bases)
SCM Tempus 3 LUC LESSONS LEARNED 2 Development of postgraduate specialist degree programs with formal accreditation International partnerships Wide participation in CPD programs organized by other social/business agents Recognition of need for unversity staff development Positive attitude toward enhancement of LLL in university context Preference for mixed organizational approach
SCM Tempus 3 LUC FUTURE CHALLENGES 1. STRUCTURAL/NORMATIVE ISSUES Strategy development at the university/ faculty level Development of organizational infrastructure Exploring flexible financial model Approaches to recognition of prior learning Flexibile pathways (between structure and LLL/CPD) Implementation of quality culture into CPD/LLL Extending the use of ECTS credits to CPD/LLL
SCM Tempus 3 LUC FUTURE CHALLENGES 2. PROCESS/OUTCOME ISSUES Development of specific curricula for CPD/LLL : competence - based, tailor made, individual pathways Adapting teaching/ learning to mature students New approaches to assessment (eg. portofilio) CPD programs for university staff – specially for LLL International networking in LLL area Increasing the use of CIT Supporting research of LLL
SCM Tempus 3 LUC ” The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” Alvin Tofler