USING ICT TO SUPPORT QUALITY IMPROVEMENT TWO CASES FROM SLOVENIA Mentoring for professional development using ICT Using ICT in Networking
1. MENTORING TEACHERS IN THEIR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT USING ICT EU social found project In partnership with Education Faculty
GOALS To establish, implement and evaluate the function and operation of mentoring teams on school level To train them in different ways about why, what and how to change quality of teaching and learning To train them for self-evaluation formative evaluation, critical reflection, creating professional portfolio and offers them different tools to do that To train them to use ICT To link them together in network To find out what are their opinions about implementing innovation with a help of ICT
REALIZATION OF THE PROJECT Creation of e-environment for gaining information, changing info, documentation, follow performed actions, consulting, connecting. Creating modules for training of mentors in in- face trainings and in e-environment Creating instruments and tools (e-environmet for professional portfolio, forms for reflections, planning, self assessment tools for mentors and teachers).
Creating teams on the level of schools Creating and implementing instruments to follow the changes (at the beginning and at the end of the project) N=34 schools at the beginning and 26 at the end (14 Primary schools, 12 Preschools participants at beginning and 115 at the end)
E-ENVIRONMENT OFFERED All modules of in-face trainings Materials on mentoring, team working, roles of the mentor, standards, communication skills, observation and reliability of observation, assessing teacher’s practice,professional portfolio, reflection, why and what to change in teaching practice Evaluation instruments for teachers and mentors Personal profile of each participant Possibility to connect teachers and mentors from one school, with teachers in other schools and with core team members – , forums
WHAT DO WE LEARNED ICT can not replace in-face interactive trainings, but gives new opportunities for gathering info, assessing info, for sharing info and ideas, documentation. ICT was more in use in schools where teachers and mentors were organized in teams. E-environment facilitate the process of creating professional portfolio, but only together with trainings for critical observation and reflection. It is necessary to have a person who stay in touch with participants all the time. Do not overdose
2. USING ICT FOR NETWORKING Using ICT for sharing information on our activities FOR EVERYONE For NETWORK MEMBERS (each year we are focusing on one focus area/standard and provide activities for members)
ADVENTAGE - DEFICIENCY Less costs for materials Materials made by teachers is available for all Collection of ideas, examples from practice Sharing info /ideas among teachers and with core team Good source for gathering all kinds of info Up to date connections and info Base for creating examples of good practice Accesibility of computers ICT skills and fear to start Teachers are still not avere about how to use all the advantages Well planed e- environment is crucial One person should all the time update the materials and be active in forums- it takes time Renewal of passwors -time consuming If the sistem break down…..