University of Macerata: overview TEMPUS project EACEA
The legislative framework Law January, , n. 17, integration of the previous law February , n. 104 Disabled students enrolled to university courses are provided with the necessary technical and didactical support as well as specialized tutoring services; Universities have a delegate directly nominated by the Rector who coordinates, monitors and supports all the initiatives related to the integration of disabled students.
Front office for disable students and graduates In 2010 the University Centre for the Orientation (CAO) enhanced the facilities for the disabled with two front office services: COT: centre for the orientation CETRIL: centre for internship and job placement
COT: centre for the orientation Organizational/technical facilities: Accompanying services: mobility support to take the students to class, library, administartive offices Mediation with academic and administrative staff: COT staff can contact teachers, reference persons at Faculties, secretarial staff to facilitate the buroucratic procedures and gather the neede information about exams and timetables or other didactical activities Internet points: at the COT office students can take advantage of computers and internet connection Free and equipped rooms in dormitories: with a disability that is higher than 66% the student can ask for a room to live in during his study period. Deaf interpreneurs Technological support: the student can ask to buy the devices he/she will use during the whole course period (computer, software, specific devices)
Learning support: Specialized tutoring service : according to the law 17/99 every disabled students can ask for support from a young graduate Personalized exams: the COT staff can interact with the teacher to negotiate the modalities of the exam procedure International mobility: disabled students can participate to Socrates/erasmus programmes with the support of the required staff. COT: centre for the orientation
CETRIL: centre for internship and job placement The law March, , n. 68 establishes the norms for the right to work for disabled people. The front office activated for disabled is taking care of the following issues: Internship/stages Job placement Post lauream education
CIEM: Centre for e-learning and multimediality The centre CIEM is a service center that gathers two organizations: CAIM: computer science and multimediality CELFI: e-learning and integrated training CIEM was awarded the European quality label UNIQUE ( certification/) for the use of ICT and E-learning in HE ( ). certification/
CELFI: e-Learning Centre CELFI supports and coordinates the methodological- technical development of teaching/learning processes based on ICT and multimedia. Since 2005 the centre provides: strategic, pedagogical and organisational modelling of the university online learning offer; teacher and online tutor training; LMS and technical facilities for faculties and Departments ; research about pedagogical models and online environments; coordination and development of international project.
6 6 Faculties 17 17 Degree Programmes 1081 1081students 4 4 Postgraduate Masters 220 students 3 3 Postgraduate Courses 175 175 students Ph.D. programme Ph.D. programme in Technology of Education Faculty of Faculty of Law Humanities and Philosophy Education Political Science Cultural Heritage Communication sciences CELFI e-Learning centre provides resources and technologies supporting personalised, online/blended learning activities. The department of Educational Science is responsible for research and development of advanced learning content. e-learning at University of Macerata
Thank you! Pier Giuseppe Rossi Education Faculty Dean University of Macerata Italy