Faculty of Education Technology Integration Plan
Background to the Faculty of Education 3,380 undergraduates 800+ graduate students –Variety of research and professional programs 120 Academic Staff Four Departments Elementary Education Secondary Education Education Policy Studies Educational Psychology –School of Library and Information Studies
Who’s Driving? Whose Vision? University Dean Faculty Council Ed. Students Instructors Researchers Government Shared Vision Shared Vision Society Community Schools Research Professional Organizations
Government Influence on Technology Integration Ministry of Advanced Education –SuperNet ( If you build the pipe... We need to fill it ) –Learning Objects… –Video Conferencing Ministry of Education –Information, Communication, Technology (ICT) program of studies for K-12. (Focus is using the hardware/software technology as tools for problem solving). –SuperNet ( If you build the pipe... We need to fill it ) –Learning Objects –Video Conferencing Alberta learning commission –Technology was identified as one of the eight key areas.
–1999 – 2000 First version of the Technology Integration Plan (TIP) –2000 Needs assessment of Faculty members (100/120) Formation of the Technology Council –2001 – 2004 (minor revisions to TIP) –2005 Major revisions TIP Living Document… Technology Integration Plan Evolution
Vision Statement, followed by a section on goals and the relationship of these goals to the strategic initiatives of the University of Alberta Outlines some the Faculty’s accomplishments to date along with suggested general directions for future initiatives. Action Plan for the future List of accomplishments to date since 1999 Technology Integration Plan: Four Parts
Vision Statement Technology is an integral part of the teaching, learning, research and administration … part of the everyday practice of how students learn, how faculty members teach, do research and communicate with the field, and how administrative services facilitate activities within the Faculty.
Technology in Research EyeLink Head-mounted cameras permit tracking participants’ eye and head movements. Video/Noldus Observer Organize and analyze video and other observations with Noldus Observer qualitative analysis software
Secondary Science Tools: Mobile lab, digital probeware, microscope, field experience mobile lab Secondary Math Tools: geometry visualization, virtual manipulative, graphing calculators, spreadsheets, teaching video vignettes, Math curriculum lab, Mobile Lab Technology in Teaching
On-line environments (Alternative Delivery) Asynchronous –Number of courses that use WebCT –Over 130 this term Number currently offered completely online 30* The rest are in some blended or hybrid format that depend on F2F as the primary form of instructor-student contact. Synchronous –Video Conferencing –Elluminate…
Faculty of Education Facilities Wired networks in every classroom Wireless access points in selected areas (e.g. student lounges, library, Education North, first floor Education South, and very soon the 10 th floor Ed south) Department-specific computer labs (e.g. Elem/Sec Math lab; 15 stations) Private workrooms for staff/grad student use (e.g. video editing, qualitative analysis, Noldus Observer) Services area: consultation, computer & a/v equipment loans, colour photocopying/printing Public computer labs (3 Win XP, 1 Mac OS X) Library: lab (Win/Mac), instructional services, electronic resources 6 Smart classrooms (60 – 220 seats) Mobile wireless labs that can be brought into all of our classrooms; total of about 70 Macintosh iBooks, 6 PowerBooks with DVD burners, and 24 Toshiba Tablet PCs; includes printer, projectors
Organizational Structures Infrastructure/PD support Technology Council –Develop and maintain Technology Integration Plan for the Faculty (vision, policy, procedures, evaluation) Division of Technology in Education – Infrastructure Desktop support, networks, database support (annual report), “new” faculty wide calendar system –Professional Development (context) Assist staff in teaching, research, administration
Faculty PD support To facilitate the integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in teaching, research, administration, and personal productivity in the Faculty of Education To go beyond basic services in hardware/software installation and maintenance To advise any Faculty of Education staff member or graduate student on the application/integration of technology in their professional activities
Dean (Academic Plan) Associate Dean Academic Technology Council (Technology Integration Plan) 6 Tenure Track Academic Staff 1 APO 2 Students (Grad, Undergraduate) 1 Education Library Director Division of Technology in Education (DTE) Associate Dean Research Associate Dean Undergraduate Students Meet once a month (Full day retreat in June) Technology Council