Assessing Student Performance in Practice Colin Bright – Solent University June Tilling – Soton University
Let’s Be Honest…
Lecture Theatre
The Happy Workplace
The Process ► Students are required to Pass their Placements: meeting the threshold requirements of the National Occupational Standards for Social Work. PASS/FAIL Decision ► Once students have demonstrated the NOS – then we look to band their performance. Raising the Profile of Practice
Assessment Criteria Mark / Grade Banding Competence Level Distinction (75) First Class Hons. 1 st Excellent/exceptional response to the practice- learning brief, satisfying all learning outcomes and exceeding expectations for achievement at this level in all Key Roles. Merit (65) Upper Second Class Hons. 2:1 Good/Very good response to the practice- learning brief, satisfying all learning outcomes and exceeding threshold expectations in most aspects. Good Pass (55) Lower Second Class Hons. 2:2 Satisfactory/Good response to the practice- learning brief, meeting all learning outcomes and exceeding threshold expectations in some aspect(s). Pass (45) Third Class Hons. 3 rd Adequate response to the practice learning brief, meeting all learning outcomes at threshold level. Fail (0) Fail Inadequate response to the practice-learning brief, not meeting learning outcomes at threshold level.
Placement Portfolios ► The Placement Portfolio is the “Assessment Artefact”. ► This enables assessment to be moderated. ► Key Generic Criteria are the focus for the assessment of the Banding/Grade. ► These Criteria are informed by the Unit Guidance within the National Occupational Standards for Social Work. ► This approach promotes consistency and fairness across the range of different placements educators and supervisors.
The Key Banding Criteria Self-Reflection: ► Reflect on and evaluate their own practice in relation to the NOS, Values, Ethics and the Code of Practice.
Banding Criteria Knowledge Base: ► Identify, critically analyse, apply and evaluate SW theories, models and methods of working as used in this specific area of practice, drawing upon an appropriate knowledge base.
Banding Criteria Evidence Based Practice: ► Use reading and research material from a variety of relevant sources.
Banding Criteria Communication: ► Identify and demonstrate effective communication skills.
Banding Criteria Social Work Context: ► Understand, analyse and evaluate the legal, social, cultural and professional context of the placement.
The Assessment Tool Criteria 1 st (75) 2:1 (65) 2:2 (55) 3 rd (45) Assessed Grade Self reflection Very good evidence… Good Evidence… Evidence… Sufficient evidence… Knowledge Base Very good evidence… Good evidence… Evidence… Sufficient evidence… Evidence Based Practice Extensive range of sources… Wide Range of sources… A range of sources… Sufficient evidence of sources… Communication Very articulate… Very Good degree of clarity… Good degree of clarity…. Sufficient degree of clarity… Social Work Context Very good evidence… Good evidence… Evidence… Sufficient evidence…. Overall Assessment of PLO Performance Name of Student Level of Study Assessor’s Signature Date:
The Panel Process ► Initial Recommendation (PE) ► Reciprocal Reading Panel (PE) ► Second Reading Panel (PE’s & Tutors) ► Formal Panel (Independent Chair/PE’s & Tutors)
Impact ► Not Earth Shattering – But very positive. ► Raised Student Motivation for Reflective activity. ► Greater Criticality ► Raised Overall performance. (Grades)
The Critical Questions ► Are We Truly Assessing Practice? ► Have the students got the necessary skills to make them fit for purpose? ► We need your help!
The Next Steps Exercise ► In groups: ► Groups A & C: What Skills do students employ in their practice to reflect competence against the NOS? NB: Are these relevant to Every placement? ► Groups B & D: What Skills reflect the professional capabilities framework?
Professional Capabilities Framework ► Professionalism ► Values and ethics ► Diversity ► Rights, Justice and Economic well-being ► Knowledge (Application) ► Critical reflection & Analysis ► Intervention & Skills ► Contexts and Organisations ► Professional Leadership
The Next Steps (Continued) ► All Groups: How would you measure a student’s skills?
Findings to date… SKILLS ► Communication ► Organisation ► Planning ► Team Working ► Information Gathering and Research ► Engagement in Supervision ► Inter-professional Engagement ► Assessment ► Critical Analysis ► Reflection ► Recording and Report Writing ► Presentation ► IT Skills ► Challenge
Findings to date… METHODS ► Direct Observation ► Mentor / Supervisor’s Feedback ► Work Summaries ► Practice Analyses ► Service User Feedback ► Panel Assessments – Verbal ► Scenario-Based Exams