Blended Learning Kevin Hinde
2 About you! What do you want to achieve from today’s session?
3 Aims and outcomes Discuss issues associated with the current state of Blended Learning. You will be able to – Define Blended learning. – Recognise the context for Blended Learning. – Reflect on your current blend of online and F2F learning and consider some solutions.
4 The talk Context Definitions Where are we heading?
5 Combining F2F and online delivery. Web Enhanced Web Focused Web Driven What is Blended Learning?
6 “ a combination of face-to-face and online media, with "seat time" significantly reduced.” Richard Voos ( lications/view/v2n1/ble nded1.htm) lications/view/v2n1/ble nded1.htm What is Blended Learning?
7 Context for blended learning solutions Student Expectations – Technology and changes in learning styles. – The rising costs of HE – customers who also need to work. Government Agenda – Widening Participation: increased diversity – 50% target – Increased numbers of overseas students. – E-Learning Strategy
8 Context for blended learning solutions University Response – Meeting National and Regional Agendas – Declining Unit of Resource – Rising Numbers, Bigger class sizes – Productivity Improvements. – Alternative income streams e.g collaborative ventures, corporate learners, distance learners. – Investment in VLEs & staff training.
9 VLE usage among the Region’s Universities Staff Usage Durham – 67% Newcastle – 45-50% Teeside – 50% Sunderland – 33% Northumbria – 90%! Substantial investments being made in VLE and integration. Blended not Distance Learning
10 Is there any evidence that Blended Learning is better than F2F? Impossible to get any realistic comparison. Studies use different variables. T Russell (1999) – No significant difference problem between distance education and F2F going back to Not the technology but the method of instruction. Didn’t include internet based learning.
11 Is there any evidence that Blended Learning is better than F2F? Lots of evidence that it improves the quality of the learning experience. (see for some interesting discussion) Twigg (2001) argues that we need to reverse the individualisation of faculty practice and the standardisation of the student learning experience. (
12 Questions Which of the following best describes the programme you lead? 1. Web Enhanced (complimentary with F2F). 2. Web Focused (Some Substitutability with F2F). 3. Web Driven (Largely substitutable for F2F). 4. Some mixture of the above. 5. Web? What’s the web?
13 Pedagogical Enthusiasm for Online Learning Pedagogical Enthusiasm for F2F Learning Where would you place yourself on this grid?
14 Pedagogical Enthusiasm for Online Learning ICT Knowledge Where would you place yourself on this grid? ICT Knowledge
15 ICT Knowledge Pedagogical Enthusiasm for Online Learning Pioneer Diverted Potential Traditionalist Constrained Optimist Cautious Optimist Technical Experimenter Unconvinced User Pedagogical Experimenter Pragmatic Optimist
16 More Questions I believe that the web will become even more important for learning over the next two years. 1. Strongly agree 2. Slightly Agree 3. Neither Agree or Disagree 4. Slightly Disagree 5. Strongly Disagree
17 More Questions I believe F2F will have to change as a result of online learning provision in the near future. 1. Strongly agree 2. Slightly Agree 3. Neither Agree or Disagree 4. Slightly Disagree 5. Strongly Disagree
18 Can it be blended? F2F mode (e.g. Lecture, seminar, workshop, dissertation) List what you can switch from F2F to Online delivery. How would you achieve at least the same learning outcomes? Could you increase the outcomes for the same cost? What are the benefits and costs? Work in groups of 3/4 and think about the following
19 Have you learnt anything valuable today? Summary