Accelerating business innovation; a Technology Strategy Board programme Research opportunities for e-Science in the UK commercial and public sectors Tuesday, September 9 th 2008 Dave Berry Technology Lead, Grid Computing Now! Accelerating business innovation; a Technology Strategy Board programme
Accelerating business innovation; a Technology Strategy Board programme GCN in one slide Grid Computing Now! champions advanced IT techniques to UK plc. Web platform; industry news; webinars; user case studies; active community and regional programmes. Led by Intellect in collaboration with the National e-Science Centre and CNR Ltd. Project launched by the DTI in February 2005 for 3 years. Now operated by the Technology Strategy Board, sponsored by DIUS. Loose definition of Grid, including Virtualisation, Software as a Service, Service Orientation, Cloud Computing.
Accelerating business innovation; a Technology Strategy Board programme Aerospace and Defence bioProcessUK Bioscience for Business Chemistry Innovation Cyber Security Digital Communications Electronics Integrated Products Manufacturing Environmental Food Processing Grid Computing Now! Healthcare Technologies Industrial Mathematics Intelligent Transport Systems Location & Timing Low Carbon & Fuel Cell Technologies Materials Nanotechnology Modern Built Environment Photonics Resource Efficiency Sensors & Instrumentation UK Displays & Lighting Creative Industries Knowledge Transfer Networks
Accelerating business innovation; a Technology Strategy Board programme Grid Computing Now! User Communities 2008 Green IT Software Licensing Transport Health R&D
Accelerating business innovation; a Technology Strategy Board programme GCN Webinars Energy efficient data centres: experience, measurement and models Wednesday, May 7, 2008 Powering Your Business with Cloud Computing Tuesday October 14th 2008, 1.30pm Grids and Health Computing November
Accelerating business innovation; a Technology Strategy Board programme Grid Computing Now! Competition 2008: Grid Computing for a greener planet Supporters: BCS, LTN, Intellect, The 451 Group, Microsoft, Memset, OeRC, NeSC, TSB & WWF Marketing Channels: Press releases, Facebook Group, Twitter, Blogs, Websites, Newsletters, HTML invitations Timetable Initial Submissions: October 17, 2008 Stage 2 Deadline: November 14, 2008 Stage 3 Deadline: December 1, 2008 See the web site for details
Accelerating business innovation; a Technology Strategy Board programme Aims and outcomes of today’s workshop “We aim to connect interested parties and catalyse innovative solutions” We may organise further meetings of interested parties to investigate opportunities in more detail We can support interest groups via the collaborative tools available with our web site
Accelerating business innovation; a Technology Strategy Board programme Today’s speakers Mark Ferrar, IT infrastructure in the NHS in England Liam Newcombe, Modelling Data Centre Energy Efficiency and Cost Alex Efimov, Open source grid computing in the finance industry Chris Greenwell, Greening the oil-industry: e-Science and oil & gas well drilling chemistry Panel: Opportunities for innovative research and exploitation