Increase Revenue with Clinical Claim Scrubbing Andrea Frost, Project Manager Practice Insight LLC Marla Harmon, Vice President of Operations MEGAS, LLC, an Alpha II Company
Webinar Outline Introduction Who is Alpha II What is ClaimStaker How does ClaimStaker integrate with Practice Insight What type of edits does ClaimStaker provide How to customize edits in ClaimStaker
Who is Alpha II Alpha II software applications are used in more then 30,000 physician practices and hospitals nationwide Applications focus on accurate coding, compliance, claims editing, payment analysis- the components of enhanced reimbursement Alpha II superior data content, decades of healthcare experience, and commitment to superior support
Who is Alpha II continued Longevity is due to in-depth experience as: Physicians Nurses Certified coders Health information administrators Software engineers EDI Analysts Compliance consultants Business Consultants
What is ClaimStaker? A claim editing software that allows for greater accuracy and enhanced revenue – Provides same technology as payers use – Provides immediate, real time reports – Ensures claims are accurate BEFORE they are filed
What is ClaimStaker continued The only medical necessity database that utilizes both Medicare LCD/NCD policies and a proprietary clinical medical necessity database- tripling the number of medical necessity edits. No other scrubber software can match it.
Demo Clinical Claim Scrubbing Integration Review Reports
Future enhancements Automated Registration available to all resellers Enhanced ClaimStaker user interface
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