Computer Science for All Pat Yongpradit Director of Education Jake Baskin District Outreach Program Manager
Objectives Attendees will be able to: 1.Explain why increasing CS opportunities are important for students, parents, CPS, and the nation. 2.Describe the CS for All course package and professional development model. 3.Comprehend the partnership timeline. 4.Understand the commitments required to make the partnership successful.
This is important _____________________________________ launch: changing the discussion Short film starring Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey,, Chris Bosh, many others. Directed by Lesley Chilcott (An Inconvenient Truth)
A Student’s Perspective _____________________________________
“STEM” (science, tech, engineering, math) We all know the United States is falling behind in “math and science”. That’s an old story. For decades we’ve tried and failed to fix it. But this old story masks a new and possibly bigger problem…
2012 High School A.P. Enrollment Exposure to CS leads to the best-paying jobs in the world. But it’s only available in 5% of high schools Exposure to CS leads to the best-paying jobs in the world. But it’s only available in 5% of high schools Source: College Board Only 18% of these are girls. Only 8% students of color
The job/student gap in computer science Sources: 2013 AP exam results, College Board, Bureau of Labor Statistics
1,000,000 more jobs than students by 2020 Sources: BLS, NSF, Bay Area Council Economic Institute * Each software job supports 4.3 new neighborhood jobs!
This isn’t just about tech companies or jobs 67% of software jobs are outside the tech industry – in banking, retail, government, entertainment, etc Besides, we need ALL our children prepared for the 21 st century “Knowledge of computer programming is as important as knowledge of anatomy when it comes to medical research or clinical care” Larry Corey, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
CPS on the Forefront Grassroots effort from coalition of CPS teachers, administrators, and university partners History of successful PD for CPS teachers in a wide variety of schools Teaching practices aligned with REACH framework
What offers Celebrate, Advocate, Educate _____________________________________
Celebrate Hour of code for 10 million students _____________________________________
The Hour of Code Computer Science Education Week, Dec 9-15 Introduced millions of students to one hour of Computer Science Video lectures by Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, others Tutorials that feel like a game, featuring Angry Birds, and Plants vs. Zombies Prizes for every participating educator, schools
The largest education event ever.
Responses from the Front Lines “I’ve seen fireworks go off over students’ heads, not light bulbs” -Teacher “We’ve caught the coding bug at the Lower School, this is definitely NOT a one-time project.” -Principal “I have NEVER, EVER seen my students so excited about learning” -Teacher
Educate bringing CS to every school _____________________________________
K-12 Curriculum K-8 Elementary School courses Middle School courses aligned to Common Core 9-12 Exploring Computer Science AP Computer Science Principles* AP Computer Science A or other Electives (Game Design, Mobile Apps, etc.)
Blended: Online + In-person Online self-guided and self paced tutorials “Unplugged”, hands-on lessons
Blended PD: 4 phases, 15 months Spring: Online knowledge building and pedagogy reflection Summer: In-person workshop School: Online community and in-person workshops Summer: In-person reflection and follow-up Workshop costs and teacher stipends covered by
Now is the Time Wide ranging support Politicians Corporations Higher Education
School and Teacher Commitments Teacher and School Commitment to all phases of PD Teacher who takes PD teaches a course Promotion to staff, students, and community
CS for All Application Timeline Jan 21 – Application Released Feb 4 – Application Due Feb 17 – Accepted Schools Notified Feb 27 – Orientation April – PD Begins Summer – In-person workshops Fall – Students start taking CS classes
Application and More Information
Breakout Sessions All high school administrators please move to right side of the room All K-8 school administrators please more to left side of the room
High School Program _____________________________________
High School Program Year 1: Exploring Computer Science Broad introduction to computer science Daily lesson plans + unit and end of year assessments Year 2: AP Computer Science Principals New AP computer science course Continued exploration of big CS concepts AP exam to be administered starting in Spring ’17 Daily lesson plans + formative and summative assessments
Blended PD: 4 phases, 15 months Spring: Online knowledge building and pedagogy reflection Summer: In-person workshop School: Online community and in-person workshops Summer: In-person reflection and follow-up Workshop costs and teacher stipends covered by
Results in CPS 48% of students enrolled were women More than half were students of color Increased interest in taking future CS courses Increased persistence in solving CS problems Supported use of summer after reflection PD
HS Commitments Identify lead administrator and counselor Identify 1-2 teachers Commit to all PD Promote all courses during registration Offer ECS in the SY Offer CSP in the SY
Timeline WhenWhat NowSchools apply to enter first cohort Feb-MarchStudents register for new CS courses April-MayPhase I Professional Development June-AugPhase II Professional Development (one week in person) Fall ‘14Start teaching ECS SYPhase III Professional Development Summer ‘15 Phase IV Professional Development (3 days in person)
Action Items Application will be available on 1/21 Online Q&A 4-5pm on January 21 Applications due 2/4 All materials and more information available at
K-8 Program _____________________________________
K-5 Program Two bands K-2 3-5 Blended learning approach Extension of our current 20 hour curriculum Schools choose the best time to implement within each band
K-5 Professional Development Spring – Online PD Summer – One day in person workshop
6-8 Program 20 hour lesson sets designed to fit into existing math and science courses Aligned with Common Core Math Standards for Algebra Aligned with Next Gen Science Standards Schools and teachers will decide where it best fits within the curriculum
6-8 Math Partnered with Bootstrap, an evidence based implementation of teaching math through CS Students use algebra to create video games
6-8 Science Using computational modeling across earth, life, and physical science. 20 hours of lessons 5 hours on computational modeling 5 hours on each discipline
6-8 Professional Development Spring online PD Three day in person summer workshop Continued online PD throughout the SY
Timeline WhenWhat NowSchools apply to enter first cohort Feb-MarchStudents register for new CS courses April-MayPhase I Professional Development June-AugPhase II Professional Development (one week in person) Fall ‘14Start teaching ECS SYPhase III Professional Development Summer ‘15 Phase IV Professional Development (3 days in person)
Action Items Application will be available on 1/21 Online Q&A 4-5pm on January 21 Applications due 2/4 All materials and more information available at vision CHALLENGE PLAN US YOU Every student in every school should have the opportunity to learn computer science Visit for videos, infographics, one-sheets, t- shirts