Marc Baarmand Total of 8 Calibration Boxes (CBOX) for HF CBOX contains Small blue scintillator (UV → blue) 1×9 Splitter (each CBOX serves 9 PMT RO Boxes) 2 blue LEDs – pulsed by LED driver 3 PINs – use 5V off backplane to power! CBOX should also contain – preferred packaging QIE card to read out 3 PINs – only 3 QIE channels per CBOX! LED driver – need >5V to allow larger dynamic range! CBOX space in HF crate One CBOX per HF rack Need 5 (minimum 4) slots in a HF crate HF crate may need additional voltage(s) depending on LED driver! HF Laser / LED Calibration
Marc Baarmand 2 HF wedges tested at a time – read out through the same 4 ROBOXs HF laser/LED calibration setup UV laser + neutral density filters 1×4 Splitter + various fibers 1 CBOX 1 QIE card and 1 LED driver 4 CLIs HF crate – read out QIE and power PINs and LED driver Issues QIE card/software ready? LED driver ready? Its features, e.g. variable pulse to allow single PE calibration? Need to know the schedule ASAP HF laser / LED 2004 Beam Test
Marc Baarmand HF Laser / LED Calibration single PE calibration – 2003 beam test
Marc Baarmand N 2 Laser 300 QQ 150m HF HF + 9 PMT Boxes QP Calib Box 1 4 Counting Room HF Calibration Optical Fiber Path 9 PMT Boxes / Quad 24 PMT Tubes / Box 216 PMTs / Quad 864 PMTs / End 1728 PMTs Total 300 J 337 nm Bottom Rack Calib Box Top Rack Calib Box Calib Box Bottom Rack Top Rack QP 300 QQ