Training Goals Review the role and responsibilities of the Mandated Counseling Provider Overview of the Interactive Voice Reporting (IVR) System Review process for Monitoring Related Service Long Term Absence (LTA) students
Role and Responsibilities of the Mandated Counseling Service Provider
What? Mandated individual and/or group counseling is provided to students as part of a comprehensive and individualized plan that is designed to maximize each student’s capacity to grow academically, socially and emotionally at each grade level
Who? Students mandated to receive individual and/or group counseling via their IEP can be serviced by the School Counselor, Social Worker or Psychologist The IEP stipulates the service provider; when the provider is not specified the School Counselor will provide the service to the student(s) Students who are supported to achieve in school are more likely to “buy into” school life, its academic and behavioral standards and are prosocial members of the school community
How? How you document and organize your approach to Counseling students is crucial. Apart from your written case records you must also report the “First Attendance Date” for Mandated Counseling (and other Related Services). The reporting is done via the Interactive Voice Reporting (IVR) System. The IVR system allows service providers to report the “First Attendance Date” quite easily. The number is (718) 596-4080. The process involves thirteen(13) simple steps (Please refer to the First Attendance Reporting System Packet)
The First Attendance Reporting System Please note: The First Attendance Start Date is only recorded once for each student you serve subsequent to your first session with the student. 1. What is your File number? 2. Please enter your four digit PIN. (last four digits of your SS#) 3. Are you (your name here)? Please confirm. 4. What services did you deliver? (Please refer to handout)
…Continued 5. Delivered in a Group or Individual setting? 6. What is the Student ID for which you would like to report attendance? 7. Is (student name), (age of the student) years old the student you’re calling for? 8. How many times per week will this service be delivered?
…Continued 9. How long was the session? 10. What was the group size? (If you verbally answered question 7 as “group,” and did not enter the group information using the keypad you will now be asked for your group size.) 11. In what language was the service delivered? (Please refer to handout) 12. When did you deliver this service?
…Continued The System will read the date back to you and ask you to confirm. The information will be stored and you will be given a Confirmation Number. 13. Do you want to enter attendance for another student with the same…
WHY? Mandated Counseling plays a pivotal role in the social, emotional and academic development of students City and State monitoring, thus delivery and documentation of Counseling services is crucial to your role Non-compliance is not an option!
Monitoring Related Service LTA Students Supervisors will review schedules and confirm with providers “First Attend Dates” Providers will monitor their assigned caseloads and report to the supervisor all students that fall into the LTA category Supervisors should review and work with providers to optimize service delivery options, which may include, but not limited to the following: Grouping together students with similar needs (All changes must be done through the IEP process) Establishing flexible scheduling, i.e., days a week starting at 0 period
Strategies for Supervisors Monitor the process that service providers utilize to conduct outreach to students lacking “First Attend Dates” Outreach should include, but is not limited to: Telephone calls to parents, written notices to the home and classroom outreach Ensure that the school’s data-entry personnel have entered the student on the LTA Registry
Strategies for Supervisors Review SEC (Dashboard) data to identify students still awaiting service Assist providers in making adjustments to their schedules to accommodate additional students (ensure entry of start dates for new students) During Annual Review, determine whether the related service(s) is still necessary
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