DISTANCE EDUCATION FALL 2013 ETEC 645 Phyllis Babin Distance Education Learners, Learning, and Learner Support Cheating in Online Courses Implementation of a One-to-One iPod Touch Program
Insights From Research on Distance Education Learners, Learning, and Learner Support Purpose: The purpose of the study was to determine the impact of distance education on learners as well as specific subgroups of distance students and instructors. Results: Success of distance education directly relates to learner autonomy(independent or self-directed learning). Factors such as the media used in the courses, video over audio, student learning styles, the synchronicity of the communication, and the amount of interaction within a course impact success. Another factor of success was the amount of support the distance learner received through academic advising. The study was not conclusive due to the limited responses of the learners about the support they received through academic advising. West, Richard E. (2011) “Insights From Research on Distance Education Learners, Learning, and Learner Support.” American Journal of Distance Education, 25:3, , DOI: /
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore the extent to which cheating occurs in online courses, the different ways of cheating, and how such behavior can be minimized or eliminated. Students were interviewed for the study. Results: The results show that the majority of the participants had cheated or knew of someone who had cheated in online courses. Some ways the students reported cheating were working together with other students, referring to class notes, textbooks, and other useful course materials while taking online tests and quizzes, and using Internet resources. Some students reported that they were paid to complete courses for other students. Students engage in academic dishonesty for numerous reasons. This academic dishonesty also occurs in a traditional face-to-face class. The participants in this study felt that cheating was easier in online courses. Vilchez, Manuel and Thirunarayanan, M. O. “Cheating in Online courses: A Qualitative Study.” International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning. (2011, Jan. article 5) Web. 25 Oct Cheating in Online Courses: A Qualitative Study
Implementation of a One-to-One iPod Touch Program in a Middle School Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the implementation of a whole school one-to-one iPod Touch project in a middle school in the southeastern United States. Results: Findings indicated that teachers focused on internet-based research activities, formative assessment, innovative practices, and remediation, but they often had difficulty finding appropriate applications. The teachers that were most enthusiastic about the use of the device for instruction and assessment incorporated the iPod Touch every day in their teaching. The lesson warm up was a formative assessment of prior concepts. These teachers immediately calculated and reported the classroom data using their computer and projection. They presented this information to the students so they could see the concepts that were understood, and where more support may have been needed. Crompton, Helen and Keane, Julie. “Implementation of a One-to-One iPod Touch Program in a Middle School.” Journal of Interactive Online Learning. (2012, Vol. 11, No. 1). Web. 25 Oct