Technology-enhanced learners´activities for promoting teaching/learning IVANA ŠIMONOVÁ University of Hradec Králové, Czech Republic Faculty of Informatics and Management
ICT in education: Faculty of Informatics and Management + Faculty of Education co- operation two CD-ROMs “On-line e-English for primary school teachers“ “English Reader for IT and Management Students“ (+ printed version) 4
Since 2001 the LMS WebCT (Blackboard) has been used at the Faculty of Informatics and Management Work experience of one student can help another one/other ones. Providing own experience boosts student´s professional self-confidence and position within the group + provides support of motivation to learning... 5
This electronic teaching/learning aid on CD-ROM (e-book) contains didactic materials – scenarios in which modern technologies (mainly the Internet and interactive whiteboard) are used. The scenarios were designed by part-time students (who usually work as teachers during their university study) of the Teacher Training Faculty within the subject of Teaching English. 6
Both volumes of the e-book contain approximately 50 scenarios focused on various topics which are included in curricula in different grades of elementary and lower secondary school. Each scenario follows the identical template which is structured in several compulsory parts: Learning Objective, Target Group, Classroom Equipment, Teaching Aids, Description of Activities including URL, Additional Materials + Comments, Author, date. 7
9 Each student finds two English texts and their recordings per one term, then they select several items of professional vocabulary (about 10 – 15 items per text) and translate them into Czech language using Insert, Revisions, New Comment tools. The texts and recordings are to meet following requirements: Topic: text on any topic connected to the field of study. At the beginning there were four main topics (IT personalities, hardware, software, latest news and products). During the process new topics appeared. Extent: 3/4 – 1 page of A4 format. Language: the language level reflects student´s knowledge, so texts of different levels were included in the Reader. Recordings: text recordings are provided in mp3 format.
10 Both the texts and recordings are presented in online courses for the 5th and 6th terms of each study programme as IT Reader and Financial Management Reader and used for exam preparation. Below the song "Old Good Days" is displayed :-)
12 The Good Old Days The Good Old Days (listen)The Good Old Days (read) A computer was something on TV From a science fiction show of note A window was something you hated to clean And ram was the cousin of a goat. Meg was the name of my girlfriend And gig was a job for the nights Now they all mean different things And that really mega bytes. An application was for employment A program was a TV show A curser used profanity A keyboard was a piano. Memory was something you lost with age A CD was a bank account And if you had a 3-in. floppy You hoped nobody found out. Compress was something you did to the trash Not something you did to a file And if you unzipped anything in public You'd be in jail for a while. Log on was adding wood to the fire Hard drive was a long trip on the road A mouse pad was where a mouse lived And a backup happened to your commode. Cut you did with a pocket knife And paste you did with glue A web was simply a spider's home And a virus was just the flu. I guess I'll stick to my pad and paper And the memory that's in my head I hear nobody's been killed in a computer crash But when it happens they'll wish they were dead. Anonymous author
13 Both activities follow on J. A. Comenius didactic principles, and if applied under the described conditions they will result in the required competence. Above all, both students´ participation in creating the course content and using their professional experience in the field of ICT support their motivation to study.