CrossTour Fair "The Danubian Al-TOUR-native" January 2012 Innovations in E-marketing with a specific focus on SMEs Pieter Piket, Wesley Put- van den Beemt and Marjolein Visser NHTV Breda University of Applied Sciences Tourism Academy, The Netherlands
Households with internet access 2010 Source Eurostat, 2011
Individuals who use internet once a week or more, 2010 Source Eurostat, 2011
Top 5 Social Networking Sites in the Netherlands March 2011 vs. March 2010 Total Netherlands, Age 15+, Home & Work Locations Source: comScore Media MetrixcomScore Media Metrix Total Unique Visitors (000) Mar-2010Mar-2011% Change Total Internet : Total Audience11,92711,9530 Social Networking9,74211,49018 Hyves7,6927,650 Facebook.com3,7176,55676 Twitter.com1,9233,20767 Linkedin.com1,8303,11870 Windows Live Profile2,9242,769-5
1. My company currently has a social media strategy. 2. My company is thinking about developing a social media strategy. 3. My company is trying to defend why we don’t have a social media strategy. 4. My company is currently trying to understand what social media is. 5. None of the above.
Online marketing communication - - case study Social Media implementation
Creators Publish a blog related to business Publish online demos/rich media apps Upload videos, audio, or podcasts Upload photos, images, or presentations Author articles, case studies, whitepapers I blog because I have something important to share
Critics I speak out about the products I love or hate Post ratings/reviews Comment on business blog or group page Comment on online forums Contribute to/edit articles in a wiki/forum Give a reference or testimonial
Spectators I use the Internet to get the job done, so I have more time for running my business. Read business blogs Watch videos posted by firms Listen to podcasts, audio Read online forums Read customer ratings/reviews Attend Webinars, Webcasts Attend virtual trade shows
Inactives Don’t acknowledge using any social technologies I rely on my personal contacts for business advice.
1. Establish Need/Want 2. Drive Trial 3. Form/Change Opinion 4. Product Launch 5. Product/Service Comparison 6. Positive Association 7. Generate awareness. 8. Drive Action/Traffic 9. Establish/Regain Trust 10. Influence the Influencers (which may not be necessary)
1. Monitoring. Reviewing the method of social listening and deriving insights from these. 2. Mapping. Finding relationships between an individual customer or grouped segments using different social platforms, e.g. Facebook and Twitter or marketing. 3. Management. Processes for implementing and reviewing strategy. More detail on campaign management would be helpful here. 4. Middleware. The software tools and APIs used to monitor and gather insight. 5. Measurement. The measures used to assess social marketing effectiveness and ROI.
Facebook/Hyves Twitter YouTube/Flickr Blog
40% to receive discounts and promotions 39% to show my support for the company to others 36% to get a “freebie” 34% to stay informed about the activities of the company 33% to get updates on future products 30% to get updates on upcoming sales 29% for fun or entertainment 25% to get access to exclusive content 22% someone recommended it to me 21% to learn more about the company 13% for education about company topics 13% to interact Source: US based: /
Do NOT duplicate your Twitter Strategy on Facebook Do NOT Post Only Plain-Text Status Updates Do Allow Fans to Share Content Do Comment on Your Fans’ Content Do Share Your Fans’ Content Do use Facebook Questions to Find More Fans Do NOT Use a Profile Image That has a Poor Thumbnail Do Share Your Facebook Page on Your Website Develop a Personality
Is your target group present? For which purpose? Share what kind of information? Personal face Relevance
KLM surprise: JRoY7_LU Tile and inspire: jk&feature=relmfu
Be careful to be overly Self-Promotional Do NOT only include links to your own blog Do NOT follow anyone and everyone Establish a Personality Interact with other Twitter users Share your Twitter profile on your website Monitor your own brand chatter Customize your Twitter profile Do NOT only tweet once per week
Be human Be aware Be honest Be respectful Be a participant Be open Be courageous
Thank you for your attention. Questions?