VA Mobile Applications for Mental Health: PTSD Coach Julia Hoffman, Psy.D. Mobile Apps Lead | Clinical Psychologist National Center for PTSD (VA) Faculty Affiliate National Center for Telehealth & Technology (DoD)
Products for Veterans with PTSD Veterans & Service Members VA Patients Patients Enrolled in EBP
PTSD Coach
Tool Examples
Metrics of Success: Reach Increased usage of Veterans Crisis Line Versioning for Canada, Israel, Australia and for inner-city violence and cancer 2011 Winner FCC Chairman’s Award for Advancements in Accessibility 2012 Winner ATA President’s Innovation Award 2011 Best Government App 2011 Yahoo’s Top 10 Health Apps Reach is amplified in the early adaption of the app (externalization to xml)
Pilot Evaluation of PTSD Coach Perceived Helpfulness PI: Eric Kuhn, Ph.D. Purpose: Feasibility, acceptability, perceived helpfulness Sample: 54 PTSD Residential Patients 40 men, 12 women Age ranges from 24-69 (mean of 45) 48% white, 17% AA, and 15% Hispanic Method Patients used app over 3-days (weekend) Post-use survey and focus group Veterans PTSD Coach Evaluation in MTRP/WTRP PTSD Coach Pilot in Telephone Aftercare Study PTSD Explorer in Outpatient Trauma Clinics Mobile Validation of PCL (MVP) Community (at Stanford) ClinVis/PTSD Explorer EMA PTSD Explorer Proposed R34 with UCSF/SFGH Primary Care R21 with Duke testing PSTD Cancer Coach *% endorsed at “moderately” to “extremely helpful”
ClinVis Web Interface