Role of GDCO Telecentres in connecting the unconnected Ahmed Fath-alrahmen Eisa Member of win-win PPP blinds D farmers Out of school Children & Young Women & Girls Intellectual D deaf D physical D Rural community
2 What is the Telecentre movement ???
3 GDCO Sudan,,, the winner of 7 global ICT awards US $ award i4d 2008 award India i4d 2007 award India i4d 2008 award India Sudanese best NGO ICT award 2011 Best Telecentre album 2011 Philippines eWorld 2011 award India
4 e-agriculture Solving conflicts Farmers, forest, Sheppard huge database for farms Gedaref electronic (digital) Map which solves the conflict Crop market web portal disaster control through ICT Agro-Mobile Services which provide illiterate farmers with 6 services Reduce the cost of farms planning Training and capacity building &catid=38:rokstories-samples&lang=en&Itemid &catid=38:rokstories-samples&lang=en&Itemid=
5 Connecting the unconnected (disability) Free training Free computers to keep at home Inclusion through global, regional and national conferences Vocational training Telecentres SCHS – Sharjah Hanan Troock Abu Dhabi
6 GDCO in partnership with NTC & NIC - faculty of medicine Gedaref University - Constructed 228 meter square telemedicine unit to treat sick people online any where…. training and capacity building of medical staff and medical students Telemedicine 750 computer from DSE 228 Telemedicine unit
7 Out of school children e-learning 3 million out of children and double illiterate adults Drying illiteracy resources e- Sheppard & e-tanker added value services with portable Telecentre which can be a truck or tent or Gottia (hut) e-tanker Skill in writing using PAINT
8 Illiteracy eradication Agriculture services (including Easyfarmer) Power supply 4 mobile charging Telemedicine Poverty elevation for students water resources and grazing area discovery solve the conflict between farmers, Sheppard and forestry TENT Gottia Truck
9 Innovation in GDCO Telecentres Development of strong partnerships (PPP) and win-win partnership for community development Improve quality of training, certificating & skills development. Equal access to the services Providing more than 6 quality services to the community in space of 25 meter square reduce the cost of management and save time Each Telecentre start as training project then became a development tool and finally it becomes an investment project without changing its objectives to achieve sustainability
10 Achievement Bridging the digital divide Drying the resources of illiteracy Solving the conflict between the farmers, shepherd and forest. Connected the unconnected (disabled, women, out of school, rural community, illiterate or low computer skill farmers) Utilization of Telecentres to reduce the cost of education and improve its quality ICT is not part of the culture and not a priority and there is a big digital gap (divide) Poverty,, financial support and high cost of e-infrastructure children are supposed to bring the water in the morning from the river or wells and go with their animals in the morning so no students in the class challenges