The Future of IAPP Where Are We Headed? June 10, 2009 Thomas M. Bohn, CAE
Membership Key Initiatives: 1)Achieve an 85% retention rate. 2)Add 1400 new members. 3)Set foundation to double in size within 5 years. 4)A minimum of 7 direct mail Campaigns. 5)Implement 12-month rolling retention plan. 6)Create a member satisfaction survey that also includes questions that allow us to prospect for new services that hold value to our members. 7)Create a Group Membership structure. 8)Develop and Implement a plan for government AP members. 9)Develop/implement a comprehensive membership growth system with automatic enrollments. 10)2010 will have BIG CANADIAN and UK PUSH Achieved 84% retention rate YTD. Added 1,100 new members by April 09. Completed 7 outreach campaigns YTD. Developed a New Member Touch Plan for reinstatements. Completed a member survey. Launched group membership with 89 groups & 632 members. Delivered a new govt. group membership – GAPP w/ 70 mbrs. MEMBERSHIP
Web Site Key Initiatives: 1)Overhaul our website with core features including: a.Expanded tools and resources b.Easy to use interface: Distinction between members and non-members c.Robust ‘knowledge’ search engine. d.Streaming RSS e.Tie in to new AMS and Financial System f.First page on Google for key searches. More than 650+ resources Easy to use interface: exclusive member only web pages Robust ‘knowledge’ search engine. Streaming RSS – Latest accounts payable news New AMS system with over 45,000 contacts, members and organizations. First organization on Google for accounts payable! WEBSITE
Web Site Traffic WEBSITE Key Initiatives: Over 15,000 unique visitors per month—less than 2000 on old site. Over 70,000 pages visited Over 50% new visitors Average time on-site: 4:30
Professional Guidance PROFESSIONAL GUIDANCE Key Initiatives: Delivered an official set of Standards and Code of Ethics. Addition of new Professional Guidance Web section. Published Standards FREE pocket-guide for members. Now added To Wikipedia
Business Development IAPP BOOKSTORE Key Initiatives: Published products: CAPP Manual IAPP Standards Preventing & Detecting Fraud in AP Coming Soon! Leadership Skills in AP Controls Launched On-line Bookstore Delivered On-site Bookstore Contracts for 2009/2010: 14 Contracts for AP 4 Contracts for AR
Resource Center WEBSITE Key Initiatives: Revamped Resource Center Added 500+ tools Developed campaign for “members helping members” Updated/published the “Benchmarking” and “Salary” Surveys.
Annual Forum What We Promised: 1) Develop and implement an IAPP Annual Forum enhancement plan to include: a.Tracks vs. individual workshops b.A comprehensive facilitator training course offered 2-3 months prior to the Forum c.This will increase the quality and delivery of our tracks d.Highlight our members as “polished and professional facilitators/speakers e.Provide three new networking opportunities f.Broaden the types of educational offerings to include more industry specific focus (i.e., Government, Retail, Healthcare) IAPP-U What We Delivered: 10 different tracks, including an Accounts Receivable Track A creative, energetic and comprehensive facilitator course offered onsite Over 90% of our facilitators were subject matter experts and were polished and better skilled presenters Provided 6 new networking events and 8 standard networking events Provided a special industry track that offered over 6 learning labs in retail; healthcare; higher education and government..
Annual Forum Feedback “I wanted to thank all of you for your help making the IAPP conference the best one yet. The conference ran like a well oiled machine. I was able to network and meet some awesome members who had some very valuable information for me that my company will be implementing in the coming year. I was also able to connect with some vendors that will make those implementations much smoother. In closing, your staff was definitely on top of their game!” - Kathy Wardlow, AP Supervisor with Saint-Gobain Containers “Tom, just wanted to drop you a quick note to express our collective appreciation for all that you are doing for the IAPP. All of us at Connolly have really noticed a difference & we can not thank you enough. We look forward to working with you and your team.” - Larry Connolly, CEO with Connolly “I wanted to thank the IAPP for the opportunity to attend this year’s conference. I am new to the Shared Services world and found the information and the interaction with industry peers invaluable. To be sure, this conference was one of the best organized of any that I have attended.” - Daryl Gehbauer, Sr. Director Financial Shared Services with Wal-mart FORUM
Annual Forum Feedback “I have to say that I think this conference was one of, if not the best conferences that I’ve been to ever. I’ve been to the last few IAPP conferences and several other software, CPA conferences, etc. The list of speakers and industry SME’s that attended this year would be an envy to any group. The “A list” speakers for keynotes was unbelievable especially in a tough environment and with attendance off slightly. Most people would tend to cut curriculum or cheapen the experience to keep up with the economy but I not only thought the quality was as good as years gone by, but BETTER!” - Brandon Laws, Director Corporate Payables with Lowe’s “The buzz I hear is that this year’s conference was the best ever and I agree. Thanks so much for bringing fresh ideas and experiences to the association. The IAPP staff is exceptional and I enjoy working with them all.” - Faye Adams, CAPP, AP Manager with B/E Aerospace “Your efforts to improve and evolve the organization are commendable. From the moment I arrived at Coronado, I felt a new energy and witnessed excitement among the attendees and even your staff. While your numbers were down, those who were able to attend were engaged and truly glad to be involved – a great building block for the future! I would personally like to thank you for your efforts to connect with Connolly, we look forward to supporting you and the ongoing success of IAPP. - Libby Alexander, Connolly Vice Chairman & CEO (Connolly Healthcare) FORUM
Social Networking WEBSITE Key Initiatives: IAPP now has over 1200 members on: Linked-in Facebook Twitter
Training Key Initiatives: 1)Identify four pilot sites for group live seminars in partnership with other providers. (Each site to have minimum of four courses. ) 2)Add 12-new custom webinars that are tied to the most popular workshop topics offered at the previous Forum. Delivered four pilot Seminars: AP Best Practices Compliance & Tax Training AP Leadership Skills Detecting Fraud in AP Launched TT Webinars & Fee-based: Third Thursdays – 100+ regs Fraud Fee-based Webinars PLUS On-line Self Study Program: Offering over 300 online courses through SMARTPros AP TRAINING
This one and a half day workshop includes topics such as: Student refunds Building effective Faculty/Administrator relationships University procurement card programs Fraud Various other issues facing AP professionals in the education field Where: Northeastern University Boston, MA When: August 20-21, 2009 Price: $395 members* ($495 non-members) *Group discounts apply for member organizations, 2+ registrants can take advantage of just $295 each! Are you in the education arena and want specific training geared just for you? "Summer School" is now in session!
When: September 14-15, 2009 Where: Philadelphia, PA Radisson Plaza-Warwick Hotel Room Rate - $129 Price: $495 members* ($595 non-members) OR When: October 12-13, 2009 Where: Chicago, IL Crown Plaza Chicago Room Rate - $119 Price: $495 members* ($595 non-members) *Group discounts available Controllers/CFO’s Cash Flow Management Sarbanes-Oxley Shared Service Strategies Revenue Management IFRS International Finance Issues Accounts Payable 1099 Workshops TIN – Matching Sales & Use Tax Escheatment 1042 Requirements Payroll Reporting Best Practices Preparing for Year End W-2 Requirements Auditing Payroll Deferred Compensation Plans
Certification What We Promised: Key Initiatives: 1)Rewrite and publish the CAPP study guide. 2)Update CAPP Exam. 3)Enhance marketing to CFO’s. What We Delivered: Published CAPP Manual 4/09 New exam test bank under item review for testing new outline in Fall 09. Increased CAPP registrants by 54% from Spring08 with marketing outreach. PLUS revamped CAPP & CAPA Policies & Procedures PLUS redesigned Certification Web Site. CERTIFICATION
Chapters WEBSITE Key Initiatives: Created robust chapter web sites. By end of FY 08-09, all active chapters will have a robust chapter Web site. Chapter leaders section completed on IAPP main web site by August 31, 2009.
AP Matters AP MATTERS Key Initiatives: Update AP Matters with expanded/ custom editorial. PLUS added new on-line version! New Bi-Monthly E- Mail Member Newsletter.
Business Development IAPP-UK AFFILIATE Key Initiatives: Now in the UK! Launched Web Site Welcomed first charter member! UK Forum in Planning Stages
Volunteer Engagement Key Initiatives: 1.Significantly increase the number of volunteers active with IAPP. 2.Expand board size and create an Executive Committee. 3.Further engage the chapters with more interaction, leadership development initiatives and new tools. Created/Re-Established 6 advisory committees: Membership Advisory Committee Exhibitor Advisory Committee Editorial Advisory Committee Strategic Advisory Committee 2010 Conference Advisory Committee Chapter Advisory Committee Certification Council (combined the two existing CAPP & CAPA councils) VOLUNTEERS