My Director Just Asked for E-Learning and I Do Not Know What To Do West Coast Child Welfare Trainers Conference August 2010 Albuquerque By Rose Wentz
Rose Wentz Rose Marie Wentz has worked in the field of child welfare for 34 years. She has been a social worker, licenser, licenser, social work supervisor, trainer, supervisor of Washington State Training Academy, a residential treatment worker and CASA for King County Juvenile Court. She is on the board on the National Staff Development and Training Association and is a consultant for the National Resource Center for Permanency and Family Connections. In the area of E-Learning she has developed, produced and managed production of college courses, an AA online certificate for Case Managers, computer based training, video training, and webcasts. Rose has an undergraduate degree in Social Work and a graduate in Public Administration
Session Learning Objectives Participants will be able to identify a variety of E-learning methods: webcasts, computer based, social networking, and more. Participants will be able to determine what type of online learning to use based on learning objectives. Participants will be able to discuss the benefits and challenges in using E-Learning.
Adobe Connect Pro Video from Adobe website Learn about the tools we will use today. Go to this link.
ELearning Examples Click on these ELearning examples to view the diversity. PODCAST You Tube Webinar Live class rams/displayevent.aspx? rID=27405 Twitter
Introductions Add your name to the chat room List your experience in doing ELearning As a learner As a developer As a designer
Transfer of Learning What do you want to learn in this session? Add your comments to white board on this site. Begin to fill out your Transfer of Learning Action Planning Form.