DIGITAL LITERACIES AND HIGHER EDUCATION IN PORTUGAL Preliminary Findings COST-Action FP 1104 “New Possibilities for Print Media and Packaging – Combining print with digital” Zagreb, March 26th and 27th 2015 Pedro Isaías, Paula Miranda and Sara Pífano ISRLab, IADIS, Portugal
Index Digital Literacy in Higher Education Threefold Definition of Digital Literacy The Participants Access to ICT Operational Competences Conceptual Skills Technology and Learning Concluding Remarks
Digital Literacy in Higher Education "Being void of digital…literacy is akin to being handicapped" (Jones & Flannigan, 2006) Digital proficiency impacts the students’ experience in digital contexts Digital literacy is an asset for students: It assists their full engagement in a society growingly dominated by digital contexts Provides social, cultural and professional benefits The need for digital skills has been widely recognised, but their generic nature hinders their development
Threefold definition of digital literacy DIGITAL LITERACY Access to ICT Computer Internet Connection Tablet Smartphone Operational competences Computer basics Internet navigation Communication Information search/ management Conceptual skills Critical attitude ICT in daily Life Social interaction Online safety
The Participants Gender: Female 45.4%; Male 54.6% Age: 18-24: 48.7% 25-34: 18.5% 35-44: 16.8% 45-59: 16% Higher Education students enrolled in different courses and institutions in Portugal Type of computer training: 8.4% - Certification from an independent official entity (ex. E/ICDL) 47.9% - Computer training module/course at the university 19.3% - Workshop 18.5% - Other training 18.5% - No computer training Self-assessment of overall digital skill level: Basic % Good % Very Good % Excellent %
Access to ICT Computer Internet Connection Tablet Smartphone
Computer and Internet connection At home, 98.3% have a computer and 97.5% have internet access 69.7% use a computer at the university vs. 29.4% who do not The students have been using computers for: 1-5 years 0.8% 6-10 years 24.4% years 49.6% Over 20 years 24.4% Computer usage frequency: Daily 96.6% 1-3 times a week 1.7% 2-3 times a month 0.8% Internet usage frequency: Daily 93.3% 1-3 times a week 3.4%
Different levels of access
Operational Competences Computer basics Internet navigation Communication Information search and management
Level of comfort while performing tasks
Tasks easily accomplished
Level of difficulty of tasks
Conceptual skills Critical attitude ICT in daily Life Social interaction Online safety
Online behaviour
Online profile
Conceptual skills Proficiency
Technology and learning Completed e-Learning CourseCompleted b-Learning Course
Concluding remarks Conclusion Overall all students had a positive perception of their digital literacy Students still have very limited access to tablets and Smartphones Students feel less confident about their capacity to identify the reliability/quality of information To be digitally literate, individuals also need cognitive, social and emotional abilities Students are less engaged in civic participation Limitations Use of a convenience sample Self-assessment tool Future research Apply this survey to other countries in the EU Complement this self-assessment with a quiz or an assessment