The future of Tempus in Erasmus+ Jasmina Skočilić Project LifeADA kick-off meeting, Zagreb, February
Presentation outline Lifelong learning? ERASMUS + activities Capacity Building for HE (under discussion) Supporting structure
„Education and Training 2020” Making LLL and mobility a reality; Improving the quality and efficiency of education and training; Promoting equity, social cohesion and active citizenship; Enhancing creativity and innovation at all levels of education and training Europeans’ University Charter on LLL Embedding concepts of LLL in institutional strategies; attracting returning adult learners; Recognising prior learning; Embracing LLL in quality culture; Developing partnerships at local, regional, national and international level role models of LLL institutions European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong learning Bridge between national qualification systems Validation of non formal and informal learning Supporting LLL and mobility Common elements: LO, knowledge, skills and competence, workload, QA All levels of learning Compatible to QF-EHEA Lifelong learning and HE
Erasmus+: Why a new approach? - Deep economic crisis and high youth unemployment - Vacancies exist, but skills gaps and low employability of graduates - Growing requirement for high skilled jobs - A global competition for talent: internationalisation of education - Extraordinary broadening of learning offer and potential of ICT - Complementarity between formal, informal and non formal learning - Need for closer links with world of work => New approach necessary
Erasmus+: A streamlined architecture : 3 Key actions Existing programmes A single integrated programme Lifelong Learning Programme International higher education programmes: Erasmus Mundus, Tempus, Alfa, Edulink, Bilateral Programmes Youth in Action Programme Erasmus + 1. Learning Mobility 2. Co- operation 3. Policy support
KA1 Learning mobility of individuals DECENTRALISED Credit mobility: (ex Erasmus) mobility of students and staff Degree mobility: (ex EM Action 1) Joint Master Degrees Student loan guarantee: (available soon, but EU only) KA2 Cooperation for innovation CENTRALISED Strategic Partnerships (joint studies, curricula…) Knowledge Alliances (knowledge triangle, student employability) Sector Skills Alliances (improving VET education, cooperation with HE) Capacity Building for Higher Education (ex Tempus available soon) KA3 Policy Support CENTRALISED (for national authorities ) Open method of Coordination Prospective initiatives EU recognition tools Dissemination & exploitation Policy dialogue Erasmus+ : key activities
Capacity Building for HE MAIN ELEMENTS 1: Successor of Tempus, Alfa and Edulink Financed by external instruments (IPA, ENI, DCI, EDF) Call publication to be expected in September 2014 Centrally managed (EACEA) focus on reforms and capacity building Articulation with country/region needs and local policy priorities (priorities, consultation process)
Capacity Building for HE MAIN ELEMENTS 2: Applicant: University (not individual faculty) Consortium At least 1 Partner Country (with minimum 2 HEIs) At least 3 Programme Countries (with minimum 1 HEI in each country) Partner country Ministry (for Structural projects) Funding Simplification – unit costs where possible Duration 2 or 3 years 1000 Capacity Building Projects
Capacity Building for HE COUNTRIES 1
Capacity Building for HE COUNTRIES 2
Capacity Building for HE PROJECTS &THEMES:
Capacity Building for HE PROJECTS &THEMES:
Capacity Building for HE PROJECTS &THEMES:
Capacity Building for HE UNIT COST 1 A fixed amount of money given to project to carry out a defined activity No need to prove the expense but the implemented activity More flexibility but greater responsibility for beneficiary Partnership Agreements will be compulsory The Tempus Budget: five items only
Capacity Building for HE UNIT COST 2
Capacity Building for HE UNIT COST 2
Supporting structure NatioNTO’SNationaNCP’sNTO’SNCP’s National Erasmus+ Offices (NEO) Contact points for all E+ activities Managing HERE teams Defining priorities with ministries Consultation on short list (with EUD and ministries) Eligibility check National Agencies for E+ Manage decentralised activities Contact points for all E+ activities
Thank you for attention! Contact: Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes Jasmina Skočilić