BASIC MECHANICAL ENGINEERING UNIT-3 1)Hydraulic Pumps And Turbines 2)Refrigeration And Air Conditioning Systems
Hydraulics Hydraulics deals with the mechanical properties of liquids. Fluid mechanics provides the theoretical foundation for hydraulics, which focuses on the engineering uses of fluid properties. Hydraulics is used for the generation, control, and transmission of power by the use of pressurized liquids. Pipe flow, dam design, fluidics and fluid control circuitry, pumps, turbines, hydropower, computational fluid dynamics, flow measurement, river channel behavior and erosion.
Topics Hydraulic pumps Hydraulic power plant layout Hydraulic Turbines Reciprocating pump Centrifugal pump Hydraulic power plant layout Hydraulic Turbines Impulse Reaction
Hydraulic Pump Mechanical device which converts the mechanical energy into hydraulic energy. Increase the pressure energy subsequently converted into potential energy. A pump is a device which lifts water from a lower level to a higher level at the expense of mechanical energy. Pump is a Power absorbing device.
Reciprocating Pump
As the crank moves outwards, the piston moves out creating suction in the cylinder. Due to the suction water/fluid is drawn into the cylinder through the inlet valve. The delivery valve will be closed during this outward stroke. During the return stroke as the fluid is incompressible, pressure will developed immediately which opens the delivery valve and closes the inlet valve. During the return stroke fluid will be pushed out of the cylinder against the delivery side pressure.
Centrifugal Pump
Energy is imparted to the fluid by centrifugal action of moving blades from the inner radius to the outer radius. The main components of centrifugal pumps are the impeller, the casing the drive shaft
The impeller consists of a disc (impeller) with blades mounted perpendicularly on its surface. The casing is air tight and water tight and its cross sectional area gradually increases towards the outlet The upper end of the suction pipe is connected to the eye of the impeller and other end to foot valve The delivery pipe is connected to the outlet of the pump to deliver liquid to the required height with the help of delivery valve
Working The fluid enters through the suction nozzle of the pump to the eye of the impeller. The fluid is trapped between the blades of the impeller. The impeller is spinning at the velocity of the driver. As the fluid passes from the eye, through the blades toward the outside diameter of the impeller, the fluid undergoes a rapid and explosive increase in velocity
As velocity goes up, the pressure goes down, and indeed there is a low-pressure zone in the eye of the impeller The liquid that leaves the outer diameter of the impeller immediately slams into the internal casing wall of the volute where it comes to an abrupt halt As velocity goes down, the pressure increases The velocity is now converted into head or pressure available at the discharge nozzle.
Priming To start delivery of the fluid the suction pipe, casing, impeller and the delivery pipe up to delivery valve should be filled with the fluid without any air pockets. This is called priming. In presence of air, negligible pressure is generated because of low density of air and hence no water will be lifted Delivery valve is kept closed even after the casing is filled with water. Then delivery valve is opened gradually to allow high velocity and high pressure water to push through the delivery pipe.
CENTRIFUGAL PUMP RECIPROCATING PUMP Large discharge and small heads Small discharge and higher heads Lifting of high viscous fluids like oils, paper pulp, chemicals Can handle only pure water and less viscous fluids Uniform and continuous flow Flow is fluctuating and pulsating Higher speed and hence coupled with motor Runs at low speed hence gear driven
Needs priming Priming not required Quiet in operation Noisy in operation Maintenance is cheap costly Less wear and tear More wear and tear Occupies less space 4 to 6 times larger area Efficiency is less Efficiency is more
HYDRAULIC TURBINE Hydraulic turbines are machines which convert hydraulic energy (energy of water ) into mechanical energy. Thus in turbines fluid does work on the machine and machine produces power. The mechanical energy developed by the electric generator which is directly coupled to the shaft of the turbine. The electric power developed by the electric generator is known as hydro electric power. So the generation of hydro electric power is cheaper than the other sources like coal, oil, etc.
Hydro Power Plant Layout
Shaft Connecting Turbine & Generator
TUNGABHADRA 6 X 9 MW Kaplan, 2 X 9 MW Francis SRISAILAM 6 X 165 MW Kaplan 6 X 110 MW Francis TUNGABHADRA 6 X 9 MW Kaplan, 2 X 9 MW Francis NAGARJUNA SAGAR 1 X 110, 7 X 100,8. 5 X 30 Francis
Hydraulic Turbines Machines which convert hydraulic energy in to mechanical energy. Fluid does work on the machines, produces power Power developed is called hydro electric power Principal component of turbine is rotor
Classification 1.Action of water Impulse : There is no pressure drop on the runner/rotor. K.E of water coming from the jet is used to run the runner/rotor. Ex: Pelton wheel turbine. Reaction: There is a loss of K.E as well as pressure energy on the runners of the blade. Ex: Francis turbine 2. Direction of flow of water Tangential: In this flow the water strikes the runner tangential to the path of rotation. Radial: In this flow the water enters the runners radially and comes out axially. Axial: In this flow the water flows parallel to the axis of the turbine. Ex: Kaplan turbine
Classification 3. Available head High head: The turbine capable of working under high potential head of water above 250m Ex: Pelton wheel turbine. Medium head: The turbine is capable of working under medium range of potential head about 60m to 250m Ex: Francis turbine. Low head: The turbine is capable of working under low range of potential head greater than 60m 4. Specific speed: Low speed: Turbine works in the range of 10-50. (Ex: Pelton wheel turbine) Medium speed: Turbine works in the range of 50-350. (Ex: Francis turbine) High speed: Turbine works in the range of 10-50. (Ex: kaplan turbine)
Impulse turbine The available energy of water is converted into kinetic energy by passing it through a nozzle at the end of the penstock Water coming out of nozzle forms into free jet which impinges on a series of buckets of the runner, causing it to revolve Water is in contact only with a part of the runner at a time A casing is provided on the runner to prevent splashing and to guide the water discharged from the buckets to the tailrace
Reaction Turbine At the entrance to the runner only a part of the available energy of water is converted into kinetic energy and a suitable part remains in the form of pressure energy As the water flows through the runner the change from pressure to kinetic energy takes place gradually For this gradual change in pressure to be possible the runner must be enclosed in a air tight casing The difference of the pressure between the inlet and the outlet of the runner is called reaction pressure, hence reaction turbine.
IMPULSE REACTION Available energy is converted into kinetic energy Major part of available energy is converted to pressure energy Pressure in turbine is constant Pressure gradually reduces while water flows on the turbine blades The wheel and the blades should have accesses to free air and must not run full The blades are always under the action of pressure, wheel must always run full Only one face of blade is active Both sides Turbine must always be installed above water level in tail race The turbine is usually set above the tailrace.
Regulation of flow and power is easier without loss of energy Difficult Used for high heads Low and medium heads Efficiency is less Efficiency is more Energy transfer being change in energy Due to change in pressure head
Runner consists of circular disk with a suitable number of double hemi ellipsoidal cups know as buckets evenly spaced round its periphery One or more nozzles are mounted to direct a jet of water on the runner in tangential direction The nozzle is fitted with a spear or needle fixed to the end of a rod The impulse force produced due to this momentum of water causes the turbine to rotate The double semi ellipsoidal buckets split the water jet in two half’s which helps in balancing the turbine.
Francis turbine is a radial inward flow turbine and is the most popularly used one in the medium head range of 60 to 300 m. The main components are (i) The spiral casing (ii) Guide vanes (iii) Runner (iv) Draft tube The spiral casing surrounds the runner completely Its area of cross section decreases gradually around the circumference. This leads to uniform distribution of water all along the circumference of the runner. A draft tube is a large pipe with increasing cross section area which connects the runner exit to the tailrace
Water enters the runner through the guide blades along the circumference The blade passages act as a nozzle in this aspect guiding the water at the proper direction The area of blade passage is changed to vary the flow rate of water according to the load so that the speed can be maintained constant
The runner is circular disc and has the blades fixed on one side The runner is circular disc and has the blades fixed on one side. In high speed runners in which the blades are longer a circular band may be used around the blades to keep them in position. The runners change the direction and magnitude of the fluid velocity and in this process absorb the momentum from the fluid.
Guide vanes (yellow) at minimum flow low setting CUT-WAY VIEW OF FRANCIS TURBINE :- Guide vanes (yellow) at minimum flow low setting
Kaplan Turbine
Kaplan turbine
Main components are Runner with runner blades Scroll casing Guide vanes Draft tube It is an axial flow turbine Suitable for low head and large quantity of water The inlet is trough the scroll casing which is in the form of the spiral After entering in to the casing water gets distributed into the guide vanes In guide vanes water turns through a right angle into axial direction
Water flows over the runner blades and losses their pressure energy to impart kinetic energy to the runner Runner blades as well as guide vanes are adjustable Finally water is discharged to the tail race through a gradually expanding tube called the draft tube
Hydraulic Machinery