EETT Enhancing Education Through Technology McKeesport Area School District Founders’ Hall
Congratulations! The Title IID/Enhancing Education Through Technology (EETT) proposal submitted by your LEA has been selected for funding by a team of peer reviewers. This is a one- year grant award. McKeesport Area SD will receive $ for the project year. Renee A. Palakovic Chief Division of Federal Programs LEA – Local Education Agency
111 proposals submitted were submitted for funding requesting a total of $17 million. We had $9.3 million available to allocate and were able to fund only 47 of the proposals submitted. Your staff should be commended for preparing an excellent proposal.
As a final note, please be sure your staff is aware this is a competitive grant. Therefore, the plan submitted in the proposal is the only plan approved and funds must be expended accordingly. LEAs may not deviate from the approved plan and revisions must relate directly to the plan. Please discuss planned revisions with your federal programs regional reviewer prior to submission to ensure compliance. LEA – Local Education Agency
Educational Needs and Goals the Project Addresses: Audience includes all staff and students Concentration in the areas of reading and math Focus on staff professional development Reach proficiency in technology literacy and integration 10% increase in both reading and math PSSA scores for 2009 Develop strategies and activities to integrate technology into the core curriculum
Students Based on results of online survey developed from ISTE Students Standards PSSA Results 4Sight Testing Results Teachers Based on results of an online survey developed from ISTE Teacher Standards Based on needs-assessment
ISTE's National Educational Technology Standards (NETS) have served as a roadmap since 1998 for improved teaching and learning by educators. ISTE standards for students, teachers, and administrators help to measure proficiency and set aspirational goals for the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to succeed in today’s Digital Age. Their proven leadership in developing these benchmarks and providing guidance in implementing them has resulted in broad adoption of the ISTE standards in the U.S. and in several countries. NETS for Teachers 2008 Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessment Model Digital-Age Work and Learning Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership NETS – National Educational Technology Standards
The district believes that embracing technology is one of the key components to creating life-long learners with the ability to thrive in the 21 st Century. Currently in its second year, the Founders’ Hall technology Team has been creating and delivering professional development to all staff members. Technology usage and integration has increased greatly due to the availability of hardware, software, resources and training.
Grant Proposal Professional Development - Teachers Consistency in training and skill development to integrate available technology into daily instruction through: staff meetings team plans online modules, webinars after school workshops in-service trainings participation in needs assessment surveys
“30-Minute Mega Byte Modules” These after school workshops will be offered bi-monthly and will be open to all district staff. As ongoing professional development, ACT 48 Credit will be offered. Examples of workshop offerings: Promethean, Gradequick, Edline, Wiki, Blog, Google Docs (catalog will be available soon)
Student Objectives Use digital media to communicate and work collaboratively Support individual learning and the learning of others Engage in real-world issues and solve authentic problems Reveal and clarify conceptual understanding Use digital tools to gather, evaluate and use information Increase learning through web-based applications
Equipment (pending administrative approval and available $) 9 Promethean Board Bundles All Math, Reading, Language Arts rooms (Foundations rooms included) Activotes for additional boards 6 ActiveExpressions – Promethean’s latest learner response system with texting options Scanners, microphones, speakers, digital cameras, video cameras (ideally, 1 each per team)
Laptop computers To replace desktop computers in all Reading and Language Arts rooms. The creation of mini labs in these rooms with the replaced desktop computers. Replacement projector bulbs
The Founders’ Hall Technology Team is working closely with Mr. Bauman, Project Director, and Patty Scales, Coordinator of Grant Development to ensure the timely execution of the EETT Grant requirements and expenditures.