PIHRA News for Districts July 2014
The Professionals In Human Resources Association is a professional association dedicated to the continuous enhancement of human resources through networking, learning and advocacy. PIHRA Mission
pihra.org/trial Trial members who renew to full membership before 7/31/14 will be eligible for the $125 renewal rate.
Don’t Wait! Login to Access these 3 Benefits! NEW Ask An HR Advisor - call HR professionals with HR questions, M-F during regular business hours. NEW HR Compliance Center - an award- winning resource database with thousands of forms and tools. Local Networking with HR Professionals – register for a meeting at 16 locations throughout SoCal. Networking Learning Advocacy login to pihra.org! "PIHRA is an invaluable resource for both HR education and professional networking. My PIHRA membership is a critical component of my HR toolbox." Jenny Roney, MPA, SPHR, IPMA-CP
Register by July 31 & Save $100 off the onsite rate! Register today! California HR Conference Anaheim, California August 25-27, 2014 Registered? Purchase your discounted Disney Resort tickets by August 24 at 9:00pm (PST). cahr14.org/disneyland/ WHY SHOULD YOU ATTEND? Learn the newest thinking and practices in HR to stay ahead of trends with 80 continuing education sessions. Recertify with up to credit hours. Engage with HR colleagues and peers in countless networking opportunities.
Webinar - Members Only Site Did you miss the last webinar? Members can access PIHRA webinars 24 hours a day. Login tonight to listen to the June 13 webinar, Saying “No” to Negativity, presented by Robin Paggi, SPHR-CA with Worklogic HR pihra.org/webinars
New Membership Cards Look out for your new PIHRA Member ID card in the mail. You have a new member ID number. It may be requested to register for events or services.
Questions? Contact PIHRA home office to make sure that you are getting the most out of your membership Main switchboard:
Connect search PIHRA facebook.com/pihra twitter.com/pihra youtube.com/pihravideo