RENEWABLE ENERGY. SOLAR ENERGY Can be used to: -Heat water -Heat spaces -Run electricity (electronics, appliances) Works from PHOTOVOLTAIC devices (PV)


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Presentation transcript:


SOLAR ENERGY Can be used to: -Heat water -Heat spaces -Run electricity (electronics, appliances) Works from PHOTOVOLTAIC devices (PV)

PROS No pollution or CO2 emissions When on buildings, they have minimal impact on the environment Renewable Saves $ Low maintenance CONS Sunlight not always constant (weather, location) Requires a large surface to collect sun energy to power a building Installation is expensive


-Can be made from stored Hydrogen (not common) -Can also come from fossil fuels, hydrocarbons, biomass, and water, sunlight, wind, and nuclear sources. Fuel Cells

HYDROGEN ENERGY PROS -no pollution -no moving parts -operates at higher efficiencies than normal fuels CONS -More expensive -cars not built to hold fuel cells -may still require fossil fuels -H2 is hard to store or transport -few refilling stations


WIND ENERGY PROS -sustainable -Non-polluting -continual -low maintenance cost -proven effective CONS -unreliable and depends on wind patterns, temp, time of year -equipment is expensive -initial expense is high

HYDROELECTRIC ENERGY PROS -sustainable -Non-polluting -controls flooding -recreational opportunities -low expenses after initial cost -lasts longer CONS -changes to river ecosystem -lowers water quality, pollutants back up in lake -effects fish migration -long construction process


WHAT IS IT? It’s heat energy from the earth

GEOTHERMAL ENERGY PROS -sustainable -mostly non polluting -energy can be produced non-stop -minimal expenses AFTER initial costs -minimal impact on stations that collect the energy CONS -limited locations -constantly replenishing water -could contaminate groundwater -CO2 and H2S could possibly be released -pricey installation


BIOMASS FUELS PROS -reduces/equals out greenhouse gases (CO2) -gives an alternate to fossil fuels -almost everywhere -reduces waste products CONS -uses food crops -increases price of food and livestock -takes more energy to produce then it makes -expensive