Getting Started with Full-Service National PCC Day September 20, 2013 William P. Lundy USPS Headquarters
Agenda Todays topics: –Describe concepts of Intelligent Mail –Understand the requirements for Full-Service Intelligent Mail –Understand the benefits of Full-Service 2
Background of Intelligent Mail® In 2009 the Postal Service began offering the mailing industry two Intelligent Mail options for automation discounts: Intelligent Mail Barcode (IMb) Basic Intelligent MailFull-Service Intelligent Mail 3
Mail Eligible for Full-Service Effective January 26, 2014, use of Full-Service Intelligent Mail is required to qualify for automation prices for –First-Class Mail ® postcards, letters and flats –Standard Mail ® letters and flats –Periodicals letters and flats –Bound Printed Matter flats On April 18, 2013 the Postal Service posted the Final Rule Federal Register Notice which outlines the requirement for January 2014 –This Federal Register Final Notice can be reviewed in its entirety by visiting the website 4
What is Intelligent Mail? 5 Intelligent Mail barcode (IMb) Intelligent Mail Tray barcode (IMtb) Intelligent Mail Container barcode (IMcb) The Intelligent Mail Service uses information-rich barcodes and electronic documentation, providing valuable services that enhance business operations such as marketing, financials and customer support Under the Full-Service option, most mailers are required to use unique Intelligent Mail barcodes for mailpieces and handling units (trays or sacks) and keep those barcodes unique for 45 days.
MID CRID Permit PAYMENT METHOD MAILER IDENTIFICATION CUSTOMER IDENTIFICATION Permit - permission to use a certain postage payment method for bulk and commercial mailings. For commercial mailings, an annual fee applies. CRID - unique ID number used by USPS to identify a customer’s physical business location (address). MID - A six- or nine-digit number the USPS assigns to a Mail Owner or Mail Service Provider based on calendar-year mail volume Common Full-Service Terminology There can only be one CRID for each physical business location. However, there can be multiple Permits and MIDs associated to the one CRID. ABC Company 6
Electronic documentation allows mailers to submit electronic data and information about their mailings and payment through the PostalOne! system –Expedites acceptance and payment verification Electronic Documentation is required for all Full-Service mailings 7 Common Full-Service Terminology
8 Most Full-Service mailings must use unique barcodes that don’t repeat for 45 days from the date the mailing is accepted into the mailstream –Exception: For mailings less than 10,000 pieces, mailers may use Identical Barcode Serial Numbers within a single mailing but must maintain uniqueness across mailings for 45 days if: Postage is affixed to the piece at the correct price OR All mailpieces are identical weight and separated by price BARCODE ID SERVICE TYPE ID MAILER ID SERIAL NUMBER ROUTING CODE Mailpiece ZIP CODECONTENT ID PROCESSIN G CODE MAILER ID SERIAL NUMBER LABEL TYPE Handling Unit Common Full-Service Terminology
Full-Service Requirements Intelligent Mail Barcode Barcode Uniqueness Valid Service Type Identifier Valid MID Electronic Documentation Valid MIDs & CRIDs By/For Information 9 There are two major components to Full-Service: the Intelligent Mail barcode and Electronic Documentation
Intelligent Mailpiece Barcode TRACKING CODE ROUTING CODE Barcode Uniqueness 10
Service Type Identifier Requirement The Service Type ID is a 3-digit code to identify the class of mail and any additional or special services requested for the mailpiece –Must be provided in the IMb –Must be contained in the eDoc –A table of Service Type IDs is available on RIBBS: 11 BARCODE ID SERVICE TYPE ID MAILER ID SERIAL NUMBER ROUTING CODE IMb on Mailpiece
MID/CRID Requirement Valid MIDs and CRIDs are required for Full-Service MIDs (Mailer IDs) are unique ID numbers assigned by USPS to identify a specific mail owner, mailing agent, or other service provider –MIDs are used in both the Intelligent Mail barcode as well as mailers’ electronic documentation CRIDEach MID is linked to a CRID (Customer Registration ID), which represents a specific business location BY/FORMIDs and CRIDs are used to identify the BY/FOR relationship in a mailing BY –Mail is prepared BY the Mail Preparer FOR –Mail is prepared FOR the Mail Owner 12
As a New Customer, how do I obtain a single MID? When creating a new business account on the Business Customer Gateway (BCG), a MID and CRID will automatically be assigned for that business location –Log-on to the Business Customer Gateway to access all online services
Unique Intelligent Mail Tray Barcode for Handling Units (IMtb) 14 ZIP CODE EXAMPLE: MEMPHIS, TN CONTENT ID # EXAMPLE: 3-DIGITS DESCRIBING THE TRAY PROCESS- ING CODE EXAMPLE: 1 FOR AUTOMATION COMPATIBLE MAILER ID EXAMPLE: USPS ® ASSIGNED SERIAL NUMBER EXAMPLE: MAILER ASSIGNED LABEL TYPE EXAMPLE: 1 FOR 6-DIGIT MID Under the Full-Service option, most mailers are required to use a unique Intelligent Mail® tray barcode on all handling units (trays or sacks) and keep this barcode unique for 45 days. Barcode Uniqueness
Unique Intelligent Mail Container Barcodes (IMcb) APPLICATION IDENTIFIER EXAMPLE: 99 TYPE INDICATOR EXAMPLE: M MAILER ID EXAMPLE: USPS ASSIGNED, Ex: 2034Z SERIAL NUMBER EXAMPLE: Mailer Assigned, Ex: Under the Full-Service option, most mailers are required to use a unique Intelligent Mail® container barcode on the Intelligent Mail® container placard and keep this barcode unique for 45 days. Barcode Uniqueness 15
Container Placard Container Placards are usually required for Full-Service mailings but there are some exceptions When discussing the exceptions, the following terms are important to understand: –BMEU –BMEU: mailings presented by a customer at a BMEU –Processing Facility –Processing Facility: mailings verified at a BMEU but given back to mailer to be taken to a processing facility 16
When is a container placard required for Full-Service? Entering mail at the BMEU - First-Class Mail Letters & Flats Small volume mailing Mailer separates mail into different containers by destination Mailer does not separate mail into different containers by destination Container with Unique Placard No Container Placard Required Letters Less than foot trays Less than foot trays Flats Less than 16 tubs First-Class Mail Separations Origin MDX Surface Mixed ADC Air 5-digit Origin SCF SCF AADC ADC No Container Placard Required Container with Unique Placard HIGH VOLUME MAILING 17 Mailer has a CSA
Small volume mailing The mailing is larger than the minimum Mailer has a CSA Small Volume Mailing in an APC Letters Less than 48 1-foot trays Less than 24 2-foot trays Flats Less than 16 tubs OR Small Volume Mailing on a Pallet Letters Less than 72 1-foot trays Less than 36 2-foot trays Flats Less than 24 tubs Container with Unique Placard No Container Placard Required Container with Unique Placard Entering Mail at the processing facility - First-Class Mail Letters & Flats 18
Mailing is small and mailer does not separate mail into different containers by destination Mailing is small and mailer separates mail into different containers by destination (OPTIONAL) Mailing is more than 500 pounds of bundles/sacks or 72 1-foot trays pounds of bundles/sacks or foot trays OR pounds of bundles/sacks or foot trays, AND entering mail at a co-located BMEU within service area for the mail OR Container with Unique Placard No Container Placard Required Container with Unique Placard Under 100 pounds of bundles/sacks or 35 1-foot trays, AND entering flats claiming DDU rate Small Mailing Less than 500 pounds of bundles/sacks Less than 72 1-foot trays Full-Service Standard Mail, Periodicals, BPM Letters & Flats At the BMEU 19
What is Electronic Documentation (eDoc)? Electronic documentation allows mailers to submit postage statements and qualification reports electronically through the PostalOne! system The 4 Options for submitting electronic documentation are: Mail.dat Mail.XML Postal Wizard Intelligent Mail for Small Business (IMsb) Tool 20
Available eDoc Technologies Mail.dat® Mail.dat is an electronic file that represents the mailing Mail.dat uses a fixed file format to send mailing information Mailer uses own software or vendor software to create electronic file Mail.XML ™ Mail.XML is an electronic file that represents the mailing Allows two-way conversational communication letting the customer select data fields submitted Mailer uses own software or vendor software to create electronic file Postal Wizard Mailer types information into online forms in Postal Wizard, a USPS tool Postal Wizard creates the electronic postage statement Separate software is needed to generate barcodes Intelligent Mail Small Business Tool (IMsb) Designed specifically for small-volume mailers Allows mailers to: Upload address list to the IMsb Tool Print address with an Intelligent Mail barcode on labels, envelopes or insert page Print tray labels Prepare mailings for entry into the mailstream Submit postage statement(s) electronically 21
Full-Service Mailing Solutions 22 Mailing software vendors offer easy, ready-to-go solutions for preparing and submitting Full-Service mailings. -Mail.dat/Mail.XML: software solutions for mailers who wish to use software to prepare presort mailings, generate unique barcodes, and submit mailing information electronically to USPS. -Postal Wizard: software solution which allow mailers to presort mail and generate unique barcodes, but require the mailer to enter the postage statement information online via the online Postal Wizard tool. For additional details, reference the RIBBS Certifications > eDoc & Full-Service page: Commercial Mailing Software Vendors
For a list of software vendors that offer dynamic Full-Service solutions and have tested them with USPS, reference the following documents on RIBBS: Full-Service Mailing Solutions Commercial Mailing Software Vendors (Cont’d) –The summary list is a one-page document which identifies the three types of presort software and which vendors offer each typesummary list Also identifies the specific submission methods and classes of mail that are supported by each vendor –The detailed list is an Excel vendor matrix which provides more in-depth details about the capabilities and offerings of each software vendordetailed list –Mailers using a product on one of these lists can start mailing in production without additional testing in the Test Environment for Mailers (TEM). Mail Owners and Mail Service Providers who wish to validate a Full- Service test mailing can do so by submitting a single file through TEM instructions on the fact sheet located on RIBBS: s/TEMProcessMailingsMail.dat_Mail.XML.pdf s/TEMProcessMailingsMail.dat_Mail.XML.pdf 23
Full-Service Mailing Solutions (Cont’d) Mail Service Providers (MSPs)Mail Service Providers (MSPs) –Offer a wide variety of services for Mail Owners –Talk to your MSP to learn more about the Full-Service solutions they offer –There are many advantages of using an MSP to prepare your mailings. Some of the services an MSP can provide include: provide/manage your address list print and/or presort your mailing enter your mailing with the greatest discounts possible manage your feedback such as ACS monitor mail quality reports USPS Intelligent Mail for Small Business (IMsb) ToolUSPS Intelligent Mail for Small Business (IMsb) Tool –Online tool to help small business mailers prepare Full-Service mailings with Intelligent Mail barcodes and tray labels –For mailers who mail less than 10,000 pieces per mailing and less than 250,000 pieces annually –To learn more about the IMsb tool and how to get started, reference the IMsb user guide on RIBBS: 24
Full-Service Benefits 25 Reduce Costs Reduce Costs Receive automation price discounts Eliminate permit fees Use the same permit at any location Address Correction Address Correction Address correction on Full-Service pieces Monitor Service Monitor Service Start-the-Clock on Mail Entry Visibility and Tracking
Types of Full-Service Information Full-Service Intelligent Mail provides mailers information on the flow of their mail Feedback is available through a variety of methods, including online reports and electronic data exchange Start-the-Clock Container, Tray, Bundle Scan Data Full-Service ACSIMb Tracing Information Benefits of Using Full-Service 26
Overview Start-the-Clock is the time that USPS has taken possession of the mail –The starting point at which the mail will be measured against the appropriate service standards Mailers can use Start-the-Clock data to anticipate when their mail will be delivered 27 Start-the-Clock Container, Tray, Bundle Scan Data Full-Service ACSIMb Tracing Information Benefits of Using Full-Service
Overview Container, Tray and Bundle scan data allows mailers to view scans as containers, trays and bundles are moved through the USPS mail stream Mailers can use this data to anticipate when their mail will be delivered or issues encountered during processing 28 Start-the-Clock Container, Tray, Bundle Scan Data Full-Service ACSIMb Tracing Information Benefits of Using Full-Service
Overview Full-Service ACS data is provided at no charge Reduces time in updating the mailer’s address list ACS Change of Address –This data can be used to determine when mailpieces are being sent to a recipient who has triggered an address change ACS Nixie –This data can be used to determine when a mailpiece has been sent to an invalid address 29 Information Benefits of Using Full-Service Start-the-Clock Container, Tray, Bundle Scan Data Full-Service ACSIMb Tracing
Overview IMb Tracing is provided for Full-Service Intelligent Mail at no charge Mailers can use IMb Tracing data: –To anticipate when mailpieces will be delivered to their customers –For reply mail, to gain insight into when a customer’s response is on the way to the mailer 30 Start-the-Clock Container, Tray, Bundle Scan Data Full-Service ACSIMb Tracing Information Benefits of Using Full-Service
Online Reports and Downloads No programming required, but manual process View reports, download files Mail.XML Electronic Data Exchange Programming required, but can be automated “Push” or “Pull” or combination File Transfer File Transfer Protocol (by FTP), only for IMb Tracing 31 Start-the-Clock Container, Tray, Bundle Scan Data Full-Service ACSIMb Tracing Ways to Obtain Full-Service Information
Online Mail.XML File Transfer 32 Start-the-Clock Container, Tray, Bundle Scan Data Full-Service ACS IMb Tracing Information Benefits of Using Full-Service Ways to Receive Full-Service Information Business Customer GatewayMail Tracking Website Summary
Online Mail.XML File Transfer Start-the-Clock Full-Service ACS IMb Tracing Information Benefits of Using Full-Service Ways to Receive Full-Service Information Business Customer Gateway Ways to Receive Full-Service Information – Online BCG 33 Container, Tray, Bundle Scan Data
Go to the Business Customer Gateway at om om Download Online Reports – BCG 34 1 Login Information: Enter your username and password. 2 Select Mailing Reports (PostalOne!) under Tools & Wizard 3 Ways to Receive Full-Service Information Online – Business Customer Gateway
The Online and Downloadable Reports page provides a summary of data available along with links to view specific reports or to download data 35 Online – Business Customer Gateway Full-Service ACS Container, Tray, Bundle Scan Data Start-the-Clock Ways to Receive Full-Service Information
About Full-Service Start-the-Clock A delivery service performance measurement that begins when a mailer or mail service provider turns the mail over to the USPS Mailers can use Start-the-Clock information to anticipate when their mail will be delivered Date when mailing was inducted for Day Zero Processing Start-the-Clock Day Zero applies to all mail received prior to Critical Acceptance Time (CAT) Data provided to Mail Owner and Mail Preparer Available after the mail has been verified and accepted by USPS 36 Types of Information Start-the-Clock Online – BCG
Calculating Start-the-Clock The calculation to determine which day the clock starts will depend on which induction method is used by the mailer: 1.Business Mail Entry Unit (BMEU) or Post Office: Origin Entry Time of mail arrival at the entry unit 2.Plant Verified Drop Shipment (PVDS): Destination Entry FAST appointment and arrival times, SV scan time 3.Detached Mail Unit (DMU) Verified, Mailer Transported: Origin Entry FAST appointment and arrival times, SV scan time 4.DMU Verified, USPS Transported: Origin Entry SV scan time and Ship date in mailer’s eDoc Start-the-Clock Types of Information
Full-Service Start-the-Clock Report 38 Start-the-Clock Types of Information
About Container, Tray and Bundle Scan Data Scan events are captured as USPS accepts and processes mail that includes IMcb (Intelligent Mail container barcode) or IMtb (Intelligent Mail tray barcode) Mailers can use scan data to anticipate when their mail will be delivered or issues encountered during processing 39 Container, Tray, Bundle Scan Data Types of Information Online – BCG
Container and Tray Scans Scan events are captured as USPS accepts and processes mail that includes IMcb (Intelligent Mail container barcode) or IMtb (Intelligent Mail tray barcode). 40 ContainersTrays Full-Service eDoc Received Scans captured at inductionScans captured as trays are processed by USPS at a plant Scans captured as pallets are transported Scans captured as trays are transported via surface routes Scans captured as trays are transported via air routes Container, Tray, Bundle Scan Data Types of Information
Container, Tray and Bundle Scan Data Reports 41 Container, Tray, Bundle Scan Data Types of Information
About Full-Service ACS This data can be used to determine when a mailpiece has been sent to an invalid address Change of Address (COA) detail records provide new and old address information so a mailer can update their mailing list Nixie detail records provides the undeliverable address and reason why the mailpiece was undeliverable Only provided for Full-Service qualifying pieces 42 Full-Service ACS Types of Information Online – BCG
What is needed to obtain Full-Service ACS? 1.eDoc must be submitted for mailing 2.Ancillary Service Endorsement on each mailpiece 3.Intelligent Mail barcode for mailpiece must contain a Full-Service ACS service type code 4.Unique Intelligent Mail barcodes on mailpieces, handling units (trays and sacks) and containers 43 Full-Service ACS Types of Information
Download ACS Data 44 Full-Service ACS Types of Information
ACS – Change of Address 45 Full-Service ACS Types of Information
Nixie Report 46 Full-Service ACS Types of Information
Online Mail.XML File Transfer Start-the-Clock Container, Tray, Bundle Scan Data Full-Service ACS IMb Tracing Information Benefits of Using Full-Service Ways to Receive Full-Service Information Ways to Obtain Full-Service Information – Mail Tracking Website 47 Online Mail Tracking Website
48 Online – Mail Tracking Website IMb Tracing Types of Information
49 IMb Tracing is a service for Full-Service at no charge It provides the ability to track mail and predict delivery dates To use IMb Tracing, mailers must first subscribe to the service via the Mail Tracking and Reporting website Mailers are able to indicate the service requested for each mailpiece by embedding a code, the Service Type ID code, within the IMb IMb Tracing Intelligent Mail barcode Types of Information
IMb Tracing Under the IMb Tracing Service, as mailpieces are processed, electronic records are created and sent to the mailer Via transmissions from the IMb Tracing system to the mailer’s File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server Customers sign up via the Mail Tracking and Reporting website 50 IMb Tracing 22081,896,02/29/ :20:50, , ,896,02/29/ :20:51, , ,896,02/29/ :20:53, , ,896,02/29/ :20:54,57454, ,896,02/29/ :20:56, , Types of Information Facility ID (ZIP) Scan Date & Time 02/29/ :20:50 Tracking Code Routing Code Operation Code 896
Intelligent Mail Technical Specifications Postal Service Mail.dat Technical Specification pecs/Postalon datTechSpecR32_33_34.pdf Postal Service Mail.XML Technical Specification spec.htm –Mail.XML Profiles and Full Service Feedback (Data Distribution- DD) MailXMLDataDistribution12B.pdf MailXMLDataDistribution12B.pdf –Mail.XML Technical Specification for Appointment Scheduling 12.0B MailXMLFAST12B.pdf MailXMLFAST12B.pdf –Mail.XML Technical Specification for Profiles and Full Service Feedback 13.0A MailXMLeDoc13A.pdf MailXMLeDoc13A.pdf 51 Resources
Business Customer Gateway BCG can be reached from a link on the footer of 52 Direct URL: Resources
IMb Tracing References General Information, Reporting & Tracking: 53 Resources
Webinar Schedule Webinar DatesWebinar TitleWebinar Description September 16, 2013, 1:30 pm Eastern Full-Service MIDs and CRIDs Focus will be on Customer Registration IDs (CRIDs), Mailer IDs (MIDs), and how you can obtain MIDs and CRIDs. You will learn about the multiple ways Mail Owners and Mail Preparers can acquire an MID, when and how it is used in the Intelligent Mail barcode, electronic mailing information and receipt of Full-Service data. September 19, 2013, 1:30 pm Eastern Getting Started with Full-Service To assist mailers in migrating to Full-Service Intelligent Mail so they can continue to take advantage of automation pricing on or after January 26, 2014, this webinar will provide an understanding of how you can continue to take advantage of automation pricing. The webinar will cover basic Full-Service terminology and the steps for migration to the Intelligent Mail barcode. You will learn the building blocks for creating the Intelligent Mail barcode; This includes obtaining a Mailer ID, knowledge on the different Service Type Codes and how to use for your mailing needs. September 23, 2013, 1:30 pm Eastern The Business Customer Gateway The Business Customer Gateway provides a single entry point for Postal Service® online business services. This webinar will highlight the new features of the newly designed Business Customer Gateway including the new simplified registration process, automatic creation of 9-digit MID when creating a new user account and additional functionality for MSPs. September 30, 2012, 1:30 pm Eastern Full-Service Feedback Learn how to reap the benefits of Intelligent Mail and Full-Service feedback. This webinar will cover Service Type IDs (STIDs) and how they can help you keep your address list up to date, the various Full-Service feedback reports available and where you can find them. The United States Postal Service is offering a series of webinars designed to assist Mail Owners and Mail Preparers in moving to Full-Service. The webinars will also be offered in October and November The webinar information will be posted at : As a reminder, a Full-Service “Open-Line” call is scheduled for every Wednesday from 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM eastern. USPS representatives will be online to answer any questions related to Full-Service Intelligent Mail. 54