Jeanne Gilbert & Nadine Malcolm 20141 2 Jeanne Gilbert Jeanne Gilbert Consultancy In-service Teacher Educator The University of Waikato: Teaching Fellow:


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Presentation transcript:

Jeanne Gilbert & Nadine Malcolm 20141

2 Jeanne Gilbert Jeanne Gilbert Consultancy In-service Teacher Educator The University of Waikato: Teaching Fellow: Pre-service Teacher Educator for Senior Secondary Languages Arts and Language Education (ALE) Faculty of Education and Master of Teaching and Learning Ph x 4923

Whakatau Jeanne Gilbert & Nadine Malcolm 20143

Creating a Quality Te Reo Māori Programme in an English Medium School. Evidence base: * On the waka Hukanui- the Hukanui initiative – * Poipoia te Reo – In-depth schools 2012 – 13 * Jeanne Gilbert Consultancy Jeanne Gilbert & Nadine Malcolm 20144

Expectations: Team term/annual planning with useful templates and resources aligned to the curriculum Integrating te Reo and Tikanga Māori through task based language learning (TBLL) A variety of ICT tools for eLearning with examples Ideas for tracking students’ learning The dynamic use of school server/google docs Some big picture theory into practice, interactive learning activities will be woven into the day What are your own goals and next steps? 5

On the waka Hukanui and other in- depth schools… How did Hukanui get started with their te reo Māori programme? And other schools. What makes their individual programmes into a quality programme? What did Hukanui learn and do in 2011 including the Teaching as Inquiry project … What did they learn and do in 2012, 2013, 2014? How do they know their students are learning? Jeanne Gilbert & Nadine Malcolm

Whakawhānaungatanga: Ko wai tō ingoa? Who are you? Ko wai tō kura? What school are you from? What do you hope to get out of the day? Individual Burning Questions Rank and monitor Jeanne Gilbert & Nadine Malcolm

What is Hukanui’s vision for learning te reo Māori? and additional languages? Jeanne Gilbert & Nadine Malcolm

Vision We at Hukanui School believe that our children have the right and responsibility to walk in both worlds in Aotearoa and that our te reo Māori programme will aid them in this journey. Learning te reo Māori is about understanding the inherent connection between language and culture and developing learners that respect, value and will nuture the language, which is unique and precious to Aotearoa. “Te reo Māori is like a native plant. It is precious. We need to nuture and feed it so that it can grow. If we don’t look after it, it will become extinct!” (Lewis Carter, yr ) Jeanne Gilbert & Nadine Malcolm 20149

Draft Guidelines 2012 redo nag 1 Jeanne Gilbert & Nadine Malcolm Expectations and next steps - Embedding practice of te reo and tikanga Māori at Hukanui school Formulaic language spoken by the teachers would be heard at any given time throughout the day as part of normal practice. Including assemblies, special events and sports days etc Formulaic language would be displayed around the classroom ( these are not only decorative but help prompt tamariki and kaiako ) This is useful for beginners of te reo and used in class newsletters. At least one half hour lesson of specific te reo Māori taught a week. This is to be ‘new learning’ Evidence that practice has taken place between visits from Nadine. Kaiako are to use the new draft resource bank and provide feedback on the usefulness of this document.

Guidelines (nag 1) Jeanne Gilbert & Nadine Malcolm Leadership – manitain a leadership team who will initiate, develop and advance the vision for te reo Māori Partnerships with community – the school will establish, develop and advance powerful partnerships with the community. o The school will initiate at least one whānau hui a year. Effective teaching practices will reflect knowledge of second language acquisition theories e.g. Ellis’ Instructed Second Language Aquisition (2005) and Newton and Yates’ Intercultural Communicative Language Teaching (iCLT) (2010) Expectations around formulaic language (every day expressions, instructions, affirmations and questions. Ellis principle1 (2005) o Will be spoken by teachers and will be heard at any given time throughout the day as part of normal practice, including assemblies, special events and sports days etc

Guidelines (nag 1) Jeanne Gilbert & Nadine Malcolm o will be displayed around the classroom (these are not only decorative but help prompt tamariki and kaiako.) This is useful for beginners of te reo Māori. This language will be used in class newsletters Time allocation – at least one half hour lesson of specific te reo Māori scheduled, planned and taught per week. This is to be ‘new learning’. Teachers can do more if desired. Kaiako will show evidence that practice has taken place between visits from lead teacher. Expectations around programme planning: o Kaiako will refer to the strategic plan and the resource bank o Kaiako will add resources they have discovered and used, including ideas around task based language teaching (TBLT) to these documents via the reflective columns at least once a term.

Guidelines (nag 1) Jeanne Gilbert & Nadine Malcolm Understanding by Design (UbD) integration into school wide learning: o At least one UbD theme per year will have a Māori kaupapa e.g Manaakitanga, 2012 Ako, 2013 Aroha. o Knowledge and integration of these kaupapa will be accumulative

What is your vision for te ao Māori in your school? Broad strokes - What do your documents say? What could your documents say? Draw a chart / flow diagram / mind map of the model(s) your school is currently using or would like to be using and share in your groups… Jeanne Gilbert & Nadine Malcolm

The Hukanui Initiative Jeanne Gilbert & Nadine Malcolm Why did Hukanui engage in this initiative in 2011? How did Hukanui get started in 2011? Principal / BOT / Nadine’s role as lead teacher Dee Reid’s role as te reo Māori facilitator (content and pedagogy) Jeanne’s role as facilitator/coach (pedagogy)

pedagogy -Facilitator/Coach content – language specialist Jeanne Gilbert & Nadine Malcolm Lead Teacher Principal and BOT Lead Team Classroom teachers students Layered PLD and relationships

The ‘shape’ of Learning Hukanui Jeanne Gilbert & Nadine Malcolm Junior Māori Yr Learn Middle Māori Yr Revisit Maintain Learn Senior Māori Yr Revisit Maintain Learn Expand Te reo Māori – integrated daily programme bench- marked to Te Aho Arataki Marau Additional Languages – one full day/week in 10 week elective Level 1 Levels 1 + 2

Let’s do something practical – Theory into practice Making a start with teaching a second language Making L1 and L2 literacy links Accelerating the learning… What’s a cognate? What’s the power of the cognate? 18

Is it working??? Āe We hope we are increasing the domains where Te Reo Māori is spoken Tamariki self motivated to kōrero outside of kura. MIHARO!!!! Jeanne Gilbert & Nadine Malcolm

Karakia mo te kai Jeanne Gilbert & Nadine Malcolm