MonthRevision GoalsRecall Sessions Jan3 x topic areas per week (physical)1 the following week and 1 the following month Feb4 x topic areas per week (physical)1 the following week and 1 the following month Mar5 x topic areas per week (Phy/Hum)2 the following week and 2 the following month Apr5 x topic areas per week (Phy/Hum)2 the following week and 2 the following month May4 x topic areas per week (Phy/Hum)2 the following week and two the following month JuneExam techniquen/a
Restless Earth (21) Revision Weekly Recall Monthly Recall The Basics The structure of the Earth Continental and oceanic crust Types of plate boundaries Feature found at plate boundaries and why? Fold Mountains Formation Human Use (Andes) Volcanoes Cross section Formation (constructive/destructive/hotspot) World distribution Predicting/monitoring volcanoes Reasons why human live on volcanoes Case Study: Mt St Helens (cause/effect/response) Supervolcanoes (characteristics/effects) Earthquakes Formation Earthquake features Measurement of earthquakes (Mercalli/Richter) Case Study: San Fran ‘89 (cause/effect/response) Case Study: Haiti 2010 (cause/effect/response) Why are earthquake impacts different? Predict, protect and prepare Tsunami: Case Study Japan 2011
Coastal Zone (17) Revision Weekly Recall Monthly Recall What Shapes the Coast What are waves and how do they form? Constructive and destructive waves Marine processes (erosion/deposition/transport) Land processes (Mass movement/weathering) Erosional Features Wave cut platforms Cave, Arch and Stack Headlands and Bays Depositional Features Spits and bars Beaches Case Study: Holderness Coast Why is Holderness rapidly eroding Impact of erosion on humans Sea Level Rise Causes of sea level rise Economic/social/environmental/political impacts Management of Coasts Hard engineering (sea walls/groynes/rock armour) Soft engineering (Beach nourishment etc…) Case Study: Coastal Management of Holderness Salt Marshes Case Study: Keyhaven salt marshes
Rocks, Resources and Scenery (16) Revision Weekly Recall Monthly Recall Geological Time Rock Types and Characteristics Igneous Metamorphic Sedimentary Rock Cycle and How Rock Types Link Weathering Freeze-Thaw, Exfoliation, Chemical, Carbonation, Biological Distribution of Rock in the UK Granite Landscapes: Case Study Dartmoor Landscape characteristics Granite features (tors, moorlands) Economic and land uses (Building material, Aberdeen) Limestone Landscapes: Case Study Yorkshire Dales Landscape characteristics Limestone features (surface and underground) Economic and land use (Tourism in Malham) Quarrying and conflict (case study Hope Quarry) Chalk and Clay Landscape characteristics Chalk and clay features (Chalk escarpment, clay vale) Economic and land use (London aquifer)
Population Change (14) Revision Weekly Recall Monthly Recall World Population Change World population graph Effects of population growth Demographic transition model Population pyramid Population Issues in MEDCs Case study: Russia, ‘Sex Day’ falling population Case Study: UK, Ageing population Case Study: France, Pro Natal Policy Population Issues in LEDCs Case Study: China, One Child Policy Case Study: Uganda, rapidly rising population Migration Types of migration Causes of migration (push/pull factors) Impacts of migration Case Study: Mexico - USA Case Study: Poland – UK
Globalisation (17) Revision Weekly Recall Monthly Recall Basics Case Study: Slazenger Industrial Change Influence of IT Footloose industry: Case Study McLaren Call centres: Case Study: India TNCs: Case Study Ford Motors Reason for world manufacturing change Case Study: China Industrial Giant Increasing Cause and Demand for Energy Reasons for growing demand Effects of increasing energy demand Sustainable Energy Renewable energy Case Study: UK Wind Energy International directives Sustainable development at different level Global Food Production Environmental Effects (Food miles) Political Effects (Irrigation in India) Economics Effects (Farming in the UK) Social Effects (Cash crops in Kenya)
Tourism (12) Revision Weekly Recall Monthly Recall Tourism Global tourism Factors affecting tourism Importance of tourism in countries Tourism in the UK Importance of tourism in the UK The Butler model Case Study: Lake District (attractions/impacts/management) Mass Tourism Advantages and disadvantages of mass tourism Case Study: Jamaica, mass tourism in a tropical area Extreme Environments Tourism What, where and why? Case Study: Antarctica (attractions/impact/strategy) Sustainable Tourism What is it? Case Study: Amazonat, sustainable tourism