Oxford Area High School Oxford, PA Graduation Projects Oxford Area High School Oxford, PA
Pennsylvania Requirements "Requirements shall include course completion and grades, completion of a culminating project, and results of local assessments aligned with the academic standards. The purpose of the culminating project is to assure that students are able to apply, analyze, synthesize and evaluate information and communicate significant knowledge and understanding." - State Board of Education, Chapter 4 (1999)
What does NOT count? Any item done for course credit Any work done for an employer Vacations to sites with little or no educational value Court ordered assignments
What qualifies? Types of Projects Getting Started What qualifies? Types of Projects
Picking a Project Select something that interests you! Many times, something you already do in your personal life can be incorporated in your project Brainstorm at least 2-3 ideas Determine which type of project it is: Research/Scientific Research Service National History Day competition Cultural/Career/Historical Experience Demonstration/Exhibition/Performance Eagle Scout/Gold Award Upward Bound
Research Projects Select a topic to research Conduct research Keep track of all sources of information Write a formal research paper Minimum of 10 pages required Submit paper by deadline
Scientific Research Select a scientific topic to research Set up necessary experiments to prove or disprove your thesis Enter your project in science fair Write a formal scientific research paper Submit research paper by deadline
Service Project Brainstorm community agencies that you have an interest in helping Working with children, animals Coaching a sports team Volunteer at local hospitals or non-profit organizations Contact the director or department in charge of volunteers Perform 35 hours of service – keep track! Keep a journal, take photos Request a letter from director to verify that 35 hours of volunteer time has been completed. Submit reflection paper by deadline
Cultural, Career, or Historical Experience Cultural Experience Travel abroad Hosting an exchange student Career Experience (Job Shadowing) Choose a career that you are interested in 35 hours of on-site time w/log of hours No pay Complete paper w/visual Historical Experience Participate in re-enactments Visit a location with educational value from a historical perspective Submit a reflection paper by deadline Include historical information about sites visited
Demonstration-Performance Project This project involves learning a new skill Document the process in your journal What did you already know before you began? What NEW skill was accomplished? Rehearse, practice, work towards your goal Plan to demonstrate or perform for the evaluation panel Submit a reflection paper before deadline
Exhibition Project This project involves something that you created, built, raised, or updated Artwork or photo exhibit Work on a car or tractor Care for an animal to enter into competition Document the process in your journal Take photos before, during & after Save receipts for materials purchased for your scrapbook/journal Bring your item(s) to your presentation Bring photos if this is not possible Submit reflection paper before deadline
National History Day The National History Day competition is a newly added option for a graduation project. Currently, Mrs. Manniso works with students interested in accepting this challenge. Students who successfully complete this project and present at the regional, state, or national level will not need to present at OAHS.
Eagle Scout/Gold Award Perfect! See Mr. Canaday – Eagle Scout and Gold Award
Upward Bound http://www.lincoln.edu/upwardbound/
What is required? What must be turned in? Project Components What is required? What must be turned in?
Parts of a Project Regardless of the category, each graduation project has four parts: Research/Information Documentation/Visual Typed Paper (reflective, research) Presentation for Evaluation Panel
Examples of Research Process and Information Research/Scientific Research Project Sources used in library or online Interviews Service Project Finding an agency Training to learn how to do volunteer tasks Demonstration/Performance Project Lessons, videos, or manuals used to learning how to do the new skill Exhibition Project - reference information What type of car part is needed for this model? What type of art supply is most appropriate?
Examples of Documentation Photos before, during, and after to demonstrate progress of project Edited video footage that shows work being done Time sheets or verification letter for community service hours completed Journal documenting the process Certificates for completion of training
Graduation Project Paper Paper Requirements Typed, double-spaced, one inch margins Standard size font (no larger than 12) Submit paper/log of hours w/signature for evaluation by deadline. Hard Copy (2) – must be submitted for evaluation panel to read in advance
Presentation Dress/Professionalism Be Prepared You must present individually Your explanation of the project Why did you select this topic? What did you learn through the process? Problems along the way? Use your visual aid presentation Do not plan to read your paper to the panel 7-10 minutes in length Discussion with the evaluation panel Be prepared to answer questions about your topic or presentation
Paperwork The Necessary Evil
Official Paperwork Required Proposal/Sponsor Form/Log of Hours Grade 10-11 Scheduling Form Grade 12 Graduation Project Committee will take care of scheduling. Presentation takes precedence over most activities.
Proposal/Sponsor Form Submit as soon as you’ve selected topic Class of 2010 – Now!! Class of 2011 – Now!! Committee will use these forms to evaluate your topic and to ensure that it is appropriate and meets all requirements http://www.oxford.k12.pa.us
Scheduling Form You will need to include the following information, if applicable: Scheduling conflicts Equipment needed – VCR, computer Specific location needed – outdoors, auditorium
Can I present my junior year? If time slots are available, you may present.
Evaluation Scale What if…? Being Evaluated Evaluation Scale What if…?
Evaluation Rubrics Please check the high school web page under guidance for a complete list of all rubrics. You will be evaluated on all aspects of your project: Research/Information Documentation Paper Presentation
Scale Used for Evaluation 4 = Advanced Exceeded requirements 3 = Proficient Fulfilled requirements 2 = Basic Poor work, or did not satisfy all requirements 1 = Below Basic Incomplete or non-existent
What if I don’t pass? Students will need to meet with an administrator to review the deficient areas. If you do not complete all requirements for the project, you will not receive your diploma.
What if I’m not ready? What if I don’t show up? All seniors will be scheduled for a presentation time in November of senior yr. If you are not entirely completed with your project, you SHOULD still present or see Mr. Canaday! You should explain the purpose of your project, and its status so far. You may also discuss difficulties you’re having – we might have some suggestions to help you! “No-Show’s” will have several additional items added onto the requirements for their project to be completed.
Keys to Success Select a quality topic Get organized – NOW! If your topic is unclear or not on target, it will be difficult to make everything else fall into place to meet requirements Select something that interests you – so it becomes more enjoyable to do the project Get organized – NOW! Documentation, Research, Photos, Journal – they matter! Don’t procrastinate! Don’t try to “wing it” – it will show! Recommendation: You’ll spend less time in the long run doing a good job the first time, than if you have to re-do items that don’t meet requirements.
Still have questions? Contact: Graduation Project Committee Members Mr. Canaday Email: jcanaday@oxford.k12.pa.us Phone: (610)932-6640 Graduation Project Committee Members Mr. Carlough Mrs. Greer Mrs. Witman Mrs. Caudell Ms. Webber. Mrs. Manniso