Wethersfield Board of Education December 10, 2013
Increase Student Achievement – The core curriculum includes 21 st century skills, high-quality standards-based learning experiences and instruction for all children.
Improve curriculum, instruction, and assessments in all curricular areas PreK-12 Improve interventions through the development of the PreK-12 continuum of services for all students Build positive school culture so students are engaged in learning and experience physical, emotional and intellectual safety Improve technology infrastructure and the integration of technology into teaching and learning
Continue to refine implementation of Reading, Writing and Math Workshop K-8 ◦ Professional development and coaching ◦ Integrated curriculum and resources Appoint certified media specialists / information technology teachers – each elementary school ◦ Support 21 st Century Skills ◦ SBAC testing ALL teachers are teachers of literacy ◦ Professional development on literacy and CCSS
Refine data team process K-12 Reinstate Academic Leaders (WHS) and Team Leaders (SDMS) with a focus on improving curriculum, instruction and assessments Appoint Instructional Supervisor for Math and for Science ◦ Horizontal and vertical articulation ◦ Program improvement ◦ Professional development ◦ Increase student achievement Implement Teacher and Administrator evaluation plans
Increase high school graduation requirements ◦ Graduating class of 2018 Increase instructional time for students Increase professional development for teachers through an early release model Revise curriculum and assessments to align with CCSS (Common Core State Standards) and SBAC (Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium) Increase AP (Advanced Placement) and ECE (Early College Experience)
Research and implement Block Scheduling at WHS Prepare to implement SBAC assessment ◦ Teacher professional development ◦ Hardware and wireless capability ◦ Keyboarding skills Implement standards based grading in SDMS Investigate and adopt a new K-6 math program aligned to CCSS
Additional ELL teachers to support growing population of English Language Learners 7-12 – Math and reading tutors to provide student support through SRBI K-6 – Math tutors to provide student support through SRBI K-12 Certified staff to oversee building SRBI process and math interventions ◦ Increase access to high quality materials Increase co-teaching opportunities Develop an alternative education program at WHS
Explore credit recovery options at WHS Ensure access to post-secondary education, training and employment Expand WTA (Wethersfield Transition Academy) Provide professional development on the growing ELL population
Implement SSP (School Success Plans) grades 6-12 Expand preschool special education services Increase Social Work support in each building Revise and improve district assessment calendar
Implement Advisor/Advisee program at SDMS and WHS Work with community stakeholders to improve safety (lock down drills, evacuations, etc.) Investigate the Peer Natural Helpers program at WHS Continue to administer the spring parent and staff survey Collaborate with Town agencies such as WECC, Youth Advisory, Shared Services, etc. Provide Responsive Classroom training
Improve building infrastructure to improve preventative safety measures Provide staff training on safety and climate topics – such as CPR Add School Resource Office (SRO) at SDMS Improve parental involvement
Implement District Technology Plan Select a solution for on-line course management Provide technology devices for students & staff ◦ Increase student access to hardware to prepare for implementation of Smarter Balanced Assessment ◦ Ensure one-on-one access to hardware in each school ◦ Provide suggestions to community on hardware that is compatible with WPS hardware
Increase professional development offerings focused on authentic application of technology into curriculum areas and productivity Publish district keyboarding expectations/ instruction at elementary level
Full District Improvement Plan document will be posted on District Website next week