Unit 10 Packing and Labeling. Listenning& Discuss Useful expressions Situational Dialogues Practices.


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网上预约集港操作指南 一、登录系统 登陆下面图片显示网址:输入堆场用户名、密码和校验码登陆系统.
首 页 首 页 上一页 下一页 本讲内容本讲内容 视图,剖视图(Ⅰ) 复习: P107 ~ P115 作业: P48(6-2,6-4), P49( 去 6-6) P50, P51(6-13), P52 P50, P51(6-13), P52 P53 (6-18,6-20) P53 (6-18,6-20)
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目录 上页 下页 返回 结束 二、无界函数反常积分的审敛法 * 第五节 反常积分 无穷限的反常积分 无界函数的反常积分 一、无穷限反常积分的审敛法 反常积分的审敛法  函数 第五章 第五章.
§7.2 估计量的评价标准 上一节我们看到,对于总体 X 的同一个 未知参数,由于采用的估计方法不同,可 能会产生多个不同的估计量.这就提出一 个问题,当总体的一个参数存在不同的估 计量时,究竟采用哪一个好呢?或者说怎 样评价一个估计量的统计性能呢?下面给 出几个常用的评价准则. 一.无偏性.
Programme 7 Inspection and Insurance. Teaching objectives Learn how to talk about commercial inspection and negotiate clauses concerning insurance; Know.
Presentation transcript:

Unit 10 Packing and Labeling

Listenning& Discuss Useful expressions Situational Dialogues Practices

Task Listen & Discuss Listen to the conversation three times and try to answer the following questions after discussing with your partner. 1. What is the packing finally designed for? 2. Why does Mr. Zhang give advice on packing? 3. What does Mr. Zhang think of the packing? 4. What will Mr. Margie do for packing? 5. Do you think they can have further transactions? The customers’ satisfaction. Because he is friendly to get win-win situation. The size and color are nice. But pattern is unsuitable. He will improve the packing as soon as possible. Yes, they can reach more business in the future.

INTENSIVE LISTENING Mr. Margie: Good morning, Mr. Zhang. Mr. Zhang: Good morning, Mr. Margie. Mr. Margie: Mr. Zhang, what do you think of the packing design? Mr. Zhang: Frankly speaking, the size and color are nice. But don’t you think this pattern is a bit odd? Mr. Margie: Really? But I consider this as fashionable design. Mr. Zhang: Packing is ultimately designed for consumers, so it must meet the mind of the consumers. Improper packing is destined to fail. Mr. Margie: So the inherent value cannot be realized through packing, right? Mr. Zhang: Yes, in addition, I think it would be better to print the simple specification regarding function and usage on the package. Mr. Margie: It will be convenient for customers. Mr. Zhang: Yes. Then I look forward to a new packing next time. Mr. Margie: Thank you a lot for your constructive suggestions. I will improve the packing as soon as possible. Mr. Zhang: You are welcome. I hope we can have a brilliant future in trade.

● outer packing/transport packing ● inner packing ● cardboard box/carton ● wooden case ● foam plastics ● protect the goods from moisture ● protect the goods against press fa ● handle with care ● packing expenses ● rough handling Useful Phrases 外包装 / 运输包装 / 大包装 销售包装 / 内包装 / 小包装 纸板箱 木箱 泡沫塑料 防潮 防止货物受压 小心轻放 包装费用 野蛮装卸

Useful Sentence Patterns ● Packing must be suitable for ocean shipment and sufficiently strong to withstand rough handling in transit. ● please stencil our initials and order numbers on the outer packing. ● In order to suit long sea voyage the packing of goods must be improved. ● We must make it clear that with the different packing material, the packing expenses will be different. ● Foam plastics are applied to protect the goods against press. 包装必须适合海运,足够牢固,经得住途中粗鲁的搬运。 请在外包装上刷上我公司的名称缩写和订单号。 为了适用远洋运输,这种货物的包装必须改进。 我们必须说明:使用不同的包装材料,包装费用就不一样。 用塑料泡沫来防止挤压。

Useful Sentence Patterns ●Please pay close attention to the packing, otherwise any damage in transit will involve us in large losses. ●Please ensure that cases are clearly marked and numbered as specified in our order. ●Cases must be nailed tightly battened and reinforced by overall metal strapping. ●The appearance of package can catch the eye and be helpful in promoting sales. ●The loss was due to improper packing, for which the suppliers should be responsible. 请密切关注货物的包装,否则任何途中损害都会给我们带来很大 的损失。 请保证做到:所有纸箱都按照我们订单所规定的那样,清楚地刷 唛和编号。 箱子必须用钉子钉牢,加板条,并用铁箍全部加固。 包装的外观要醒目并且有利于促销。 损失是由于包装不良所致,应由供应商负责。

Situational Dialogue 1 Mr Zhang: Glad to see you again. Mr Johnson : Hi, glad to see you too. Mr Zhang: Have a seat please. What would you like to have, tea or coffee? Mr. Johnson: Tea, please. Thank you. Mr Zhang: Ok. Mr. Johnson, you said on the phone that you want to know something about the packing of the products, right? Mr Johnson : Yes, my main purpose of this visit is to see the samples of the packing. * And I want to know what kind of packing you plan to use for this consignment (装运的货物;托运) of goods? [ 我想知道你打算怎样包装这些货物呢? ] Mr Zhang : Well, first, we'd like to have your opinions about the packing for these shirts. Mr Johnson: I prefer (更喜欢) attractive (有吸引力的) packing. You know, they catch the eye (引人注目) and promote sales greatly. Mr. Johnson visits Mr. Zhang to talk about packing.

Situational Dialogue 1 Mr Zhang: We are constantly improving our packing to face the fierce competition (激烈的竞争). * As for (关于;至于) your shirts, we plan to use a transparent (透明的;显然的;坦率的;易懂的) plastic bag to wrap (包;缠绕) each item (条款;项目;一则), which is also easy for window display (橱窗展示).As for the outer wrap, we will use a small elegantly- (优美地,高雅地) designed box of Chinese.[ 至于衬衫,我们使用透明的塑料袋做内 包装,可以直接放在橱窗里陈列,外包装是一个设计精美的具有中国 风格的小盒子。 ] Mr Johnson: Sounds good. Could you please let me have a look? Mr Zhang: OK, here is the model. Mr Johnson: Good, it's indeed of attractive. * Then, what about protective packing during transit? [ 那么运输包装怎么样? ]

Situational Dialogue 1 Mr Zhang: They will be packed in dozen (十二个,一打) to one cardboard cartons (纸板箱), with stenciled (模板;漏版; 蜡纸......) shipping marks.[ 每一打一个刷有蜡纸印刷标志的 硬板纸箱 ] Mr Johnson: That’s good. You are really considerate. Mr Zhang: Do you have any more questions about it? Mr Johnson: No. Mr. Zhang, thank you for the time. Mr. Zhang: You’re welcome.

Situational Dialogue 2 Mr. Clinton, an importer from America, is talking about labeling with Mr. Chen, the exporter from China. Mr. Chen: Mr. Clinton, I was told this morning that our goods are not allowed to export to your country. Have you found out what’s the problem? Mr. Clinton: First I want to say this matter of labels is entirely our problem. According to present (现在的;出席的) regulations (条例、规 程) of FDA, The Federal Food and Drug Administration, (联邦食物 药品管理局: FDA ) fruits under the label of Ma Ling are not allowed to import into our country. Mr. Chen: I have to say it is the thing that we’ve never met before. In my opinion, overly strict regulations are just another way of restricting imports. 【依我的意见,过于严格的规章还是另一种方式限制进 口。】 Mr. Clinton: Ah, there’s something in what you’re saying. 【啊,你说 得有些道理。】

Situational Dialogue 2 Mr. Chen: Our canned (罐装的;录音的) provisions (规定;食品;预备; 供应补给品;供应粮食) have already been widely sold in various markets abroad (海外市场), and the Ma Ling Label has now been accepted by most of overseas customers and importers. It is impossible for you to use the label as others? Mr. Clinton: If I could I’m willing to (乐意的,情愿的). But I must comply with (照做,遵守) the label requirements according to our law, otherwise we can’t clear the consignment through the Customs (为货物报关). Mr. Chen: Do you have any suggestions? Is there anything we can do? Mr. Clinton: Is it possible for you to get round (说服;消息传开来; 走动;旅行;避免) the Ma Ling Factory to print different labels for us?

Situational Dialogue 2 Mr. Chen: Yes, they might consider it if your requirements are reasonable. Mr. Clinton: Only two languages can be used on the labels according to FDA. * Since there are two principal display panels on the label, one can be in English and the other in Chinese. 【因为在商标上,主要 有两处版面,一处可用中文,另一处可用英文。】* The important point is to have information on one of the panels in English only. 【重要的 一点是,印有说明一处的版面上,只能用英文。】 Mr. Chen: OK, the other two languages should be deleted (删除). Anything else? Mr. Clinton: No, just the two things. Sorry to cause you so much trouble. Mr. Chen: Glad we can help. I’ll give you a final word (给你最后的答 复) in several days. Mr. Clinton: OK. Thank you.

Practices Task 1 Work in pairs to practice the following useful expressions (in its proper form) in situational dialogues. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) my main purpose is to… prefer catch the eye as for plan to import into In my opinion in various markets abroad comply with get round reasonable The important point is… final word

Practices Task 2 Translate the following into Chinese. (1)These goods are very expensive, and easily damaged. 这批货很贵又容易被损坏。 (2) We prefer the most economical packaging. 我们要最经济的包装。 (3) The cost if this article includes packaging. 这种物品的价格已包含了包装费。 (4) As a rule, the buyer ought to bear the charges of packaging. 通常,包装费用应由买方负担。 (5) For dangerous and poisonous cargo, the nature and the generally adopted symbol shall be marked conspicuously on each package. 对于危险品和有毒的货物,在每件包装上应有醒目的标记及性质 说明。

Practices Task 2 Translate the following into Chinese. (6)We pack each item in a box, a dozen to a box and 10 dozens to a wooden case. 我们把每单件装入一个盒子里,一打装一箱,十打装一个木箱。 (7) Nowadays many kinds of drinks are packed in paper tins. 现今很多饮料使用纸听装。 (8) All the cases are strongly packed in compliance with your request. 按你方要求,所有箱子都包装得很牢固。 (9) The goods must be packed in five-ply strong paper bags as stipulated in the contract. 货物应按合同规定用五层厚牢固纸袋包装。 (10) Attractive label is very necessary. 具有吸引力的标签非常必要。

Practices Task 2 Translate the following into Chinese. (11) The washing instructions are on the label. 洗涤说明在标签上。 (12) Be sure to label all boxes. 一定要标记所有包装箱。 (13) The label of two companies all appears in the product to wrap mount. 两公司的标识均出现在产品包装上。 (14) Record the quality records, and label on the production under requirement. 按要求做好质量记录,按规定对产品进行标识。

Practices Task 3 Translate the following into English. (1) 每批货我们都会特别小心的。 We always take extra care with every shipment. (2) 这种物品易碎,请以耐用包装来装箱。 As this article is fragile, please case it into durable packaging. (3) 外包装应坚固,适合运输。 The outer packing should be strong enough for transportation. (4) 至于内包装,必须具有吸引力,有利于促销。 As to the inner packaging, it must be attractive and helpful to the sales. (5) 木箱要十分坚固足以保护货物不受任何损失。 The wooden case should be strong enough to protect the goods from any damage.

Practices Task 3 Translate the following into English. (6) 请把每台微波炉装一纸板箱,每四台装一木箱。 Please pack one micro-wave oven to a cardboard box, 4 sets to a wooden case. (7) 由你方选择外包装用纸板箱还是使用木箱。 The outer packing in carton or in wooden cases is at your option. (8) 请确保此包装牢固,足以承受粗暴装运。 Please make sure that the packaging is strong enough to stand rough handling. (9) 所有减价品都有特殊标签。 All the sale items had special labels. (10) 我们自己有一个不错的标签。 We have a wonderful label ourselves.

Practices Task 3 Translate the following into English. (11) 箱子标签贴错了。 The suitcase is incorrectly labeled. (12) 包装和标签材料应符合规定的规格标准。 Packaging and labeling materials should conform to established specifications. (13) 我们根据行业公认的方式去贴标产品。 We label the products according to the industry accepted method. (14) 关于新标签他们已达成共识。 They have reach an agreement on new labeling. (15) 你们最好在饮料瓶上清楚地标明咖啡因和其他成分的剂量。 You’d better label the drink with the amount of caffeine and other ingredients clearly.

Practices Task 4 Compose a dialogue on the following situation. Mr. Black from the U.S. to visit Ms. Liu of ABC Company to talk about changing the packing method and make sure the labeling of the goods they want to import.