vxVistA Project: Summary Slide The vxVistA Project is envisioned as a method of providing a platform for an Open Source EMR based on the FOIA released version of VistA, the EMR developed and used by the Dept of Veterans Affairs. DSS has released an EPL licensed, OS version of its software, vxVistA as of the first of this year that runs on Intersystems Caché DSS has established a community collaboration site, vxVistA.org for use by the Open Source community. The community is currently installing a version of Open Source vxVistA that will run against GT.M, an OS M software. vxVistA contributed to the College Curriculum Consortium, providing the software for its demonstration. vxVistA.org has numerous development, enhancement, and tracking tools available for use by the Open Source Community vxVistA has obtained ARRA/ONC certification in the 2 nd quarter of 2011 for an inpatient setting
May, 2011 OHT Project 9/2011 Boca Chart vxVistA Content Release vxVistA as Open Source Platform Establish Web Site for Community Collaboration Demonstration Center (Web) for Integrating Applications, etc., into vxVistA Environment Quality Control Partnering Programs Licensing through EPL vxVistA Certified Modules Open Source Development Tools available on vxVista.org web site (Confluence, Jira, Gliffy, etc) vxVistA on GT.M vxVistA provided for College Consortium Curriculum Development vxVistA.made available for College Curriculum Consor- tium project (Oregon 8/10) Versioning/Authentication being developed CPT licensing from AMA IDC-10 Anticipated vxVistA on GT.M ARRA Certification Showcase at Shepherdstown, Shepherd University, School of Nursing April 30, 09, Release Code Not For Commercial User License Oct 30, 09, Beta Release Dec 30, 09 vxVistA.org site open Dec 30, 09 vxVistA available for download Dec 2010 Phase II of vxVistA.org June 2011 ARRA certification Per VA VistA Practice Licensing/Commissions VistA Release Schedule Partner Agreements Web Site Preparations/updates Webinars for various vxVistA features ONC Meaningful Use Certification GT.M & Caché versions of vxVistA Obtain ARRA Certification as a Complete Ambulatory EHT Obtain ARRA Certification as a Complete Inpatient EHR VA VistA FOIA Releases 3 rd Party Licenses QA Efforts Beta Testers availability Intersystems Cache GT.M ARRA Certification Partners for ARRA Certification Added Deleted & Changed Milestones Packaging Editions Dependencies Pressures
12 Month Rolling Plan 3st Q 2011 vxVistA 3Q10 Establish GT.M Version 4Q10 vxVista.org version 2 1Q11 Deployment of vxVistA on GT.M Continued Integration with VHA 2Q11 ARRA Certification of vxVistA OS (vxVistA version ) 3Q11 Develop Community Support for vxVistA on GT.M 4Q11 Collaborate with Custodial Agency of VA & DoD