Ontario International Transport and logistics Section 10: Haz Mat
Ruled in the USA under CFR49 / HAZ MAT
Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG)
5 In Canada, called ‘Transport of Dangerous Goods (TDG): Directives in 16 parts: Part 1: General interpretation and special cases Part 2: Classification Part 3: Documentation Part 4: Danger indication – Dangerous goods Part 5: Packaging Part 6: Training Part 7: Emergency response plan Part 8: Requirement regarding volunteer or accidental rejects
6 TDG CANADA – Table of content (2) Part 9: Road Transportation Part 10: Rail transportation Part 11: Ocean transportation Part 12: Air Transportation Part 13: Orders Part 14: Equivalent security level Part 15: Court orders Part 16: Inspectors
9 classes OF HAZ MAT
CLASSES OF DANGEROUS GOODS (TDG) Class 1: Explosives Class 2: Gases Class 3: Flammable liquids and combustile liquids Class 4: Flammable solids Class 5: Oxydizers and roganic peroxyde Class 6: Poison Class 7: Radioactive Class 8: Corrosive Class 9: Misc Be carefull, not exactly the same placards in the USA and in Canada. HAZ MAT placarding is in evolution around the world.
9 PLACARDING TDG -PART 4.15 PLACARDING TDG -PART 4.15 The shipper must provide placards (when required) for quantities greater than 500 kg for the following: Class 1 Classes 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 Class 3 Classes 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 Classes 5.1, 5.2 Classes 6.1, 6.2 Classes 7 cat I, II Class 8 Class 9 Exceptions Class 7 cat.III: any qty Explosive 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.5 > 10 kg Class 1.4B, C, D, E, F and G, for more than 1000 kg Explosive 1.4S: none ERAP Large MoC
11 EXAMPLE OF AN OVERPACK Paint, UN 1263, Net Qty 3L Acetone, UN 1090, Net Quantity 2L Butyl acid phosphate, UN1718, Net Qty 0.5L From: ABC Chemical 521 Bourbon St Montreal, QC, Canada H1B 2T3 OVERPACK Orientation arrows on opposite sides To: CB Enterprises 888 West 64 th Street W Calgary, AB, Canada T4T 5G5
12 MARKING & LABELLING (DGR , ) All packed in one The required markings of ; UN number of each dangerous goods Proper Shipping of each dangerous goods Net quantity or gross weight of each dangerous goods Shipper’s and consignee’s addresses Packages must bear the UN specification mark or be clearly marked with the Limited Quantity mark. All hazard label(s) of each class or division contained.
14 There are four (4) elements that are key in the Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG). 1.TRAINING and CERTIFIYING the personnel; 2.Complete adequately proper DOCUMENTATION; 3.PACKAGE accordingly with regulation. Use the UN boxes; 4.PLACARD Vehicles (large means of containment) and LABEL boxes / crates (small means of containment).
CFT Canada