Living Environment Prime8 The study of Living Things. How do we determine if something is a “living thing”? Prime8
Living Things are Made Up of Cells 1 Living Things are Made Up of Cells Cells perform all of life’s activities: METABOLISM
Living Things Respond to their Environment 2 Transport – substances enter and leave cells Excretion – removal of harmful wastes from the organism Synthesis – building large molecules from small molecules
Living Things Obtain and Use Materials and Energy 3 Living Things Obtain and Use Materials and Energy Ex: All living things (like a salamander) must take in materials and energy to grow, develop and reproduce Nutrition Cellular Respiration
Living Things Maintain a Stable Internal Environment 4 Ex: A human, running in a track meet, may have to deal with outside temperatures of 100ºF. However, her internal temperature must remain stable. HOMEOSTASIS
HOMEOSTASIS REGULATION Keeping all body systems in balance same state/condition Keeping all body systems in balance MORE examples: Shivering/sweating Blood sugar control REGULATION
Living Things Reproduce 5 Living Things Reproduce Sexual Reproduction Asexual Reproduction “Making more of your own kind”
Living Things Grow and Develop 6 Increasing in size = increase in number of cells MITOSIS
Living Things are Based on a Universal Genetic Code 7 Living Things are Based on a Universal Genetic Code DNA DeoxyriboNucleic Acid
Taken as a Group, Living Things Change Over Time 8 Taken as a Group, Living Things Change Over Time The basic traits of an INDIVIDUAL organism usually do not change -BUT- Over many generations, GROUPS of organisms evolve (change over time) EVOLUTION