How to write a story
Think about …… These will help you to know ….. Who? Where? When? Where next? Why? What went wrong Who helped? What did they do? What happened at the end? Feelings/emotions These will help you to know …..
First you have to….. Describe who the characters are going to be. What sort of characters are they? - evil, kind, miserable, cowardly
Next consider ….. Where and when did your story take place. This is called the setting.
Time for the Problem…. Where do your characters go next in the story? Why? What goes wrong? Who helps? What do they do?
Finally ….the Solution How does it all end? What type of ending is it? - celebratory - miserable - triumphant
Write in the first person by using words like: I, me, we, you, she, her, he, him, them etc. Write mainly in the past tense eg:words ending in ed
Use sentence openers to help the reader e. g Use sentence openers to help the reader e.g. A few minutes later, Meanwhile, After a while, Suddenly
Use amazing adjectives to help create a picture in the reader’s head
Use connectives to help the reader eg: because, but, while which
Use powerful verbs to describe the action in the story
Describe the feelings of the person telling the story at different points.
Include Important Events A summary of what happens in the story. The events in the story This is known as the plot.