Working with change
In our constantly changing world we need to find effective ways of dealing effectively with change. This presentation outlines some methods you may find useful.
The effects of change People have a cycle of reactions to change. We may go through each stage quickly or it may take some time to get to the stage where we accept the change.
The Transition Curve
Three techniques for planning change See, feel then change (Kotter) Freeze – unfreeze – refreeze (Lewin) Solutions Focus (Jackson and McKergow)
See, feel then change 1.Increase the urgency 2.Build the guiding team 3.Get the vision right 4.Communicate for buy-in 5.Empower action 6.Create short-term wins 7.Don't let up 8.Make change stick
Freeze – unfreeze - refreeze People are frozen in their old ways of working. They have to unfreeze for a transition period to learn new ways of working. Once the new techniques are well established they freeze into them, to maintain them.
Solutions Focus Focus on the solutions, not the problems. Identify what works and do more of it. Paul Z. Jackson & Mark McKergow
The Future Perfect The Solutions Focus approach suggests ways of identifying the ‘Future Perfect’ What if a miracle happened and the problem went away overnight – how would you know? What would you see? What would you be doing? What would other people notice that was different?
Working with change First - plan what to change. Next - plan how to implement the change.
A technique for working with change Force Field analysis Helps you to identify ways of ‘pushing’ or pulling’ a change by analysing the drivers and barriers.
How to carry out a force field analysis Identify what could drive the change. Identify what could restrain it. Find ways of increasing the drivers and/or reducing the restrainers.
De Bono’s Six Hats White: Focuses on information known or needed. Deals with facts. Red: Responds to emotions, feelings, and intuition, without explanation. Blue: Organises the thinking process, considers all the aspects that need to be thought through. Green: Thinks creatively, considering the possibilities, alternatives and new ideas. Yellow: Optimistic, positive, looks for benefits and what is good. Black: Judgemental, critical; looks for why something is wrong or might not work.
Tools for working with change Decision trees ml ESD Toolkit Mind mapping Word storm/word showers Edward de Bono’s ‘Six Thinking Hats’ ooee_cobber/tips/bono_glance.htm